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Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union



Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union

Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union
  Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union



The thirty-sixth summit of the African Union, the largest organization of the fifty-five countries of the African Union, was held in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, on Saturday, February 18, 2023. A delegation of the usurper Israel quietly entered the opening ceremony of this summit. When the security staff learned that the Israeli delegation had infiltrated the meeting; So they immediately reached there. He was asked to leave the meeting; But he continued to debate. Then the security personnel showed him the way out. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media, in which Sharon Barley, deputy director of African Affairs at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is seen arguing with a security guard.


South Africa and Algeria protest against Israel's membership


It was a long-standing attempt by the occupying Israeli state to somehow gain observer status in the "African Union"; However, in 2021, in the African Union, it was given the status of an observer member. But from the beginning, several African countries, such as: Algeria, South Africa, Republic of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, etc., have objected to Israel being made an observer member of the "African Union". However, this time at the African Union summit on February 18, several countries - including South Africa and Algeria - strongly protested and pressured Israel to attend. Should not be allowed. "Granting Israel observer status in the African Union contradicts the African Union's position in support of the Palestinians," the countries said. Then it happened. But Israeli Foreign Affairs Deputy Director for African Affairs Sharon Barley entered the meeting using an invitation issued in the name of another person; So he was shown the way out. This action by the African Union was by no means inappropriate; Because the Israeli woman who attended the meeting uninvited was like an uninvited guest, which is what should have happened to her.

Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union


The reaction of the Israeli Foreign Ministry


Israel, the usurper of this action of the African Union, was supposed to be four o'clock; So it happened. A spokesman for Israel's Foreign Ministry has responded to the African Union's action by saying that "Algeria and South Africa are extremist and anti-Semitic countries controlled by Iran. Israel is taking this issue seriously." Some Zionist people are also suffering from this action of the African Union. They are shouting on social media that Israel has an observer status in the African Union; However, the Israeli delegation should not have been humiliated in this way.


Statement by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission:


The chairman of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mohamed, made it clear in a statement that "Israel's membership as an observer has been suspended from the bloc of fifty-five African countries. The Israeli delegation has been shown the way out of the recent summit." , the Israeli government was not invited to participate in this meeting". It is clear from Mr. Musa's statement that the delegation sneaked into the meeting like a thief, who was promptly tracked down by the security forces and shown the way out. A committee has now been formed with representatives from Algeria, Senegal, Cameroon, South Africa, the People's Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Nigeria. The committee will review the decision on whether to retain Israel's membership as an observer or to end it altogether at next year's African Union meeting.

Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union
  Expulsion of the Israeli delegation from the meeting of the African Union

Israel's membership in the African Union


Israel is not an African state; On the other hand, even where it appears to exist as a state, it also exists in an illegitimate manner. He is a usurper. Despite this, what is the meaning of the usurper Israel joining the African Union as an observer member? Secondly, the Israeli member who was shown the way out of this opening session was not invited to attend; Then how can it be justified for him to enter the meeting like this? This is an unethical practice. This is a very important point; But some Zionists are trying to divert attention from this point and are propagandizing that Israel is an observer member of the African Union, then expelling an Israeli member from there is humiliating the Israeli state and its member. It is an insult. Just as Sharon Barley arrived at this meeting uninvited, no respectable person goes to someone's program uninvited. Now, if a person has the desire to write disgrace on his forehead, wander around the world and destroy his honor; Then who can make him honorable and respectable!

Operation of the Israeli occupation forces in the city of Nablus:


South Africa and Algeria are justified in questioning and protesting Israel's status as an observer member of the African Union. What should happen is that the international community, in view of Israel's murderous and cruel behavior, should deprive it of membership in every international forum. How can a civilized state, nation and society tolerate that with it, in any organization, group or program, there is a state whose base is always stained with the blood of innocent and innocent people! The latest incident is that on February 22, 2023, at ten in the morning, the Israeli army, with dozens of armored vehicles and special forces, entered the "city of Nablus" in the West Bank to raid. The Israeli army wanted two Palestinian men: Hossam Aslam and Muhammad Abdel Ghani; However, the army blocked all entrances to the city, before besieging their homes. Then the army martyred them both. After that, the Israeli occupation forces unleashed a massive bloodbath in the city. At least ten Palestinians are reported to have been martyred in this operation, including a child and two elderly people; While around a hundred people have been injured. On the other hand, just today in the city of Nablus, Zionist settlers cut down 65 Palestinian olive trees. This aspect is worth noting that since the beginning of this year, 2023, 61 Palestinians have been martyred by Israeli occupation forces, including 13 children.


Welcoming the decision of the African Union:


African Union members who have protested Israel's membership are in support of the rights of the Palestinian people. This protest by these countries is commendable, we should appreciate it. It is of great importance for these countries to exert this pressure against Israel. Then the decision to withdraw the Israeli delegation from the opening session, this is an achievement that every sensitive and humanitarian person of the African Union welcomes. This decision made it clear that the African Union stands with Palestine and the Palestinian people. This decision will strengthen the Palestinian cause and the morale of the Palestinians will be higher, God wiling.


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