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Roman Kingdom: -


 Roman Kingdom: -

The Roman kingdom is recorded in such a way that along with the Buri civilization in the East, the Romans also declared the Greek civilization alive. A small town in Italy first became the center of Georgia and then the center of a vast palace.

Roman Kingdom
 Roman Kingdom

 The borders of the Roman kingdom spread to Europe, Asia, and Africa and became the most powerful nation in the world. This is the Roman kingdom from whom Christianity originated and was called the center of Roman Christianity, which is still the center and the pope (the greatest leader of the Roman Catholic sect) is in Rome. In order to know the civilization and history of Rome, we need to know how it all happened and the efforts made behind the people, which brought the history and civilization of Rome to its peak. Roman


Empire Establishment: -

Due to good trade ties between the Latin and Eosin tribes, their small towns were mixed and converted into a major city named Rome. There is also a fiction about this city that it had two establishments (Rambles and Rams) but it did not get any historical status, it became a fascinating story. The Roman people ruled over the Romans and gradually it became the most important city of the Latin people. Before the historic period, there were about thirty cities in Latin, who had set up the alliance with the Latin League in order to protect themselves. During the start of Rome's history, this Latin League was led, while the regular army was still living in the city to fight the enemy, and a large firewall was built around the city. Due to the growing importance of Rome, Etiquette people wanted to capture it, and they conquered Rome some time, but in the 50th BC was ousted from the Roman Empire, after which Rome's people had ruled out their government. Since then, Rome's authentic history begins at the same time.

The Roman Immersion Begins: -

In the royal period of Rome (which can not be called historic times, because it has more stories and stories than history) the king was like the leader of a tribe, to advise the city's various tribes There was a council of colds called Saint. The general population of the city also got some political options, which they used to use by their family of Chemistry Corinthia. Thus, in the early period of Rome, there was a limited monarchy and limited disadvantage in the presence of King Shah and the Assembly. The importance of the Saint and Assembly was completely over when the occupied kingdoms occupied Rome. But in 509 BC, after the last King Risen King was expelled from Rome, King's position was canceled in Rome, but the public was not given many rights, and the elite government was set up by Saint. In the King's place, Saint or Chemistry was congratulating that he had the right to reject the decisions of the other council. If the situation worsened, the Saint would set a special officer over the two councils called Duty, and who became the owner of Rome's dedication for just six months.

 Condolences of public and opinion: -

Roman Kingdom
 Roman Kingdom

The preliminary period of Rome's tremendous period has been a period of conflicts between the people and the Ambassadors, so at that time the position of Rome was like a minor state. While this power could not even grow, because the people continued to improve their social condition and the believers would continue to press their rights. The rich, wealthy people were not ready to give their rights because the government had the same occupations; they wanted to keep their people economically dependent. As far as the rulers were occupied by the government, they were responsible for protecting the room for which they needed the general public for military supplies, as soldiers in the army were filled with ordinary people, while the situation of the people was very bad. Was it In this situation the public decided to leave Rome and go to another area, and leave Rome in 494 BC to make its separate township? Looking at this situation, the problems were very upset so they decided to compromise the people. All the loans were canceled by this agreement and those who were imprisoned due to not paying the loan were also released, each year, two trillion people were selected to protect the rights of the public. It was that they should not save the mass from the Roman authorities and the oppression of the Ambassadors, but were not bound to the decisions of the Tribune St or Council, but in the matter of the public, the Saint or Council Tribune was bound. In this way, Rome's people got the first victory in achieving their rights and protection, while the people had to get more economic, political, and social rights.

Lacanian Laws: -  

Roman Kingdom
 Roman Kingdom

What was the sound of Rome's public voice for the rights of Rome, the people were getting options, but the speed was extremely slow, and for that, they had to struggle for years? They used different ways to accept their demands, and the government was often convicted by being punished and often punished. Why the Ambassadors were suffering under their shortage of powers, while the public did not get the right to the council office, it was only specific to the Ummah. Rome from 367 to 376 BC continued to struggle for its demands, which finally acknowledged the imminent. The demands of the person presented by him were San Lee, and in that name, these laws were made. By which

 (1) two of the two councils got to be among the people.

(2 )The original amount of two debtors had to be paid, and the remaining amount could be paid in three yearly installments.

(3) No resident reserved the option to have in excess of 11500 sections of land.

(4) Religious posts will be distributed equally in the public and in the affairs.

Due to these law-enforcement laws, the massacre of the public and socialism ended, and 387 people were not even required to approve the laws, but since then the majority of the empire was occupied by the masses In Rome, in the sense of dreadful struggle, the people found political, social, religious and economic rights not only, but in some cases more than their options and the responsibility of the administration of the Empire on the public was also imposed. 

History of Greek Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization


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