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Netanyahu delays judicial reforms amid mass protests in Israel


Netanyahu delays judicial reforms amid mass protests in Israel

Netanyahu delays judicial reforms amid mass protests in Israel

Throughout the day, protesters gathered in Jerusalem and other Israeli cities. They say the proposed legislation would not only reduce judicial checks and balances on the government but would also strip Israel of its identity as a democracy. Pressure is coming not only from the protesters but also from right-wing members of the ruling coalition, so Prime Minister Netanyahu's plan to compromise has been delayed.


    But legislation is not to be abandoned. We are not facing enemies but brothers and I say we cannot have a civil war. This is a crisis that threatens our basic unity. We all need to act responsibly which will not satisfy us. Jogo’s power must be ended forever. We have said from the beginning that the temporary suspension legislation is not acceptable, nor do we demand that the entire legislation be thrown into the dustbin of history.


    After the TV adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood's dystopian vision of the future, the women in red protesting where women have no rights will be the first to be harmed. When our democracy becomes a dictatorship in Israel, it will be women because they want to expand, for example, the powers of religious courts, and there is no respect for women in religious courts until the sun goes down.


    With rival pro-government protesters in the streets, the far-right security minister has agreed to a legislative break only if he can create a new national guard whose purpose is still unclear. But what would come under his ministry's control, the parliamentary constitutional committee said, including right-wing parties representing Jewish settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories, had threatened to leave the coalition if Prime Minister Netanyahu did not agree. Will give Chaos broke out in this morning's session, with opposition members trying to push government members through legislation that would weaken the judiciary.

Netanyahu delays judicial reforms amid mass protests in Israel

    Amplifying his power is the fact that people are calling for Lee to stop. Gestation Since some groups do not accept the results of the elections in Israel, I think it is the most undemocratic thing one can imagine that Sharma yelled at the opposition, especially Defense Minister Year Gallant. Angry at yesterday's layoffs pushed by many soldiers and others.


The army called for legislation, saying that what has happened in the last 24 hours is madness, they have lost their minds and they have lost their way. This is proof that this regime has lost all control and is dangerous to the state of Israel. Our Home Security is at Risk Perhaps the most genuine protest comes from reservist frogmen in the Navy SEALs who, like other members of the Israeli military, believe the government's plans are undemocratic.


    Tonight's riots were police trying to disperse anti-government protests to ensure Netanyahu's ruling coalition can survive. But the divisions in Israeli society are now deeper and more dangerous than ever. But he continues.


Mubarak thinks he wants to get on with what's going on. If so, it means that the man will talk about the independence of the Supreme Court. Until the government fails you.


    Mr. Catania has been warning about the direction for some time now do you think he is changing or do you think he is just being pushed by his alliance partners? It doesn't matter who is in charge, there is only one prime minister.


    The whole system and he is responsible although many of us have the question in our minds, what happened to him? Some decisions seem completely irrational. Israelis begin to question whether the prime minister is working with them. what do you think about this? The law challenging the Supreme Court's power has brought many people to the streets.


    Well, basically there are only two branches in Israel, the legislature and the executive, the same legislature that ate the grants are all already enslaved, so only the judiciary is left to remain independent. So if you take this freedom as an example, make it clear that the government will make political nominations to the Supreme Court, which will turn it into a democracy in one step.


    Especially the protest of pilot fighter pilot cyber warriors. People who volunteer for their two reservoirs in Israel basically say we have a deal with democratic Israel where we are risking our lives. Something buried our best friends in government jobs. Often we question and disagree with their policies but this is democracy and we follow others.


    Once it's a dictatorship, even a semi-dictatorship, we're not there. We don't have a deal and we won't make a deal with a government that BB can't do. He fought for the majority and imprisoned himself so that he could be blackmailed by racist Jews from Michigan to become a member of his pyramid scheme.

Netanyahu delays judicial reforms amid mass protests in Israel


    The boy was accused of becoming one of the chiefs of police and national security and was convicted in about eight cases ranging from torture to participation in terrorist activities. Catania’s decision was very bad and he is going to pay the price.


    I mean, you're using extraordinary language when you talk about the racism of totalitarian Jewish terrorism. I mean do you really feel that Israel is a dangerous road now, you know the side that calls the best sons and daughters of our people fighter pilots and specials?


    The forces that call them anarchists and terrorists because they refuse to give in to dictatorship are the old game of the right-wing uh-kaput-fascist movement to blame everything on the other side and 100 a day. To lie. Repeat until it is half done.

    Thank you very much thank you really thank you for your time thank you all viewers.




Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union







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