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American democracy

American democracy
 American democracy

 American democracy :

American democracy is controlled by 5.6% of the population. The American magazine “Forbes” has raised this question in a recent publication.

"This is not my point of view, I am not presenting personal views, I am writing purely on the basis of mathematical principles, that only 5.6% of Americans democracy can turn wherever they want," said Steven S. Salzberg. Is''.

Election of two members of the Senate from each state:

 When I tried to find out their maths, the situation became something like this, according to the US Constitution, whether the state is big or small, votes in the Senate are equal. Senators are elected not on the basis of population, but on the basis of the state, so the US Constitution gives each state the right to elect two senators.

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In the US Senate, the votes of 110 million people are equal to 26.6 million people. In terms of population, California is the largest state in the United States and Texas is the second-largest state. California has a population of 39 million and Texas has a population of over 29 million. Florida is third (population: 2.17 million) and New York is fourth (population: 1.9 million). The total population of these four states is about 110 million. In contrast, the least populous states include Wyoming (population: 5.8 million), Vermont (population: 6.24 million), Alaska (population: 7.315 million), and North Dakota (population: 7.65 million). 26.6 lakhs

American democracy

52 senators from 26 smaller states.

 In the United States, 26 small states elect a total of 52 senators, but they make up only 17.6 percent of the total population. Various opinion polls also found that most senators in the upper house received less than 50 percent of the total votes. I arrive. Thus we can say that 8.9% of the people (half of 17.6%) change the map of American politics after electing 52 senators in the United States. According to author Steven Susselsberg, under the US Constitution, apart from the budget, the Senate does not debate any bill that does not have the support of 60% of the members. That is, if 40 senators are on one side, they can block the debate on any bill. While the population of 21 small states is only 11% of the total population. That is, one-ninth of the total population of the United States elects 42 senators.

These 40 percent of senators may be from smaller states, which make up only 5.6 percent of the total US population.

American democracy

How does the US government work? In the US, no member of Congress can be included in the cabinet until the Senate approves it. When former US President Andrew Jackson wanted to include Roger B. Tennie in the cabinet in 1833, the Senate rejected it. Given This was the first name to be rejected by the Senate, which was followed by a long line. The Senate appointed George W. H. Bush as Secretary of Defense in 1989 and Bill Clinton in 1993. (Zoe Baird) was barred from becoming Attorney General. George W. Bush, Linda Chavez, and Barack Obama failed to appoint Tom Dashley as health minister in 2001 after the Senate rejected his name. We have considered Donald Trump to be a very powerful former president but despite his best efforts. He could not make his right-hand man Andrew Puzder Minister of Labor. Donald Trump withdrew several names in addition to his own for fear of possible rejection. Therefore, after every election, there is a debate in the United States as to which names will be approved by the President or who. Which names can be rejected. In the United States, the government can issue an executive order, but even these orders have to go through the scrutiny of the upper house.


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