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Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations
 Ancient Civilizations

Ancient civilizations are difficult to judge. But these ancient civilizations have also benefited greatly. It has been found out how the people lived in ancient times, their knowledge of this ancient civilization has been very useful

Rome is also one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. The most powerful empire in the world was Rome, a small city in Italy that had the distinction of being the first democracy and a vast empire.

The borders of the Roman Empire extended to Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the same Roman Empire Christianity was published and Rome became the center of Christianity. To this day, Rome has that centrality and the pope (the greatest religious leader of the Roman Catholic sect) lives in Rome.

Just as the Assyrians kept the Babylonian civilization alive in the East, so did the Romans keep the Greek civilization alive and flourish. Thus, after Greece in Europe, Italy lit the candle of civilization along with its political rise and its light continued to illuminate the world for centuries.

Italy and the people of Italy: -

The Alps are located in the north of the Italian peninsula, which separates Italy from Europe. In ancient times, some tribes settled here because the valleys of Italy are fertile and there is a lot of rain, so the development of agriculture in Italy was possible from the beginning and the ancient inhabitants of the country associated themselves with agriculture. Little is known about the ancient inhabitants of Italy, who entered northern Italy from Switzerland around 2000 BC and began settling by the lakes in the River Po Valley.


Ancient Civilizations

These people belonged to the Aryan race and were not familiar with the methods of agriculture and the use of brass. The people of this ancient civilization had built small villages. But they had no political consciousness and therefore could not be called civilized. But people of Aryan descent kept coming to Italy and settled in the central and southern parts of the country. These new tribes were called the Italians, and the most famous of these Italian tribes became Latin. The area in which they settled was in disarray. These Italian tribes had taken up agriculture and herding as their profession and had also established villages.

The establishment of Rome in ancient civilization

The borders of the Latin and Ait Riskan areas were close and trade relations between the two areas had started due to the establishment of trade relations in these areas. As a result of this influx, some settlements were established on the mountain border of Latin. These small villages, numbering seven, gradually became a large city and became known as Rome.

Ancient Civilizations

Rome was ruled by Latinos and became the most important Latin city. Before the Dark Ages, Latin had about three cities or three small states, which had formed an alliance with each other in the name of the Latin League to protect themselves. At the beginning of the history of ancient Roman civilization, Rome had gained the lead in this Latin League.

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                          History of Greek Civilization

Rome had become a large city and a wall were built around it and a regular army was stationed in the city to fight the enemy. Due to the growing importance of Rome, the Ayatollahs wanted to occupy it, thus creating animosity between the Latins and the Ayatollahs. The Ait Ruskin people had conquered Rome for a while, but in 509 BC the Ait Ruskin king was expelled from Rome and the Romans established their own government. Thus the authentic civilization of Rome in ancient Thebes dates back to that time.



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