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Nelson mandela facts

 Nelson Mandela facts 

Nelson Mandela is considered the father of modern-day South Africa. This is a fact that can never be forgotten. Mandela's struggle is a golden chapter for black people, a leader who promoted progress by promoting non-violence and love. It is mentioned in the history of notable people.

What do you think of Nelson Mandela? Do you think he is the most influential human rights figure? He was instrumental in overthrowing the tyrannical regime and overthrowing democracy. Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his work on ending racism and building democracy.

Nelson mandela facts for world
Nelson Mandela facts 

Preliminary conditions: -

Born on July 18, 1918, at the home of the Thambo chief in the village of Mo Yuzu, in the East African town of Ross, the baby was named "Rollaha Mandela" and later became known as Nelson Mandela. ۔ One of the reasons behind his name Nelson was that when Nelson started going to school, the difficult memorization of his name became a problem for teachers, so the teachers, with the mutual consent of his family named him Nelson Who stayed with him till the end and will always be a beacon for those who are struggling all over the world.

Beginning of politics: -

Nelson Mandela started politics on the platform of the African National Congress and remained associated with the ANC until his death. In 1941, Mandela moved to Johannesburg, where he worked for a law firm, and in 1952, after passing a bar exam, founded a law firm for African blacks. The firm's goal was to provide legal aid to people who had no one to turn to. His struggle was a problem in the eyes of the ethnic government, so they were looking for ways to ban it. Fearing the same ban, Mandela reiterated that he would continue the struggle in secret, in which he was largely successful. The world's literary and political figures are of the opinion that Mandela was a politician who gave an unforgettable ideology to the politics of reconciliation, peace, democracy, and forgiveness. His every action falls into the category of national interest, the way he has rejected the politics of revenge is unparalleled anywhere else. Opponents repeatedly tried to bring it down in the eyes of their nation, but each time they failed. Mandela, as determined as he was, could not be shaken by his 27-year imprisonment.

Rising from the African continent, the blazing sun, in the ink of racism, endowed whites with a sense of humanity that was confined to a semi-dark prison with only one window. But Aftab is never imprisoned. In this long captivity of 27 years, his long patience and determination gave warmth to all human beings in every region of the world deprived of the right to self-determination, which awakened in them the consciousness and spirit of freedom.

 The prison walls could not stop the light and contentment of Mandela's conscience from flowing out, leaving him alone in a world full of racist white rulers until they were forced to release him. Because in order to prove respect for freedom, every country in the world community had to shut down the right of Mandela's racist rulers, so the racist government was the only one in the world at that time. She could not do any business or sit with the international community.

Nelson mandela facts for world
Nelson Mandela facts

Mandela's mission: ---

This great leader of the world writes in his autobiography, "I was not born with a hunger for freedom in the desire for freedom, I was just born free in every way I could know." each way I could know." I was allowed to hurry to my mom's cabin, allowed to swim free stream that moved through my town. He was free to roast corn under the stars and ride on the backs of slow-moving buffaloes. Man's or God's laws have never bothered me as long as I obeyed my father and followed the customs of the tribe. It was only when I realized that my boyhood's freedom was now a mirage, that as a young man it dawned on me.

It was revealed that my freedom had already been taken away from me and I began to feel hungry for it.  From the start, as an understudy, I needed an opportunity just for myself. I wanted temporary freedom to stay out at night, to study, and to go where I wanted. Later, as a young man in Johannesburg, he began to crave the basic and honorable freedoms of pursuing lofty goals and earning a living, marrying, and having a family.

He began to wish that there would be no hindrance in living according to the law.

This was the time when I gradually realized that not only I was not free but also my brothers and sisters were not free, I saw that it was not only my freedom which was restricted but everyone's freedom was restricted.  Were That was the point at which I joined the African National Congress and my yearn for the opportunity transformed into my most prominent strive after the opportunity of my country.    


It was my desire for the freedom of my people to live their lives with dignity and self-respect, which breathed new life into my life, which gave courage to a frightened man, who gave a law-abiding lawyer. Made a criminal, who made a family-loving husband homeless, who forced a man who loved life to live like a monk. I learned courage from my comrades who were with me in this struggle who risked and sacrificed their lives for the sake of an ideology. I saw that courage is not about getting rid of fear but overcoming it.

 The brave man is not the one who does not feel fear, but the brave man is the one who overcomes it. We took the path of struggle with open eyes, which was not an easy path and we had no misconception that the path would be easy.

As a young man, when I joined the African National Congress, I saw my colleagues paying the price for their ideas, and that was a lot. In fact, Nelson Mandela emerged as a world leader who knew what his purpose in life was, focusing on his struggle to free his people from the tragic darkness of slavery, as well as to protect their rights and society. He was to be given an honorable position. When Nelson Mandela was elected South Africa's first black president in 1994, the world saw a new South Africa emerge. Where democratic society was formed anew.

The world recognizes that Nelson Mandela has changed the face of world politics with his historic struggle against inequality and racism, the struggle for freedom against slavery, and the oppression of racism, inequality, and the underprivileged. Awareness and awareness regarding the elimination of

Mandela's speech:

 "I have committed my life to the African public, I have battled against the control of whites and I am against the mastery of blacks," Mandela said in a discourse. I want a free and democratic society in which all people can live with love and have equal rights. This is my dream for which I am alive, and I hope that I will achieve it. If it requires sacrifice, I am ready to die. ”

Nelson mandela facts for world
Nelson Mandela facts 

Today, Nelson Mandela is no more in the world, but his dream has come true. He has left behind a struggle against imperialist domination, which is a beacon for the world's politicians. Many bright aspects of history are prominent from the tail of. The vocabulary for praising and describing them also decreases. These are the historians for whom poems were written and poetry was written.

Author's idea: -

Peace, love, truth, these are the everlasting titles on which writers from all over the world will continue to write without any disagreement as long as this world exists. Understanding and awareness are very important. Man is known by his thoughts, but the condition is not to lose sight of the truth while expressing his thoughts. Every aspect of the lives of most people who walk the path of truth is a lesson and their sacrifices are a beacon in every age.

It is said that mental freedom actually plays an important role in human development and those who strive for freedom are immortal in history while they are always alive in the hearts of the people. One such character emerged in the present century who devoted his entire life to the elimination of racial segregation and played an important role in the politics of reconciliation and forgiveness. He made possible the teaching of a practical struggle not only for his nation but also for the political leaders of the world. This personality who has set a high example of peace, brotherhood, and tolerance is in the hearts of oppressed people all over the world.

Riots against racism
Frederick Douglass


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