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Riots against racism

Riots against racism The situation in the United States has been tense since the brutal assassination of a black man, George Floyd, by police a few days ago. The military had to be deployed across the United States, but the anger of black people have not abated.

Riots against racism
Riots against racism 

 And now the situation is that these violent incidents have reached London. Dozens of police officers have been injured in recent protests in London, which is a matter of grave concern. If the protests escalate in London, Britain could face bilateral difficulties.

 On the one hand, the outbreak of Corona and the lockdown, on the other hand, the outbreak of ethnic riots and pomegranate. What is most disturbing is that during these black public demonstrations, all the rules and regulations to avoid the coronavirus were severely violated. That could bring a new wave of coronavirus to the UK.

 If that happened then the death toll could rise to tens of thousands to millions. Corona has wreaked so much havoc in The UK that its effects are still looming large and the economy is on the rise. This is a new issue from the top. It is also a fact that economic, social, and political issues and knocked on the door of Britain together. Which is a big challenge for governments here?

Now the question arises as to why the British government allowed such protests during the deadly coronavirus epidemic and if so why not take precautionary measures against the coronavirus.

 Knowing that it could have a devastating effect on Britain, and if it was intended to divert from the heart of the black community the grief and anger over the assassination of George Floyd, would probably be better. It could have been organized in a way that minimized the risk of an outbreak of the Corona epidemic.

 However, there is no denying that we now have to live with the coronavirus until an effective cure is discovered. The solution so far is just a precaution and there is no other choice. Because our God has turned away from us and we cannot face any epidemic without asking for His forgiveness.

Now let's take a look at the ethnic riots in Britain. There is a history of violent protests against them, but a few incidents are noteworthy. These include the ethnic riots of 1189 when Richard, I became King of Britain

Riots against racism
Riots against racism 

And he fired some Jewish courtiers for some reason, with the result that some people spread rumors that the king had ordered the massacre of the Jews. All that was heard was that the people in Britain He put the stain on it

 People in London began destroying Jewish homes and the devastation was so great that Jews had to convert to their religion. However, King Richard I, the third son of King Henry II, followed suit. When he found out, he stopped the massacre and gave peace to the Jews.

History of riots in Britain

 Ethnic riots then broke out in 1768 when John Wax, a member of the British Parliament, wrote a column on slavery, published in his own newspaper, The North Burton, against it for its racist and poisonous pen. Numerous demonstrations took place, after which some members of the government ordered the army to open fire on the protesters in St. George's Field, in which many protesters were killed.

Notting Hill's racial riots in 1957 were the first to occur between British and white communities in British history. This was the first time that regular blacks were subjected to racial discrimination and began. That's when the White Defense League kidnapped black families

 At that time, more than 500 people took to the streets every day, vandalizing and attacking white people, and then the chain spread across the country. Then in 977 1 the Battle of Lewisham in which more than 4000 people took to the streets against racism.

 Demonstrations against racism in Black Burston, also known as Bloody Week, in 1981, in which thousands of people were injured and killed. The series was repeated in London in 2011 and again in 2020. But in spite of all this, racism in Britain is probably much lower now than in the United States and the rest of Europe.

 There are still the values ​​of humanity that Islam teaches us. There is justice in the courts and in the institutions, and racism is relatively rare. But it may not be possible to eliminate it completely.

More recently, British police have already bowed to black protesters and renewed their promise to treat their generation with dignity and equal rights, a beautiful form of British democracy.

 I felt a glimpse of experienced democracy in it. If the British government had treated the protesters like the United States, the situation in Britain today would be twice as bad as in the United States. But the government, realizing this and making the best decisions considering the delicacy of the situation, but my criticism remains that the protests over George's assassination could have been better organized and that these issues might have been addressed by someone. And it could have been solved in the same way that Jacinda dealt with racial prejudice in New Zealand after the attack on a mosque in Britain, which is a case in point. Similarly, the Police Farms Bill has recently been passed in the UK to curb such racial riots, which is a good move by the British Assembly.

The United States should learn a lesson from the way Britain and New Zealand have taken steps to end racial discrimination. The Trump administration should not make the United States a police state, lest the anti-slavery Gladiators in Italy, which began on the land of spies in Greece, follow in the footsteps of the enslaved nation in the United States. Let's go

It's time to dump her and move on. You simply must be additionally separating with the assist you with rendering toward others. One small good step can unite people all over the world and one wrong step can lead them to civil war.

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