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Coronavirus and global politics

Coronavirus and global politics
Coronavirus and global politics

Coronavirus and global politics

  The coronavirus and global politics is an inescapable fact and its effects cannot be denied. Millions of people died because of it. Vaccines have been developed to treat it. The combination of coronavirus and global politics has led to many changes. It has now become a reality.

Coronavirus and the impact of politics

Coronavirushas spread all over the world, so it is important to know the current situation. Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus, will be free of the lockdown after being isolated for about three months. The virus is now affecting the United States, with the highest number of cases in the country. The failure of European countries to control the epidemic is causing thousands of people to die every day. Developing countries in the South Asian region are also facing a lockdown in efforts to stem the spread of the virus.

However, these difficult times have changed the course of world politics. Whenever Trump changes the name of the coronavirus to the Philippines to the 'China the virus', more headlines show that the Asian country is helping others to fight the hidden enemy.

Further features show how China is now providing kits and expensive medical equipment around the world to help millions of affected people. As quarantine and supply chain crises arise, China is resuming production and will use it to save the world from the economic crisis.

If the threat of the Thucydides trap, the idea that when a major power is emerging it will inevitably threaten to oust the established power, it was not the focus of US foreign policy, because of the virus that there is a danger, it will definitely affect him.

The inability of the US government to prepare itself globally speaks volumes about its weak global position. The government's failure to pass the Defense Production Act, which ensures that its factories are forced to manufacture the necessary equipment in war situations, has come to an end.

Within the country, states are now clearly showing each other the failure of the federal system on essential items such as ventilators and medical devices. In an unprecedented week in its history, 6.6 million people in the United States have applied for unemployment benefits.

Before moving on, it is important to understand that when a country is seen as a hedgehog. He is seen as a world leader when he is used as an example of which countries want to imitate.

In today's difficult time, America's downfall is not just the downfall of the country, but the downfall of the system of governance and the economy that it promotes. The virus demonstrates the inability of neoliberal capitalism to care for those most affected at the end of the spectrum. The incompetence of states (provinces) within the United States has highlighted the need for a strong central government to care for its people.

China has actively tackled both issues. The stronghold of the sovereign party not only promotes curves but also leads to its demise in the 1.4 billion strong nation.

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The role of the state in the lives of its citizens will certainly increase in the future, and with China's "victory" in this epidemic, its surveillance methods will be followed all over the world. What effect will this 1,000-bed the hospital has on its people in 10 days' time? Developing countries are bound to increase their soft power.

The sending of a Coronavirus team from Wuhan to fight the epidemic in Italy is proof that China is shifting the balance of global governance. As the United States enter its election season, it is difficult to judge the outcome.

Coronavirus and global politics

 Noam Chomsky aptly said in a recent interview, "For those involved in rebuilding a devastated society that has survived the current crisis, it is better to heed Vijay Prasad's call: 'We will not go back to normal.' Because it was a normal problem.

If these quarantine times have done anything good for the world, it is that it has shocked those who came to power to learn the unimaginable ways they are following. According to German Finance Minister Thomas Schaefer, suicides have already been forgotten by media houses due to "deep concern over ways to deal with the economic crisis", changing the rules of governance. Will be. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated in the future due to the effects of climate change and unsustainable development projects. When we write history, we don't go back to our 'normal' ways.



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