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Different Types of Renewable Energy


Different Types of Renewable Energy

Different types of renewable energy Solar energy is obtained by

obtaining energy from sunlight and converting it into heat electricity or hot water. It's practically never-ending with sunlight technology.

Different Types of Renewable Energy
                                                   Different Types of Renewable Energy

Solar panels that generate electricity are called PV, or photovoltaic panels. Solar panels are actually a combination of solar cells, in which a panel is formed by combining several solar cells.

The solar cell usually lasts from twenty to twenty-five years, after which it does not stop working but the efficiency decreases but it keeps working.

There are basically three types of solar cells

Oc Monocrystalline cells

       Polycrystalline cells

       In Thin Film or Amorphous cells

Monocrystalline line.

As the name suggests, one of its cells is made of silicon crystals. It is usually black. Works even in low light. It absorbs 18% of the light and makes electricity which falls on it.

Of the solar cells, this is the most expensive and the most sensitive. It has low heat resistance. It typically performs temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius.

This temperature measurement can vary for each solar panel and is written on each solar panel in the form of NOCT, meaning nominal operating cell temperature. If some cells in a monocrystalline solar panel stay in the light longer and some cells are in the shade at the same time, there is a risk of cell damage. That is, all the cells at a time are either in light or in all shadows/darkness.

Different Types of Renewable Energy
                                                        Different Types of Renewable Energy

Polycrystalline line:

It also has its name, meaning that a cell is made up of many silicon crystals. It is usually blue and sometimes has waves or spots of other colors.

It absorbs 15 absorbers of light falling on it and generates electricity from it, and if it is about the size of a monocrystalline line, it will generate a little less electricity.

Its value is equal to or less than the monocrystalline line. It is a little less sensitive and can withstand a little more heat. It usually works up to 45 degrees Celsius.

  Temperature measurements may vary for each solar panel. Like the monocrystalline line, if it is partially in light and partly in shadow, there is a risk of cell damage.

Thin film / eMarface cell:

Some people call it solar film. It is made of colorless silicone instead of silicon crystal. Usually in black. It absorbs 10% of the light falling on it and generates electricity from it. And so it produces the least amount of electricity in terms of size.

   It is the cheapest and has the greatest heat resistance. It doesn't hurt to live in the dark. Also, it is flexible, so it can be used where the other two types do not exist.

Some important things.

Depending on the type of solar panel, more or less power generation means that all three types are the same size. Then some less and some more.

Solar panels are available in watts per watt. So anyone who types will give full watts, only the monocrystalline line will give one watt in small size. and the polycrystalline line will give one watt a little bigger and the thin film one watt one big size. I will give

The temperature at which a solar panel performs best is written in the form of NOCT, meaning the nominal operating cell temperature on each solar panel. As the temperature rises from this measurement. Its performance is affected by each degree increase.

How much the temperature will affect the performance of the solar panel is written in the form of the temperature coefficient on the solar panel. Suppose the solar panel has a NOCT of 25 degrees Celsius and a temperature coefficient of 0.48%, then it will work up to 25 degrees Celsius.

 But when the temperature starts to rise, with each degree above 25 degrees, the performance of the solar panel will be affected by 0.48. Thus, the higher the temperature, the more the performance will be affected.

Remember that temperature does not mean the temperature of the atmosphere, but the current temperature of the solar cell. This is observed and also keep in mind that the ambient temperature is generally low. And in the same environment, the temperature of something lying on it rises, as if we can stand in the sun ourselves. But iron kept in the sun for a long time will not be touched.

Looking at solar panels from a global perspective, I think the temperature in the plains is 35 to 45 degrees Celsius, mostly in summer. Polycrystals are better for them.

Thin film is best for areas where the heat is high and the temperature is usually above 45 degrees Celsius.

Monocrystalline is best for most northern regions, ie mountainous and cold climates. Remember that high temperatures do not damage solar cells but reduce power generation. And then when the temperature drops, the electricity starts to rise.

Different Types of Renewable Energy
                                                      Different Types of Renewable Energy

A summer day in the plains of the world in which the sun shines all day. If we compare the total power of the monocrystalline line and polycrystalline line throughout the day, it will be almost equal or slightly different.

It happens that when the sun rises in the morning, mono produces more electricity and less poly, as the heat intensity increases, mono performance is affected. And Polly starts making more and then Mono makes more in the evening. Thus the total power of the two is almost equal. However, in winter and cold regions, monocrystalline is more beneficial throughout the year.

Solar panel system for home
solar energy





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