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The importance of black People


The importance of blacks people is always associated with continental Africa. It is a fact that the world's blacks belong to Africa and they are spread from Africa to the whole world.

 The purpose of presenting the same historical significance of blacks to the world is to make the truth clear to all. those who left Africa and settled in their own world also consider themselves part of Africa, but they never set foot on the African soil.

importance of black People
importance of black People

 This is because wherever black settlers have always exploited them as low-minded and low-minded, the facts of the history of European historians calling them slavery is quite contradictory.
Black and Slavery: -

Africa has been one of the most slaughtered continents in the world. the demand for slaves around the world is probably due to their strong color and physical structure.

Those who had private slaves were buying African slaves for slavery because of their social status. But all of this was possible in Europe, mostly in the rest of the world.

Because of the search for black jobs and tribal conflicts in Africa, they have migrated to different regions, which have been presented by European historians as slaves.

 The famous historian of Pakistan, Dr. Feroz, writes in the Ph.D. thesis that "The Arabs in Sindh ruled for three hundred years, it can be speculated that during this period the Arabs would have brought with them African soldiers and employees who later settled down.

 And by marriage, they joined the local population. The Gulf Persia states, which had extensive business relations with Sindh had been of African descent since the seventh century when the last ruling family of Sindh was deposed by their commanders by the Talpurs.

 Did you even have a few African-born guards who fought against the Talpurs. That people of African origin existed in Sindh before the Talpurs. "

importance of black People
importance of black People

From this, it is estimated that the authenticity of the historians who give the impression that the black rulers have come to Sindh in Talpur is true. Due to the importance of black people of blacks is increasing.

There is also the fact that when the Kalhora ruled over Sindh, Sheedi (Black) was the black ruler in southern India. in which Malik Sheedi Anbar was a famous ruler.

 It is also recorded in the history of Sindh that when the Talpar army besieged the fort of Hyderabad. then the Black Sheedi fortress kept the Talpurs army out of the fort for Tow ears.

 That is, the blasphemy against Talparuja was targeted by history and the Talpar era proved to be a difficult period for black females. After that, many stories and stories were fabricated by the black people, who were presented with a veil of history.

The reason these stories and stories were fabricated was that people were not willing to acknowledge the superiority of blacks. because it was made known that they were slaves.

 During this period, all the doors of development for the sheedi’s were closed, the black sheedi who were not in their jobs became victims of social exploitation.

 Even those who have never gone out of Sindh were claiming that we have bought them. The existence of sheedi’s has been prevalent in Sindh for many centuries.

 The racists have created two eyes, namely, two varieties in Sindh, one being 'Driver' and the other 'Summit'. This will make it easier to understand the importance of black people.

 If we study the civilization of the ancient Indus, it has many strong tribes of Dravadars, ie they are the ancient people of this land. The caste the system introduced after the arrival of the Aryans in Sindh still has its effects today. No one wrote about this system with his pen; the rest is very much about the poor and oppressed. Most of these factors include racism.

Historical Black History Review: -

    I know the importance of black people Ghulam Akbar Malik, a feature in the Daily Dunya about the Black Nations (Sheedi), published on February 13, 2013, in which he writes that "before the Aryan invasion of the country, The owner of this region was black.

 This is evidence of the importance of black people, These blacks probably also had a Turanian influence on which they were also called Dravidian nations, their general profession was farming, and these Dravidian nations were more prosperous and advanced in all the nations of their time.

 The artifacts discovered in the form of moons, which are in the form of a dado and a halo, are sufficient to record the seal.

importance of black People
importance of black People

When the Aryans invaded the Dara Khyber the route, Taxila was probably the first center of the Dravidian nation to come in their way; the oldest archaeological evidence discovered by Nag(snack) worshipers in Taxila would suggest the Dravidian nation's presence before Aryans.

 Are. Obviously, the Aryans must first have seized the area of Taxila for entering Punjab and Sindh and it would have easily conquered the other cities of Punjab. The black Dravadars of Taxila were enslaved in Arya's captivity and some fled to southern Punjab and Sindh, however, as the Aryans advanced, the Driver nation fled to them in front of the present Sindh.

 Undoubtedly there was livestock from these barbarians, but what could a decent nation do to a barbarian who had little regard for drawers in terms of military weapons? Harappa or Jalilpur was probably the last hub of the Dravadars that the Aryans conquered.

 After the completion of the Aryans until Sindh, the Black Dravidians, who were captured in the hands of the Aryans during the conquest of Sindh and Punjab, were enslaved and those who managed to escape fled to the extreme southern regions of Sindh and the Arabian Sea.

 Took refuge in relatively difficult terrain. The remnants of the Dravidian Aryans, who were enslaved, are still present in Punjab, as are the Mussalis, heritage,  Chamars. Later in the Arabian coastal settlers probably added another black blood, which historians call the "Chaldean" nation and modern history has called it the "Coal" nation

. The satirical and social attitudes the importance of black people have largely exposed the deprivation of black people, some of which still have an impact. The sheedi and color of the sheedi are a distinct identity which is evident in its blackness and hence our love and connection with the earth are also seen through clause.

 Those who say that we are going to bring the sheedi’s to this land, why do they not give any proof as to the rulers of Kalhora? It is an irrefutable fact that during the period when the Kalhora government was here, black sheedi was ruled by southern India.

 It is also recorded in the history that Sheedi Akhlas Khan and Shaidi Khawas Khan is a famous soldier of the state of Bahmani state. Besides this, numerous   have played an important role in the history of India.

 In his the book 'Notes on India History', Karl Marx writes that "Black Sheedi Malik Kafour is a brave soldier who was in the army of Alauddin Khilji and has been instrumental in most of his victories, while Alauddin Khilji. Has not participated in any major campaign by itself ”.

 In Gujarat, Kathiawar, and Maharashtra, they were established while two sovereign states in the name of Zanjeera and Sachin, near Bombay, remained till India. In the time of the Mughal king Akbar.

 the Sheedi formed the base of the fleet and, as Nawab Amir al-Bahr, protected the west coast and commerce of India. later when the Marathas defeated the Mughals and established their monopoly over the region.

 So during the next one and a half hundred years, they tried to conquer these sheedi kingdoms but did not succeed.

 How these sheedi states defended the Maratha force for so long is a matter of Indian history. Malik Sheedi Anbar (1620-1550) is the Sheedi ruler who ruled Ahmednagar state by his own abilities, during which the Mughal emperor dreamed of overthrowing southern India.

But Malik Sheedi Anbar had this dream in his life. Don't be embarrassed. It defended the Mughal invaders by forming a strong federation consisting of different states consisting of Ahmednagar, Golconda, and Bijapur.

 From Akbar to Shahjan wherever Mughal invaders invaded South India for forty years, but as long as Sheedi Malik Anbar was alive he could not conquer South India.

importance of black People
importance of black People

 In this historical condemnation, Sheedi Malik Anbar adopted the guerrilla war strategy, and after his death, Aurangzeb conquered southern India and Fateh Nagar, the city named after Sheedi Malik Fateh, son of Sheedi Malik Anbar. Raj Dhani was renamed Aurangabad.

He deserves a tribute on the achievement of Sindh's achievement and achievement, which Shalaman Sheedi has done, but sheedi has not been given a prominent place in the history of Sindh.

The Talpur period is very troubling for our sheedis, we continue to suffer every act of love and devotion to the land, even our identity has been highly sanctioned and we have been dispersed while many Englishmen have come.

Completed, because the millenniums against the English was condemned, so the English never allowed us to unite. We have controlled Sheedi with our resources and Sheedi has a major role in laying the foundation for this community organizing system and it is still established today.

The ability to integrate sheedi into any area is at the highest level and different people have their own perspective on sheedis, but it is the importance of black people to keep that fact in mind.


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