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Middle East history timeline




Middle East history timeline

Middle East history timeline
   Middle East history timeline

From the Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea, as the Middle East is the center of world politics today, if look at history, this region has been the center of civilization and politics of Asia, Africa, and Europe for more than three thousand years. 

 The ancient civilizations of the world were born here. Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations, Greek civilizations, which archaeologists call Eurasian civilizations, grew up near these areas.

 The world's three major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam were born here. The two great civilizations of human history that still exist today in their ancient form belong to the Middle East, namely the Arabic and Persian civilizations. The Middle East is the most interesting subject of history and tourism.

 The eastern part of the Roman Empire was in fact the Middle East. In European civilization, the Roman Empire is said to be the greatest power in the world. Istanbul, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, was its heart, an ancient city in Europe and the Middle East.

Middle East history timeline
   Middle East history timeline

 After the advent of Islam, the Arabs converted to Islam instead of the Persian and Roman-Byzantine civilizations and established their supremacy in cultural development in the East. The Arab-Ajam conflict is a thousand of years old conflict in the Middle East, which existed in its new form before, after, and after Islam. The influence of Arab civilization on the Middle East deepened after the advent of Islam.

Arab civilization and language and culture made the Middle East completely Arab. Its effects spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula and from Gibraltar to Europe.


  Muslim civilization in Spain was another addition to this Arab civilization. Muslim Spain left an indelible mark on world history and civilization. Over time, the Muslim era from Spain ended, but Muslim Spain left an indelible mark on human history.

  The effects of the Arab-Islamic era on Muslim Spain are due to the whole of today's West. Muslim Spain revived the world by translating all the buried Greek sciences. Muslim Spain fell, but it made a spectacular addition to human history.

Muslim Spain is the gateway to the development of Europe and the West, which has revived Greek, Hindi, and world sciences through translation. And giving people the freedom to think. In Jewish history, Jews ceded Muslim Spain. Muslim Spain allowed Jews to flourish in terms of knowledge, thought, and research.

  Muslim Spain played an important role in the social sciences. The separation from church politics in Europe is due to the intellectuals of Muslim Spain changed Europe and the West, that is, the separation from the politics of Christianity. This intellectual movement entered Italy from Spain. The church and the clergy were separated from politics. Then the movement spread. The French Revolution and later the development of science and the Industrial Revolution in Europe is due to this social and intellectual movement. The Middle East, connected to Europe, has been having visible and hidden effects on it for thousands of years.

If one reads the history of the rise and fall of civilizations, one is amazed that if a region disappears from a region, a new one will come in its place. When the Byzantine Empire, the center of European civilization and power, whose heart was Constantinople (Istanbul), was overthrown, it was replaced by the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia.

These Seljuk Turks came from Central Asia to the Middle East as gypsies and shepherds. First, they became soldiers of the Arabs, then they established the Turkish provinces, and then they succeeded in establishing the largest empire in the world. The Ottoman Empire spread to three continents, Asia, Africa, and Europe, and replaced the Byzantine Empire. Interestingly, Turkish civilization originated not only in the Middle East, which for centuries was divided into Arab and Persian and established the world's largest empire.

For nearly four centuries, the Ottoman Empire ruled a Turkish civilization, Arab, African, Asian, and some European regions. However, it did not succeed in establishing power over the Iranian or Persian territories.

Middle East history timeline
  Middle East history timeline

The scientific and industrial age in Europe ushered in a new era of Western civilization. Through colonialism, the European powers succeeded in establishing their dominance over the world. Asia, Africa, America, Australia, and Latin America.

At the same time, Western civilization began to dominate the world with science and technology. Today's world is under the influence of the West which has technology. The power of technology has given them opportunities for economic, military, and military supremacy. The United States, Latin America, and Australia are satellites of European civilization. Today's world is the world of the West. This Western world gave birth to capitalism which gave birth to colonies and later to global capitalism and then to superpowers.

Western civilization, which was in the grip of capitalism and global hegemony, suffered a major blow when, in 1917, a mixed Asian-European civilization led by Lenin, Russia launched the Bolshevik Revolution to challenge Western notions of capitalism and superpowers. started. It was a wake-up call for global capitalists.

 A workers' government was formed. Capitalism was challenged in Europe and the West. Russia, which for centuries had a political and military conflict with Europe emerged as a communist and with a new philosophy of economy and governance. Communist Russia, Communist Russia, challenged global capitalism and capitalist civilization and rule and challenged the global supremacy of European civilization and the United States, the champion of power. Confronting the world power born of capitalism, the state built on the philosophy of the workers challenged the global supremacy of world imperialism.


 Later, under the same philosophy, Communist China emerged under the leadership of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, and thus the world was divided into two parts. The capitalist world of the world, its allies, and dependent territories, and the ruling and socialist world. This is where the Cold War began. The Cold War under the leadership of the former Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China undermined the agenda of global capitalism and global imperialism.

The Middle East consists of three major languages: Arabic, Persian and Turkish. In addition to the Arabs, Iran and Turkey is among the most important countries in the Middle East. But Israel suffered a kind of military defeat, which was acknowledged by the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice used the term for the first time since Israel's defeat in 2006.

 If we look at the Middle East scene since the 1990s, we see the new Middle East that looks to the future. According to research, the game is being played under a US plan to divide the Middle East into two bases. States and nations should be divided into sects and terrorism should be allowed to flourish as a permanent weapon in the Middle East. ۔

The justification and opportunities for civil war must continue. Syria, Iraq, and Libya are a glimpse of the Middle East.

 Throwing two non-Arab Middle Eastern powers, Iran and Turkey, into it is part of that strategy. The Middle East is as weak today as it was in the last century. There will be a piece of the Middle East, a battlefield, a center of strife and war, and ethnic mixing in the name of Kurdish rights so that such a Middle East plan can achieve ultimate success and overthrow the Turkish state.

 But the anti-imperialist role of Russia and China is very important in this scenario. Because the target of the US imperialist agenda is China and Russia and both are united against it. Especially the role of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if vandalism, civil war and religious terrorism spread, the next target is not Europe but Russia and it's allied Caucasian and Central Asian states.

 Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that Russia is a target of terrorism in the region. Therefore, we see that while Russia has repeatedly vetoed the Security Council in the Syrian conflict and civil war, it has also been a regular ally of Bashar al-Assad in Damascus and terrorists created by the United States and its allies in Syria. Join the fight against and against them.

Middle East history timeline
  Middle East history timeline

From the veto in the Security Council to the resolution of the dispute, the People's Republic of China is its ally on Russia's Middle East policy. The Middle East has been the center of different eras and civilizations for three thousand years, as it is in today's world politics. For the first time since the Cold War in the now-divided Middle East, Russia has directly rejected US policies that have affected the West's Middle East plan.

But we must remember one thing. Change always comes from within a society, a civilization, and a nation. Movements that can awaken the Arab regions and the entire Middle East against the imperialist agenda cannot be ruled out.

Iran's recent role in regional and global politics
Middle East Conflict History


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