attack on Somnath, what is the reality?
In this
article, a small attempt has been made to present the fact of the demolition of the Somnath temple. The question of what is the reality of the Ghaznavid attack on Somnath is still important today.
Indian Hindu
extremist leaders and journalists have been criticized on social media over
images of Taliban leader Anas Haqqani visiting the shrine of 10th-century ruler
Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi, which was recently shared on social media.
Even liberal journalists like Rajdeep Sardesai
started criticizing him. He called Mahmud Ghaznavi a tyrant and a ruler who
demolished temples. So was Sultan Mahmood of Ghazni really a tyrant? And did
they really demolish the temple of Somnath or is it a myth?
Ghaznavi's opinion that he demolished the temple of Somnath due to hatred of
idol worship or prejudice against Hindus is wrong. Indian author Romela Thapar
writes in her book Somnath that the British removed the door from Ghaznavi's
mausoleum in the 19th century at the request of Hindus and saved it in Agra
fort saying that it was stolen from Somnath temple.
In fact, the gates were not only made of sandalwood but also of the cedar wood found in Afghanistan.
According to
Romela, the story may have been fabricated by the British to spread hatred
between Hindus and Muslims. Because at that time the East India Company was
trying its best to gain complete control over India.
And for that, they were adopting the strategy of "divide and rule". There is also
weight in Romola's case because if Mahmud Ghaznavi really hated mandates, he
would not only target the temple of Somnath but would adopt the same attitude
all over India.
example is that if Mahmud Ghaznavi hated Hindus or demolished temples, he would
have demolished the first Buddha statue in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Which he did
not do during his reign nor did the Muslim rulers who came after him.
On the contrary, the statue was demolished by
the Taliban in 2001 following the same philosophy that the British had set up
to divide Hindus and Muslims. Besides, in the famous book on the history of
Punjab written in the history of Punjab, Syed Muhammad Latif writes that Mahmud
Ghaznavi had thousands of Hindu soldiers in his army.
If he had
attacked the Somnath temple on the basis of faith, his own Hindu soldiers would
not have sided with him but would have revolted. An objective analysis reveals
that the Ghaznavid attack on the Somnath Temple was based on access to the
hidden wealth and not on hatred of idolatry.
In India,
both the Hindu extremist organizations and the Taliban are distorting the facts
and presenting Mahmood Ghaznavi as the Messiah and the negative character.
Their goal may be to strengthen their political reputation at the local level.
The Taliban
government is currently battling a dangerous terrorist organization like ISIS.
Public support is needed to defeat them. Hindu extremist parties BJP and RSS
need anti-Muslim hate material for UP elections.
That is why the Taliban and the BJP have
unknowingly helped each other. Therefore, whether the political objectives are
met or not, it is certain that the loss of this hateful politics will be borne
by the Muslim minorities of India.