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Cleopatra beauty

 Cleopatra beauty

Cleopatra beauty
                                Cleopatra beauty


fifteen things you didn't know about Cleopatra welcome to a lox calm the

place where future billionaires come to get inspired hello a Luxor's and welcome to another exciting original video presented to you by Alex calm today.

we'll dig into the life of one of the most remarkable women in history

Cleopatra, she was born around 69 BC and even nowadays women still aspire to be like her she's remembered in the collective culture as being an incredibly beautiful woman that would use her charm to influence some of the most powerful men in the Western world.


her full title is actually Cleopatra the seventh palolo tour meaning that there were six other Cleopatra's before her but the name was without a doubt made famous by only one her reign brought Egypt nearly 22 years of prosperity and stability she's remembered as one of the most brilliant and alluring figures of antiquity yet many of the details of her life remain unknown or surrounded by a myth that is because most of the art and writings about her come long after her death and were often written by the Romans who feared her and the thought of a woman gaining so much power what do we know about Cleopatra and what made this

woman to be remembered even after all these centuries, there are


numerous works of art

depicting her life from paintings to writings and movies but what do we

actually know about her if you are new here welcome


let's dive into the 15 things you didn't know about Cleopatra.


number one she was the product of incest marrying a relative


was very common practice back in ancient Egypt especially among royal families in order to preserve the royal blood and the family's fortune it's believed that her parents were most likely brother and sister.


 number two she was the last

Pharaoh of Egypt Cleopatra was the last independent Pharaoh of Egypt and the last member of the Ptolemaic dynasty was a Macedonian Greek family that ruled over Egypt after Alexander the Great's conquest of the land she started ruling at the age of 18 along with her ten-year-old brother whom she married but she eventually became a sole ruler after her death Rome took over Egypt and was later known as Egypt Cast


number three

her famous eye makeup had another

purpose the black cat eye ring around the eye is by far one of Cleopatra's most well-known trademarks many believe it was intended to make her more attractive and to intimidate other women but it actually had a medical purpose back in the ancient times Egyptians faced a variety of illnesses including eye infections the ancient cosmetic used

for darkening the ice called Kohl was thought to contain properties that

fought eye maladies the number for the month of August is dedicated to her after the death of Julius Caesar Octavian later known as Augustus led a campaign against Cleopatra and her reign his purpose was to take over Egypt and its riches in the last battle they had Cleopatra failed to defend her land and was defeated by Augustus after the victory Octavian was

given the chance to name a month in the calendar instead of choosing September which is the month he was born in he chose the eighth month of the year and named it after himself to establish a yearly reminder of the fall of Cleopatra's Empire.


 Number five  Cleopatra the  movie was one of the most expensive


films ever to be created there were a lot of movies based on Cleopatra's life but the most famous one was created in 1963 with Elizabeth Taylor playing the lead role the production started with a budget of two million dollars but because of production issues it ended up costing around forty-four million dollars being one of the most expensive movies to ever be created number six she had a drinking Club Cleopatra and Mark Antony began a drinking club called intimate Abel livers and threw parties for its members the group also engaged in elaborate games and contests besides Knightly feasts and parties after being Julius Caesar's mistress for a while Cleopatra started a love affair with Mark Antony with whom she had three children their relationship was mainly strategic but they also enjoyed each other's company Cleopatra needed Antony in order to

protect her while he needed access to Egypt's resources they threw grandiose parties and often dressed as gods to impress the people

Cleopatra beauty
Cleopatra beauty


number seven her beauty was a myth Cleopatra is known to have been


very beautiful woman but it all might just be a myth what we know for sure is we don't actually know what she looked like many praised Cleopatra's beauty and blame her for the fall of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony into her beauty trap but historians such as Plutarch claimed that

her beauty was not out of the ordinary what she had was a lot of charm and great intelligence some even say she was rather ugly the out-of-this-world beauty image that was painted by the Romans in order to justify their leaders fall maybe not wanting to accept that a woman could take over so much power using her strategic skills one reason we do not

actually, know what she looked like it because as I said at the beginning of this video all of the descriptive artwork regarding her appearance was created long after her death the surviving statues from her period differ from one to another what we know for sure is that she knew how to make an entrance and how to present herself in different ways coming across in accordance with her political and strategic needs when meeting with someone important or a potential ally she wore rich clothes and depicted herself as a goddess however coins surviving her period

however, coins surviving from her period show her with manly features and a large hooked nose some believe she intentionally Illustrated herself as masculine in order to display strength


number 8


she had a mysterious death one of the greatest mysteries surrounding Cleopatra is related to her death while Octavian Augustus took over Egypt around 30 BC Mark Antony and Cleopatra allegedly killed themselves one of the most common theories is that Cleopatra committed suicide by means of a NASPA bite because she didn't want to fall into Augustus his hands another theory is that she killed herself using a poisonous needle kept in her hair historians often argue that she was actually captured by Augustus and was either killed by him or  captured but she managed to kill herself while being a prisoner she died at the age of 39 number nine she was a writer yes Cleopatra was an

intellectual she wrote a book named cosmetics and no it's not what you think it's not a beauty catalog depicting ways to put on makeup it was actually a very detailed pharmaceutical book that showed medical remedies for health problems that could affect a physical appearance she detailed remedies for hair loss and dandruff for example


number 10 she had a perfume factory oils and perfumes were used by everyday

Egyptians during Cleopatra's time especially for sun protection and to

prevent the bad smell of a sweaty body allegedly our girl owned an entire perfume and cosmetics factory near the Dead Sea bequeathed to her by Mark Antony do you want to know what the most expensive perfume in the world is at the moment check out our dedicated video on

the topic by clicking in the top right corner


 number eleven she won a bet against Mark Antony, there is a story


going around that shows Cleopatra's intelligence and great wit at one of the frequent feasts she threw Hansen, he bet her that she couldn't spend a fortune on one meal to prove him wrong she threw a very expensive set of pearls in a cocktail the pearls dissolved because the cocktail contained vinegar everybody present was amazed by her knowledge and audacity science shows that pearls and vinegar don't work well together


number 12 she was a polyglot Cleopatra was a very smart and well-educated woman

knowing up to 8 foreign languages and how could she not she was raised and educated in Alexandria having a huge library to her disposal

and some of the best tutors in the Empire she enjoyed intellectual talks

and had knowledge and feels like philosophy astronomy and mathematics she was described as a ruler who elevated the ranks of scholars and enjoyed their company


 number 13 she was a fashion


designer well sort of she didn't make the clothes herself but she pledged for integrating some Greek style elements into Egyptian looks it was a strategic move made in order to bring the two countries closer together


number fourteen she was braveCleopatra led armies when she was 21 and inspired her soldiers to fight.

fearlessly she led her own fleet and got involved in developing strategies and tactics for the battles we don't know if she was a general but she definitely was not afraid to be in the heart of battle number 15 she was said to be the reincarnation of Isis Cleopatra knew how to make an entrance and how to woo her audience she often dressed up as a goddess and presented herself as the reincarnation of the goddess Isis this way she believed she could convince her potential allies that

they were speaking to an actual goddess making her a valuable asset and demanding respect she was a smart strategist and used every method to win negotiation and maintain her crown to help preserve the belief she had portraits and sculptures made to reflect her as the goddess and that's a wrap on the


 15 things


you didn't know about Cleopatra she was surely an interesting figure back in her time and all this mystery surrounding her life makes

Cleopatra even more desirable and makes us look her up even centuries later hey Luxor's we're curious what do you think about Cleopatra's luxurious lifestyle and all the parties she threw let us know in the comments still here are you that's because you're a true Luxor and of course, we have one final. bonus back to share with you for sticking around until the end number 16 Cleopatra used to bathe in milk to keep

her skin young and beautiful donkey milk to be more precise it is said that she had around 700 donkeys kept just for her daily milk baths donkey milk is extremely healthy and has numerous benefits it leaves the skin feeling soft and clean and it exfoliates it's also very expensive around 450 dollars a leader talked.

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