Zariab is a black Men
Hukam respected him so
much that he went out to pick him up and made Nadeem special by giving him huge
rewards and property. Thanks to him, music became popular in Andalusia. It was
especially popular in Isabella, and when the Isabella government ۔came to an
end, those who knew the art left and went to West and Africa
It is mentioned that the year 799 AD is 182 AH when one of the enlightened cities of this century. the court of the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid was in Baghdad. This period of the Abbasid Caliph was called the period of scientific, cultural, and religious tolerance.
al-Rashid's noble and glorious court patronized music and song as much as the
patron saint of science and art. The bright stars of music began to shine on
this horizon. Haroon Al-Rasheed was very interested in music. At his court, the
then world-renowned musician and singer Ishaq Musali was present with his
There was also a black student in the caliph's
court. The caliph asked the student from Mosul, "Well, what would you
say?" The black student replied politely, "The proverb is in my
heart, a melody and a word that no one has ever heard." The caliph enthusiastically
ordered the black man to sing. The student looked at his teacher with
permission-seeking eyes, the teacher also gave permission to his student with
his eyes.
The sweet and melodious voice of the black
student and the demolition singing made the atmosphere unbearable. As soon as
his fingers touched the strings, they sounded like water, breaking the silence
in the palace, only the sound of music and singing spread all around. The
caliph was very impressed with the song and welcomed it. He ordered that
special attention be paid to this student and that he be granted many
After performing in Baghdad, the caliph and his
courtiers sat Zaryab on their heads, making his teacher al-Mussali and other
students feel insecure. Because of their jealousy, Zaryab faced difficulties.
After the death of the caliph, Zariab had to save his life and leave Baghdad.
In about 813, he traveled from Baghdad to Damascus
(Syria) and then to Cairo and Alexandria (Egypt), and then to Cairo (Tunisia).
Zaryab remembered more than a thousand melodies and he was
without a doubt in the
tan scene of that time
Zaryab excelled in the
art of music, at the time an instrument called "Odd" was used in
Andalusia. Aud had four strings, Zaryab added another string with these four strings
which are considered to be Zaryab's major contribution in music. It is said that
the status of the four strings in Ond is that of the soul, while the status of
the fifth string (essence) introduced by Zarib is that of the soul
Pieces of wood were used
to move the wires of the incense, instead, Zariab used the beak of an eagle,
which is why today a plastic triangle is used, a modified form of the eagle's
beak. Is. Zariab changed the whole music of Andalusia, he composed new music on
modern lines, Spanish music is still very much influenced by Zarib's
As well as being an expert in music and other
arts, Zaryab was proficient in every art. It had a very delicate taste. He was
a very intelligent and modern man. His aesthetic tastes and innovations had a
profound effect on Spanish culture. He introduced the art of decoration to
Spain and at the same time, he was an expert in the decoration of royal palaces.
He did this so well
that the rulers and nobles of Cordoba were astonished and the elite and the
people called him an extraordinary man. He also introduced dramatic changes to
Andalusian cuisine, such as Zaryab's Dastar Khan tradition. In fact, the
tradition of eating at the table and in the chair is not of the British but of
the Spaniards, who were introduced by Zaryab
The custom of putting sheets on the dining table
for cleanliness and beauty also started from Zaryab. For this purpose, Zaryab
used thin layers of leather to cover the wooden table. The invention of Zaryab
in the form of covering the drawing table with a sheet, plastic sheet, or
something else is still going on today
Many people in the
East believe that the use of spoons, forks, and knives is the British way. It is
true that this style of food came from Europe, but in Europe, this type of food
did not originate from the British, but from the Spanish city of Andalusia,
which was founded by none other than Zaria. In Andalusia, people used metal
utensils and glasses for food and drink. The rich ate in pots of gold and silver.
Zaryab introduced the most beautiful glass for drinks and the people of
Andalusia learned to use glass vessels instead of gold, silver, copper, and
other metals
The people of the world are still benefiting from
this discovery of Zarib. In Andalusia, the use of glassware at major festivals
and feasts was considered a source of pride. In addition to glassware, Zariab
also introduced the use of spoons and knives during meals. Zaryab also made
many innovations in cooking, most of which were roasted meats in Spain at the
time. Zariab told people that the meat should be cooked in different ways
besides just frying. He also introduced cooking meat with vegetables.
In addition to cooking, Zaryab developed a variety
of recipes, including the use of fresh vegetables and salads. Zaryab encouraged
people to use more vegetables and fruits in their diet. Zaryab was the one who
used white mescaline to eat. Even today, asparagus is used as the most
expensive vegetable in the West
Many sweets are also
attributed to Zariab, Jalebi is one of the favorite sweets of the people of the
subcontinent. Jalebi was also coined by Zaryab while living in Spain. The word
Jalebi is actually a modified form of "Zalabi", a formula brought by
the Arabs from India. Jaggery is cooked and mixed with peanuts or other fruits
to make a sweet which is called jaggery bile in our country. It was also first
prepared by Zaryab
He also made a special
kind of kebab called "Nakaya". A special type of samosas is also
attributed to him which is called "Nokia". Zaryab used some new
spices and some vegetables as food for the first time. Zaryab founded the
Course Mail at Spain's royal banquets, in which guests were first served a hot
drink (soup), followed by a variety of food and then a sweet dish. The
tradition of this course mail started by Zaryab is still alive today despite
the passage of centuries
Now we will tell you what innovations Zaryab made
in the beautification of Spain
In the days when Zariab entered Andalusia, all the men and women there used to put their hair on their foreheads and leave their hair on their foreheads and eyebrows. The sophisticated Zariab didn't like this hairstyle, hehe even gave her hairstyle in Spain. The princes liked this hairstyle of Zaryab very much and gradually most of the people also adopted this hairstyle
Zaryab was an innovator by nature, so he was a
very sophisticated man. Zariab also expressed his sophistication in costumes.
This black slave boy taught the people of Spain that they should wear clothes
of the colors that suit the wearer, according to the time and season.
Zaryab's ideology caused a stir in Spain, it gave
birth to a new industry, the fashion industry, and he was very good at
inventing new fashions. He taught the Spaniards to dress nicely, while every word that came out of his mouth was important and every movement of the body
was becoming a fashion
Zariab revolutionized the way people lived during
this period. Throughout Europe he was considered the father of fashion, his
fashion was so enduring that its effects can still be seen in Europe and other
parts of the world. Zaryab envisioned separate outfits for morning, evening, and
night, meaning that every time the attire should be different. Zaryab taught
people that the style and style of clothing should be different depending on
the time and season
In fact, in those
days, heavy and tight clothing was considered important by the people of
Andalusia because the people of Andalusia were not aware of the importance of
the choice of clothes and colors in clothing. Zariab was aware of the election.
He told people to wear light clothes in summer and light colors to suit the
In winter, dark-colored thick clothes should be
used. He also made special attire for the ministers and nobles present at the
court. To mark the positions, Zariab made mufflers or ribbons of different
colors and styles which were worn around the neck of the shirt or kurta. It
would not be wrong to say that even after many centuries, the West has designed
many of its fashions with experience in mind. Or we can say that today's
western fashion is based on Zaryab's experiences. Most Western thinkers
acknowledge this fact in their books
Zaryab made significant advances in health and
beauty, and there was no daily bath in Spain at that time. Most people in
Europe did not take a bath for several weeks. Zariab told the Spaniards the benefits
of taking a bath twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Zaryab's
recipe led to the royal family and emperors taking two baths
In Spain, people did not pay much attention to
dental hygiene. Zariab persuaded them to take special care of their dental
hygiene and also made the world's first toothpaste using local herbs. The
ingredients of this toothpaste are not known but it is found in books so much
that it was delicious and fragrant
The kings and emperors of Andalusia used to
sprinkle roses and other flowers on the clothes for perfume, but this would
cause stains on the clothes. Zaryab developed a special blend of perfume for
clothing and the body. It can be said that this compound developed by Zaryab
was the earliest form of modern perfume and deodorant
In those days, men and women used to wash their
hair with a special liqueur mixed with roses. Zariab added a few salts and
aromatic herbs to the liqueur, which helped to cleanse and strengthen the hair.
Let's say it's an ancient form of today's shampoo. To remove dirt and infection
from clothes, Zaryab developed washing powder, which was used to clean dirty
clothes, the composition of which was highly praised
In the ninth century, most European houses were
built in such a way that the room had only one door, with no idea of air and
light passing through. Zariab changed the style of construction, giving the
Spaniards the idea of large and spacious lights in the rooms for air and
light. Zaryab also explained the medicinal properties of many plants and herbs
and the different ways of using them. He also built music schools and beauty
parlors and restaurants. The people of Andalusia were impressed by Zaryab's
innovative nature, and Zaryab was considered a shining example in even the
smallest detail of his elegant life
As we know, Ibn al-Hashim and al-Farabi taught
physics, Jabir ibn Hayyan taught chemistry, al-Sama'i taught biology, al-Razi
and al-Zahrawi taught medicine, Ibn Khaldun and al-Biruni wrote historiography,
al-Mas'udi al-Darisi taught geography Tusi taught astronomy and al-Kandi and
al-Khwarizmi the knowledge of mathematics and algebra to the world, and his
achievements were adopted by the West
Similarly, Zaryab has introduced the art of music as well as the high ideals of good manners and healthy living. Even today, in every home of the world, something is smelled with the mind and experience of this black (shady) fashion designer, stylist, chef, Zaryab.
Al Farabi Muslim Philosopher
What is the beginning of civilization?