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War in Afghanistan 2021,


War in Afghanistan 2021,


The war in Afghanistan 2021, especially in the city of Kabul and Afghanistan. Usually in insecurity.  And after the provincial capitals, there is uncertainty about the future due to the Taliban's rapid occupation of the capital.

 Afghan President Dr. Ashraf Ghani assured the nation that the Taliban would not seize power. But the Taliban entered Kabul.

War in Afghanistan 2021,
                                                                 War in Afghanistan 2021,

On the other hand, the forces that are considered to be the guarantors of the stability of any country are its army and law enforcement agencies which could not stand in front of the armed Taliban and they seemed to have collapsed.

Withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan and reasons:

About two months ago, US President Joe Biden confidently claimed that the United States had about 300,000 Afghan troops and other law enforcement personnel. This will not only stop the advance of about 70,000 Taliban but also force them to retreat.

He will also defend the security and government of his country. He claimed that about 15,000 trainers in the United States had equipped and trained him with modern weapons.

 More than 80 80 billion has been spent on the Afghan army over the past 20 years, according to a report by the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan. But the situation is before the world.


 As the withdrawal of US and coalition forces was completed, the Afghan army and other agencies dispersed. And the weapons they got to fight the Taliban, including those weapons, piled up in front of the Taliban.

According to analysts, the main reasons for the Afghan army's retreat are linguistic, ethnic, and tribal divisions, growing corruption, mistrust of officers and subordinates, and the worst mismanagement, and the Afghan army did not believe the United States would let them go. Two, which the Taliban took advantage of to subdue them.

The escape of Afghan President Dr. Ashraf Ghani and its effects:

Dr. Ashraf Ghani, who was elected President of Afghanistan in the disputed 2014 elections. Earlier, he was associated with the World Bank. He has also written a book in English entitled Reconstruction of Field State.

But when he himself was given a devastated Afghanistan. Political, tribal, linguistic, and ethnic divisions have intensified and that is why the United States has repeatedly intervened to maintain relations between Dr. Ashraf Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah. Falls. However, it is also said about Dr. Ashraf Ghani that most of the members of his close circle were people who were living abroad.

And they came to his aid at the invitation of Dr. Ashraf Ghani, who left Dr. Ashraf Ghani and his Afghan allies in a state of distrust, the effects of which came when the United States negotiated with the Taliban instead of the Afghan government. Done It signed the Doha Accords and then began implementing the announcement of its return.

According to analysts, because of his weak writ on Ashraf Ghani's government, the Taliban did not face strong resistance to take over the leadership in May this year.

And the Taliban captured Kabul in a short time and Ashraf Ghani had to flee leaving his cabinet colleagues and that was the moment when the Afghan nation was shocked and the Taliban who they thought the Afghan army defeated them Will give


War in Afghanistan 2021,
                                                  War in Afghanistan 2021,

But now they are forced to accept the Taliban as a political force, and they are ready to accept it if it becomes their government.

TalibanOccupy Kabul and Ground Facts:

Before August 15, the situation in Kabul was normal. Afghan police were present, police stations were open. The girls were going to school and the women were busy with their daily activities.

 But as the Taliban approached Kabul Gate, chaos ensued, and to stem the tide, the Taliban announced that they wanted to enter the capital peacefully instead of fighting.

And then it happened that as soon as Dr. Ashraf Ghani left the presidency, the Taliban took control of the presidential palace without any resistance and the fear of war among the Afghan people disappeared.

But in the meantime, Afghan police and the Afghan army suddenly disappeared from the scene and looting began in the city, and according to Afghan media reports, valuable vehicles were snatched and robberies took place. Kabul's bazaars and offices were closed while locals were trapped in their homes, and according to eyewitnesses, the Taliban seized government vehicles and began patrolling, confident the Taliban would take control of the situation.
Attack on Kabul Airport:

Afghan President Dr. Ashraf Ghani was the first person to flee Afghanistan when the Taliban took control of Kabul. And that was the reason for the chaos in the country.

And meanwhile, according to locals, when rumors spread that US and Canadian planes had landed in Kabul, anyone with an Afghan passport would be taken without a visa. So the Afghan people stormed the airport in Kabul and it was the turn of the American troops who came to Afghanistan to defend the Afghan people and when they started leaving them in a state of panic, a military plane flew over the Afghans. People were killed.

Taliban occupation and future conditions:

The Afghan Taliban have reaped the benefits of their 20-year struggle by occupying Afghanistan, but now their biggest test is gaining the trust of the Afghan people. And according to analysts, Afghanistan's biggest problems are instability, a weak economy, corruption, and political tensions.

And if the Taliban address these issues with other Afghan leaders, Afghanistan can move towards stability. Because in such a case, even terrorist organizations will not have the opportunity to use the land of Afghanistan. And reservations about women will disappear.

 But if the Taliban remain in power, political and military tensions will increase. And migration, now limited to Kabul, could spread to neighboring countries.

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