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Al Farabi Muslim Philosopher


Al Farabi is the most famous philosopher and thinker of the Islamic world. His real name is Muhammad bin Muhammad Tarkhan and his surname is Abu Nasr. He was born in the year 256 AH in 870 in the district of Farab in Turkistan. Farab is located on the banks of the river Jehun. Farabi is more famous than Abu Nasr Farab.

Al Farabi Muslim Philosopher
Al Farabi Muslim Philosopher

Elementary Education: -

At that time, Baghdad was a major center of learning and literature, while those interested in knowledge turned to Baghdad. Farabi also made Baghdad his center of learning and received his initial knowledge from there. Since Farabi was unfamiliar with Arabic, he was first made an expert in the Arabic dictionary, then he studied logic with a Christian physician, Abu Bashar Mati ibn Yunus. Matthew translated many Greek books into Arabic, which is why he was considered an authoritative teacher of logic.

Farabi's interest in logic grew in the company of the same master teacher and he went to "Harran" to learn more about logic, where he learned more about logic in the discipleship of John the Baptist. Shortly afterward, Farabi returned to Baghdad to study Aristotle's philosophy in-depth and to master it. Farabi was the first Muslim philosopher to understand Aristotle's philosophy in the true sense.

Greek books were initially translated from the time of Mansur, while by the time of Aaron and Mamun, all Greek books had been translated into Arabic. This introduced many new avenues in science and literature.

When the Hamdanis conquered Aleppo, they moved their capital from Mosul to Aleppo. During this time, Farabi left Baghdad and settled in Aleppo, and became associated with the court of Saif al-Dawla. In this court, there were poets like Mumbai, writers like Abul Farah Isfahani, and thinkers like Abu Nasr Farabi who were second to none in knowledge and literature. This ruler of the Hamdani family has been of great importance due to his knowledge and scholarship.

Authors: -

Farabi, by the way, tried his hand at all rational sciences, but no one else got as famous as his books on logic and philosophy. Farabi became famous for his interpretation of Aristotle's books. If Aristotle was the first teacher of philosophy, then Farabi was called the second teacher of philosophy. Famous sages like Bo Ali also understood Aristotle's philosophy with the help of Farabi's books.

Farabi wrote the best commentary on Aristotle's book Ethics, and also summarized Plato's book Law. In addition, the famous book on the logic of Farabi "Shara Isa Gho Ji" also gained great popularity. His book "Astrology" is of great importance to astronomy.

In addition to philosophy, Al Farabi has written rare books on science, physics, and meteorology. Singles such as psychology and metaphysics have been the way to the sea of Farabi's thoughts. Farabi's book "Alchemy Radiation" is an excellent book on alchemy. Farabi has also shown his essence in the field of mathematics and his comments on "Euclid" have received tribute from European scholars.

It is strange that in spite of writing such dry essays, Al Farabi was also fond of fine art like "music". Farabi is also the inventor of a famous and delicate instrument like the rabab. He was also skilled in playing the oud. He also enchanted the audience with his singing in the court of Saif al-Dawla.

Al Farabi has written a comprehensive book on music called "Al-Musiqi Al-Kabeer" which has been translated into all European languages. He also wrote some songs, pointing out many flaws in Greek music.

Apart from this, Al Farabi has also written great books on politics, especially a summary of Plato's book "Law", Politics of Madinah, Opinions of the People of Madinah Al-Fadhila, Joama Al-Siyasat, Ijtema Al-Madinah. And his thoughts and ideas are clear from these books.

Political views:

Before describing Al Farabi's political thoughts and ideas, it is important to point out that al-Farabi's entire endeavor was to follow philosophy in Sharia. On the other hand, the ideas of Aristotle and Plato themselves had to be harmonized. Al Farabi was more influential in political ideology than Plato.

Farabi called the "intellect" the difference between man and beast. It is the intellect that has elevated human beings. He has described the human mind as full of intellect, and He has described two forces in man. Which are not in animals, one of which is the power of speech, and the other is the power of victory.

Man acquires knowledge only through the power of reason. And He knows good and evil, good and evil, profit and loss. Expresses love and hate, sorrow and joy through the power of victory. Farabi does not consider man to be born civilized. As Aristotle said. Rather, it says that man is very militant and wicked because of the power of Al-Nuzwiyah.

Gathering: -

Farabi, by the way, has called the man a natural warrior, but he is willing to be civilized in society because of his needs. He knows that without the help of others no need can be met and no goal can be achieved.

Al Farabi Muslim Philosopher
Al Farabi Muslim Philosopher

Gatherings are not one of a kind, but some gatherings are defective and some are perfect. Villages, neighborhoods, and roadside gatherings are poor. In contrast, city gatherings are perfect. In Farabi's view, no matter how flawed the gathering may be, it helps the perfect gathering.

International Alliance: -

Al-Farabi called geographical differences a major element of the idea of ​​international unity. These differences are affected by climate, as climate plays a major role in human behavior and customs. For these reasons, human beings cannot be united with each other. In addition, the language problem is a big problem. Different languages ​​are spoken in different countries, so it is very difficult for all nations to communicate with each other.

Note: This issue is now largely resolved. UN Daraa is now playing a very active role.

State Theory: -

Al-Farabi is the founder of the same ideology that was adopted in England and France seven hundred years after Al-Farabi. Although the Europeans are credited with introducing this theory to "Hobbes", in fact, Al-Farabi introduced this theory to Hughes and Rousseau.

Head of State: -

According to al-Farabi, a leader should be one who does not need to learn from anyone else. It must have the ability to control the state through the power of observation and preaching. Be wise and prudent, endurance is also necessary. For supremacy, Farabi has made these twelve qualities essential.

1- There should be no physical defect

2- The power of narration should be sharp, the whole map should be visible to the listeners.

3- After a little discussion, the real truth should be reached.

4. Must have a strong memory.

5- There is a clear love for knowledge.

6- Stay away from luxuries.

7- It is necessary to control psychological desires and stay away from sex.

8- He should love the truth and refrain from lying.

9- Be generous-hearted.

10- It is necessary to do justice.

11- Avoid violence.

12- Consider oppression and tyranny as haraam.

History of Sindhi Ajrak

Independence of Pakistan history


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