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America's real tragedy is organized racism

  America's real tragedy is organized racism, why it happened when there are so many bitter reasons behind it. This has been going on for centuries. Well, the United States is known for its human rights, but the humiliation of humanity is such that one has to think about what this double standard is.
The majority of white people today still deny that racism is a bitter reality in the United States. In such a situation, white Americans must speak not only of peace but also of justice.
America's real tragedy is organized racism
America's real tragedy is organized racism

 Commentators simply write that for Americans, burning cars, tear gas, clashes between police and protesters are disturbing, but not shocking. The death of a black American at the hands of a white police officer is certainly a tragedy, but it is also not shocking because videos of such incidents have surfaced many times before.
 Protests that erupted after the assassination of George Floyd echoed the 2015 violent protests in Ferguson, Missouri. Violent protests erupted in 1992 after the death of a black man named Rodney King, dubbed the Civil Rights Movement.
According to commentators, the death of George Floyd has gripped the United States at a time when the deadly coronavirus has killed more than 100,000 Americans. The epidemic has led to a sharp rise in the unemployment rate. The number of unemployed Americans has risen to more than 30 million. In addition, political divisions and inequalities in the United States have undermined national identity. In addition, the class gap has widened.

For the elimination and development of racial prejudice, the white population must be mobilized in practice.
 In such a situation, intellectuals, experts, and social workers are forced to think that the time has not come for a logical breakdown of America. Despite Corona, the flaws in the state and basic social infrastructure are growing. The most important of these is organized racial prejudice. According to sociologists, this prejudice is hollowing out the roots of America.

A video released in February shows a black man in Georgia being shot by two white guards while jogging. In another video, a woman in New York City called the police simply because a black man in the park was not following the park rules. It was a sign of prejudice that the woman had left her dog on the man. The woman later told police that she and her dog felt threatened by the black man.
 Sociologists believe that the police and the justice system are also currently running on the lines of organized racial prejudice. During the riots in Ferguson in 2015, the slogan "Black Lives Matter" became popular.
 In response, a new slogan was soon introduced, "All Lives Matter." Growing intolerance against the police has given rise to a new slogan and that 'Blue Lives Meter' is also important. The slogan was intended to portray policemen as heroes.

America's real tragedy is organized racism
America's real tragedy is organized racism

 No one would be surprised if conservative white circles are active behind these counter-movements. In a series of opinion polls, Republican voters generally trust the police more, while Democrat voters, Hispanic Americans, and African Americans have relatively less confidence in the police.

 Thus the wheel of a normal person's normal life seems to be almost stopped. Interest-seeking political leaders appear to be active in a divided American society. This situation has embellished the journey of the overall development. Change in the social structure is inevitable. According to sociologists, the reason for American social and economic division is the alleged racist attitude of the white race.

America's real tragedy is organized racism
America's real tragedy is organized racism

The solution to this problem lies with the white population. For the elimination and development of organized racial prejudice in the United States, the white population must be mobilized in practice. Confidence, love must be promoted. For this, human rights organizations should play their role. Don't let the tragedy of America really be racial prejudice.

All so read https:-- Riots against racism


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