Black history heroes
BlackHistory Heroes is
for ABCs Africa, the birthplace of humanity and civilization and the world’s
second-largest continent.
For the first African-American President of
the United States, Barack Obama. States look at the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Which eliminated segregation and employment discrimination in public places on
the basis of identity.
Dread Scott is a slave to a black man
who failed in his appeal to the US Supreme Court in 1857 for freedom.
President Abe
Lincoln freed millions of slaves. When it proclaimed independence on
January 1, 1863. Freedom Reuters is for civil rights activists who traveled by
bus from the south in 1961 under the name Freedom Rides to have a separate bus
terminal for Greensboro.
The latest North Carolina ANC man to sit at a
whites' lunch counter to protest secession. Their action sparked nationwide
Harlem is an
intellectual, social, and artistic explosion for the Renaissance that took place
in Harlem, another northern city of Paris. I am for Ida B. Wales in the 1920s.
A journalist and educator who fought against racism and sexism. She was one of
N-double ACP J is for Jackie Robinson,
the first African-American to play major league baseball in modern times. And
he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.
Catherine Johnson, a NASA
mathematician, was instrumental in the success of her calculations. Alice was
the first manned spaceflight of the nine students to merge with Little Rock
Central High School in 1957.
US Army rescues students from M. Martin
Luther King Jr. Prominent figure in the civil rights movement who led
peaceful protests against racial and social inequality in the United States.
This is for n-double-a-cp, which was founded in 1909 to ensure political,
educational, social, and economic equality for all.
People for Oh Oprah Winfrey is a media
executive philanthropist, actress, talk show host. TV producer and North
America's first black billionaire. Peas Filles Whitley and Slave West Africans
who were sold to a family in Boston will become the first black poets to be
Hugh Lloyd is one of the few black sciences working on the Manhattan
Project for Quarterman. Which was a covert attempt to build an atomic bomb
during World War II.
Rosa Parks is for a worker who refused to give her seat to a white
rider. On a separate bus, he helped provoke a boycott of the Montgomery bus.
Shirley Chisholm is the first black woman to be
elected to Congress and the first woman to run for the Democratic Party.
The presidential nomination is for T. Thurgood
Marshall, who has won several important cases before the Supreme Court and
before becoming the first black judge of the Supreme Court, he had underground
railroads, secret routes to escape through slaves. And there was a network of
safe houses. Was used for.
Voting Rights Act with the support of the Independent States and Canadian allies. Which played a historic role in federal
legislation enacted in 1965 to protect the voting rights of ethnic minorities,
especially in the South.
Williama Rudolph is for the athlete who
overcame polio racism and sexism. Became the first American woman to win three
gold medals at the same Olympics.
The University of Louisiana is a liberal arts
college that is historically the only black Roman Catholic college in the United
States. Why York and the slave man who, as an explorer and hunter in Lewis
and Clark, Lewis took part in a campaign across the United States.
Zombie Hurston and the authors are important figures in
anthropology and the Harlem Renaissance whose work highlighted the ethnic
struggle in the South. Black history is American history.
Africa news
Africa the Next Economic Battleground