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Role of the United States in arms race


Role of the United States in arms race

 Role of the United States in arms race. The Americans have left Afghanistan. And gave gifts to the Taliban. Their modern combat helicopters attack planes with rifles and machine guns. And smooth out the latest American weapons.

Role of the United States in arms race
                                               Role of the United States in arms race


And this is not the first time the United States has been repeatedly convicted. Criminal terrorist groups have never designed rogue governments. And once, by default, the United States fed the world war machine.


 Used to weaken American weapons. Our government says it is fighting for international peace and security. And besides welcome, I am Palki Sharma's weapon. Sales have been an integral part of US foreign policy for decades.

Beginning of arms sales


 Washington has sold arms and ammunition to almost any country. Who wants to buy them in some cases? He did so without informing Congress or the American people. At the height of the Cold War between us and the Soviet Union, the Nixon administration began sending arms to the country.


 The sovereign expansionist policy was called the Nixon ideology. The goal is to change American weapons. The Americans wanted to send weapons to the Allies instead of sending troops to their territory. As a result, arms sales increased tenfold.


 Role of the United States in arms race. The United States has sent weapons to countries such as Ethiopia, Laos, and Cambodia. Vietnam and Iran sold billions of dollars worth of weapons to the Shah of Iran in 1970. It sold everything from cargo planes to supersonic interceptor phantom bombers and surface-to-surface missiles. Iran buys 15 15 billion worth of state-of-the-art weapons And we're talking about half a century ago.


The United States did so in the hope of securing oil supplies from Iran and curbing Soviet influence in the Persian Gulf. The Islamic Revolution took place when Iran became an Islamic republic. And the new government took power in opposition to an American ally. Of all these American weapons, they were used against us in Panama.


 For most of the 20th century, Panama was an American ally. Which received billions in military aid and in 1989 was a major US military base. The CIA asset has been in power for 20 years. And endangered American interests. It attacked us, in which American soldiers encountered American weapons. This is an aspect of the indiscriminate sale of arms.


But Washington did not change its arms sales to Iraq in the 1980s. Keeping a check on Iran only to compete with Iraq after the occupation of Kuwait. Guess which weapon the Iraqis used at the same time.


 The United States has sold missiles and tanks to Somalia. Only to begin military intervention in Somalia in 1992. So he invaded Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. Which was a product of pro-American Mujahideen.

Role of the United States in arms race
                                                  Role of the United States in arms race


 911 involved in al-Qaeda attacks and the US position has not changed since 911. In fact, we drove a lot. And in the name of bringing peace and stability. He sold weapons to each of his grandmothers. Since 2001, the United States has sold about 22 722 billion worth of conventional weapons to 167 countries.


Weapons customer:


There are many red flags in suppressing the democratic race. Suspicious clients, we will give you a short name. This gives US consumers an idea of ​​the risk posed by current and former users.


On the stability of the government, how the government treats its people. And if the country is involved in conflicts at home or abroad.


So the score range is 5 to 15. Low-risk countries should do the opposite. At least the weapons have been sold, as you can see here. Those high-risk countries have become more and more.


 These countries are Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The most unstable countries on the planet. They are all in the possession of American weapons.


Then we have Saudi Arabia currently engaged in military operations in Yemen, Tunisia, and Syria. Countries with a track record of human rights abuses are the opposite of democracies. This is a valuable American client.


 All of this tells you that we promote conflict rather than stability. It fuels wars with its weapons. And this policy is irrespective of who is in power.


Democrats or Republicans have big claims that we all get. Amid the global controversy, Donald Trump has signed hundreds of billions of dollars worth of arms deals for US defense companies and contractors.


 In 2017, it signed a 110 billion deal with Saudi Arabia alone. 42 other countries worth more than 84 84 billion. He was against sending America to war. But it did ensure that the US war machine treasury did not waste large investments in the United States.


 Trump said others did not. It's just that we're all presidents, from Richard Nixon to Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan.


From George W. Bush to Barack Obama. Bill and now incumbent Joe Biden have made everything clear in the policy documents. These economic benefits are the biggest consideration when approving a defense sale.


It's about business, about the effects of arms sales that give us strategic advantages. We appreciate one because it shifts the regional balance in favor of American interests number two. They help to impress us. And the countries that buy American weapons are number three. They give the United States access to foreign military bases. So that they can maintain the supremacy of the shadow.


And fourth, they help increase pressure on client countries. That they vote with us in the United Nations. This strategy has made us a global hub.

US share in arms trade:


Russia accounts for 33% of the US arms trade. Then China 23 France and Germany how American client. They mostly use these weapons against their opponents.


Some even against their own people. There is clear evidence of how US arms sales reached recipients. There are economic, political, and social implications. How they are managing the violations of humanity.


 Violence, the icing on the cake of Taliban weapons is a thing of the past. And once again, our weapons are in the hands of non-state actors.


In 2014, the US Air Force dropped weapons in the Syrian border town of Kobane. For Kurdish fighters, they ended up in the hands of the Islamic State. ISIS also released a video thanking Washington for the gifts in 2019.


 An investigation has revealed this. The weapons that the United States provided to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates fell into the hands of al Qaeda. And in the same year, various investigations by various terrorist organizations in Afghanistan revealed that American-made weapons had fallen into their hands.


 These groups of rival militia groups in Yemen have provided us with weapons against our government in Yemen. This list goes on and on when you get into the habit of arming rogue governments and non-state actors.


 So you are the biggest threat to the world. People who have your weapons. The United States cannot claim to promote human rights. However, the United States cannot claim territorial security by selling arms to human rights violators. While actively escalating regional conflicts, the United States certainly cannot claim to be a torchbearer.

 Peace and stability of democracy. As well as being the world's largest arms dealer, global peace is not in line with our defense industry. That is why the cycle of war continues.

War in Afghanistan

Russian President Putin





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