Gandhara Civilization, Art and
Gandhara art is a cultural collaboration between
classical Greek culture and Buddhism, developed in Central Asia over a period
of about a thousand years. This period included the period from Alexander the
Great (4th century BC) to Islamic conquests (7th century AD). The various
impressions, sculptures, paintings, and art of impressions that came into
existence were called Gandhara art. Gandhara is not only the name of art
but it is a mirror of a vast area and a complete civilization.
Gandhara art flourished here from the first
century AD to the seventh century AD. Gandhara art is actually the
essence of Greek, Saka, Parthian, and Kishan civilizations. The center of
Gandhara art was Taxila, but its roots extend to Peshawar, Mardan, Swat,
Afghanistan and even Central Asia. Gandhara art in Swat is rich
in various Buddha statues, maps, and sculptures. Evidence of this is also found
in the border areas of China. There is a 2,000-year-old Mankiala Stupa in
Punjab province. According to maps published in WF Cerro's book "Worship
of Gandhara Places", the stupa at Mankiala was the last frontier of the
Gandhara civilization stretched as far as Afghanistan and Russia.
art is a cultural collaboration between classical Greek culture and Buddhism,
developed in Central Asia over a period of about a thousand years. This period
included the period from Alexander the Great (4th century BC) to Islamic
conquests (7th century AD). The various impressions, sculptures, paintings, and
art of impressions that came into existence were called Gandhara art. Gandhara
is not only the name of art but it is a mirror of a vast area and a complete
art flourished here from the first century AD to the seventh century AD.
Gandhara art is actually the essence of Greek, Saka, Parthian, and Kishan
civilizations. The center of Gandhara art was Taxila, but its roots extend to
Peshawar, Mardan, Swat, Afghanistan, and even Central Asia. Gandhara art in Swat
is rich in various Buddha statues, maps, and sculptures. Evidence of this is
also found in the border areas of China. There is a 2,000-year-old Manila
Stupa in Punjab province. According to maps published in WF Cerro's book
"Worship of Gandhara Places", the stupa at Mankiala was the last
frontier of the Gandhara civilization that stretched as far as Afghanistan and
Gandhara Civilization, Art and Architecture
the royal days of the Gupta dynasty, new schools of stone carving emerged. The
feature of the statues of Mathura is that Gautama Buddha was first introduced
here in human form (sculpture), which has been famous for a long time. The
Gandhara school made the greatest progress in this art, so the effects of
Gandhara art is found in most parts of the subcontinent. Samples are also found
in northern Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan. Taxila is the most prominent in
this regard.
All of
these patterns are based on the life of Gautama Buddha or Buddhist traditions.
The most admirable examples of Gandhara art are found in Gautama Buddha or
Buddhist sculptures. Gandhara art cushion was developed under the patronage of
the rulers. That is why when this art reached not only China and Japan but also
the Far East, we can clearly see the effects of Gandhara art on the
civilization of these regions. A statue in the Dharmajika Stupa of Taxila was
about forty feet high.
After the
death of Gautama Buddha, the practice of pilgrimage became common in Buddhism.
The tradition became famous that Gautama Buddha had instructed to go to four
places. There is a Lumbini Garden, where Wednesday was born. The other was a
tree near Gaya, under which he had acquired knowledge. The third was the Deer
Garden in Banaras, where he taught religion for the first time. Fourth Kashi
Nagar, where he died. Buddhism flourished in the time of Ashoka, who built
stops at eight places in his kingdom. Each stupa contained a few signs of
Gautama Buddha, the largest being Taxila Dharma Rajika.
monks were appointed to look after the royal stupas. Viharas (temples) were
built for them to live in and the surrounding land was dedicated for this
purpose. Gautama Buddha's ashes were preserved in eight stupas. Ashoka removed
the relics and sent them to all the major cities and provinces of the kingdom
and ordered that a magnificent stupa be built and buried there. Thus the dust
was stored in 84,000 stupas, hence the name of the stupa. These stupas were
rock books about the life of Buddha. The dome of the stupa always had seven
breasts, representing the seven heavens.
Organized urban civilization
Swabi, Mardan Road, a road leads to Asota Sharif and Shivkali, from where a
road leads to Nogram villages. Located in the mountains adjacent to the
program, Rani Gut is one of the largest Buddhist civilizations in the world.
The ruins are located on a high mountain, which was reached with the help of
Japan, UNESCO, and the government of Pakistan. The ruins of Rani Gut are spread
over an area of 168 kanals and reach a distance of 3540 feet. It is 900 feet
above the ground. A series of large black rocks stretches far and wide.
There was
a stone carving in the southern part of Rani Gut. The camels brought stones for
the statues. A room was also made by digging a mountain where a carpenter would
sit. Followers of Gautama Buddha studied here and went to different parts of
the world to study their religion. A plaque at the entrance to the ruins gives
a brief history of the Queen's Gut. There are countless small stupas with large
stupas on Wednesday in the South Cyclist Building Area. To the east are small
rooms without a roof. Seating areas were built along the walls to accommodate
students. These rooms were built together. The art of painting presents about
seven philosophies of heaven and earth.
the barbed wire, broken statues, and other specimens from the Queen's Gut are
preserved. It will cost about ten thousand rupees to clean the statue. In
ancient times, people were unfamiliar with paper and ink, so the teachings of
Gautama Buddha was carried far and wide in the form of carved stones.
Civilization is buried in most parts of Rani Gut. The broken ruins were rebuilt
in different periods. There are some stone steps in the carved part. In front
is an open courtyard, where Buddhists benefited from religious teachings. To
the west is a small underground room, in which the treasure was kept. There is
also a guard room, where the staff was assigned to guard the treasury.
Indus Valley Civilization is as yet a secret
Sumerian Civilization (4000-2225BC)