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Why is sea water salty?

Why is sea water salty?

Why is sea water salty?
Why is sea water salty?

It is the system of God and it is part of our nature. If the water of the sea was not salty, there would be no fish, and there would be no human habitation on the planet. The sea smelled so bad that it would be impossible to live on Earth.

Salt crystals

The main reason why sea water is salty is because of the sources of salt in the sea.

1. The largest source of salt is hydrothermal fluid in the ocean, which comes from vents in the ocean floor. Seawater seeps into cracks in the ocean floor and is heated by magma from the Earth's core. Heat causes a series of chemical reactions. The water loses oxygen, magnesium, and sulfate, and picks up metals such as iron, zinc, and copper from the surrounding rocks. which are mixed with warm seawater from the vents into salt rocks.


2. Some sea salts come from underwater volcanic eruptions, which release minerals directly into the ocean.

3. Salt domes also contribute to ocean salinity. These domes, vast deposits of salt that formed over geological time, are found underground and under the sea around the world. They are common on the continental shelf of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.

4. The two most abundant ions in seawater are chloride and sodium. Together, they make up about 85 percent of all dissolved ions in the ocean. Magnesium and sulfate make up another 10 percent of the total. Other ions are found in much lower concentrations. Salt concentration in seawater varies with temperature, evaporation and precipitation. Salinity is generally lower at the equator and poles and higher at mid-latitudes. Average salinity is about 35 parts per thousand. Put another way, about 3.5 percent of the weight of seawater comes from dissolved salts.

Why is sea water salty?
Why is sea water salty?

5. Microorganisms such as algae and some types of bacteria also produce and excrete salt, which contribute to the overall salt content of the ocean.

6. When the underground magma rich in various components comes to the surface as lava, it also brings all the salt. Remember that most of the lava on Earth comes out of the ocean, which has entire mountain ranges like the "Ring of Fire".

7. The repeated collision of water waves with the salt mountain on the beach causes its erosion, which leads to the increase of salt in the water.

8. The water of the river is actually the water of the sea, which evaporates and becomes a cloud and falls back into the sea in the form of a river. Therefore, river water is sweet. On the other hand, the amount of salt in sea water does not decrease, so it is always salty.

The effect of rainwater is slightly acidic. Now, when the rain falls on the rocks, on the mountains, it forms salt through chemical processes, now these salts are added to the streams, rivers, etc.

But because this water is less than the sea and is fresher, it does not feel as salty as the sea water. The water of the rivers is added to it.

And in the same way, this same water has been continuously added to the sea for thousands of years. Therefore, the sea water is more salty.

Why is sea water salty?

The interpretation is in Ruh al-Ma'ani that the water of the rivers does not rot due to flow and to protect the water of the sea from rotting, Allah Almighty has created salt in it.


Indus Valley Civilization

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