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Sumerian Civilization (4000-2225BC)


Sumerian Civilization(4000-2225BC)


Sumerian Civilization (4000-2225BC)

The Sumerian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. The first people to settle in Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates) were the Sumerians. They were neither Aryan nor Semitic, but a separate race. They descended from the mountains to the northeast and settled on the banks of the Euphrates. Traces of the Samaritan civilization show that it was a parallel civilization to the Egyptian and Mozambican civilizations. This civilization is very similar to the Moin Judaro civilization in particular.

Her profession:

This is because the people who settled on the banks of the Euphrates initially made farming and fishing their profession, but when their villages began to turn into cities and urban states were established. The cities of Ar, Nairpur, and Edge became famous. The cities that were first established here were in the lower part of the valley where the Tigris and Euphrates flowed parallel and fell into the Persian Sea. Later cities were established in the upper part of the valley. Thus, this part of Mesopotamia was divided into upper and lower parts like Egypt.

System of Government: -

The Sumerian government was based on religion. The kingdom belonged to the gods and the king was the incarnation of these gods. Initially, the ruler of the city-state was a temple priest, and later when he became a permanent ruler, his religious duties were as important as his political duties. Due to the incarnation of these deities, their status in life also became like that of the deities. He lived in palaces where there was a strong guard and he rarely stayed out of the palace.

Conquered territories and cities were ruled by kings or tribal chiefs appointed by kings who provided soldiers for the king's army. These governors and nobles were overseen by the king himself. And he also appointed officers who collected taxes, collected taxes in the form of goods and kept them in royal warehouses. Thus the tax records on the clay tablets were kept under the supervision of experienced clerks.

Thus the administration of the government was carried out under the supervision of other officers and clerks under the supervision of the king and his appointed governors and emperors. The Sumerian government had the same characteristics as the Egyptian government, but its civil war did not stabilize the system of government in the ancient Egyptian state. Yet the powerful tactical king, who was also a religious leader, sought to improve the country's administrative affairs and appointed separate officers to oversee government affairs.

Trade and rules: ---

Initially, like the Egyptians, the Sumerians adopted agriculture as a profession, but when villages were replaced by cities and urban states, trade flourished in the country. And in a short time, the Sumerian nation was considered a merchant nation. He established trade relations with neighboring countries and West Asian countries. Along with Semitic archeology, some cultural relics have been discovered in the Indus Valley. They prove the trade and social ties between the two regions.

As trade transactions began to increase, commodity prices began to be determined by the quantity of wheat or jockey, so trade began to be disrupted. But gradually metals were used to exchange goods and silver began to be exchanged. The amount of silver began to determine the value of everything. And so trade became easier and trade flourished. Thus began the accounting for trade.

As a trading nation, the Samaritans enacted laws for social needs, including buying and selling, transactions and loans, and later marriage and divorce, inheritance, and contracts. These laws were compiled by the famous ruler of Babylon (Hammurabi) which is still known today as the "Laws of Hammurabi".

Signs of the ancient Sumerian civilization was found after the excavation of archeological sites in present-day Iraq and Syria, which introduced the world to this civilization. This current of civilization has been going on in this region for centuries and its names are changing but it could not be reversed. Civilization and government The government of religion, trade, science and art, economy and continuity of war and bloodshed was changed by the people of Babylon and later Assyria led civilization in this valley but the oldest civilization that started ۔ That was the Semitic civilization.

Indus Valley Civilization is as yet a secret
The Great African civilizations


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