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Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.

 Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.

Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.
Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.

ThereDrink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.
is a drink that costs nothing but no less than medicine provided you use it properly. Its water. Not cold, not hot, but hot water.

Not only for digestion and fat loss, it has some unheard-of benefits for more complex problems that have been praised in Ayurveda and are supported by scientific studies today.

We'll also talk about times when you should avoid drinking hot water. So without further ado, let's get started. Hello friends! Welcome to Fit Tuber.

Why not supplement with good old hot water as your zero-cost natural fat burner. Not only advocated by Ayurveda

  In fact, a modern study published in 2003 found that switching from drinking cold water to hot water increases your metabolism, which helps burn excess body fat. When 14 men and women were randomly given 500ml of normal and hot water, the hot water group's metabolism increased by 40%.

The research concluded that an additional 400 units of energy would be burned only if one drank 2 liters of warm water a day. Which is equivalent to 15 minutes of sprinting. Hot water works to reduce fat in 3 ways. First, it increases metabolism as we have just seen.

    Second, it breaks down body fat into molecules more efficiently than plain water, making it easier for the digestive system to burn them. And third, if you drink a glass of warm water 30 minutes before your main meal, it will reduce your appetite. Two consecutive 2-year studies showed that when 50 overweight women drank 500ml of water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 8 weeks, they all lost their body weight, Fat, BMI, and appetite.

Just as ice cannot withstand the heat of the sun, body fat melts in the heat of warm water. Squeeze some lemon juice and not only will you drink it more easily, but the fat-cutting effect will also be faster. Therefore, it is wise that you invest in a thermos bottle. Digestion Just as the power of running water breaks up and dislodges stubborn stones, warm water softens lumps of digestive waste, making it easier for your body to eliminate them.

A 2016 study of 60 adults found that hot water increases bowel movements and helps expel gas from the body more effectively than plain water. Why rely on laxatives, suggests Ayurveda, when all you need is a glass of warm water. Science today agrees that when we drink hot water, our body temperature increases, which causes food to break down faster and absorb nutrients more efficiently than plain water. You can experience it.

On a particular day after you have had a heavy dinner, sip a glass of warm water. You will feel better immediately as the digestive fire increases. There are research papers showing that hot water produces more saliva than cold water and we know that digestion starts in the mouth.

A study found that people who drank hot water moved food through their esophagus faster than those who drank cold water. Basically, the way a car engine works more efficiently in a hot climate, the body's digestive engine works better when given warm water. And if you trust Ayurveda, add a teaspoon of fennel seeds in warm water to get their mild taste and save yourself from the trouble of digestive problems.


Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.
Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.

  Keeps the heart healthy

  Drinking cold water is like driving on a local road, but drinking hot water is like driving on a highway. By this I mean that hot water has the property of dilating the arteries and veins, due to which the blood circulates easily. This results in a spontaneous decrease in blood pressure.


Also, unlike plain water, warm water breaks down dietary fat more effectively in the digestive system, which reduces cholesterol build-up in the arteries. A 25-year long-term study of 1,200 adults found that those who drank hot water regularly were less likely to have a heart attack.

    Ayurveda is strong and modern science supports that if you add a few slices of ginger in hot water, it works as a natural blood thinner. Add a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to warm water and it works like a mild statin drug. So take a sip of warm water and relax your heart.


Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.
Drink it daily for 21 days, the result will surprise you.

Calms the mind:

  When our mind is stressed, the body releases toxic chemicals. The liver produces excess blood sugar. Veins and arteries become hard. There is insomnia. Next time you're stressed, skip the sleeping pills, take a deep breath, and drink.

Weight Loss Moringa Tea

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