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The Great African civilizations

The silence of world historians on the great African civilization seems astonishing. While this civilization should be counted among the great civilizations. There are cultural elements, factors of love, and solidarity that will make the world more knowledgeable.

There are many misconceptions about the lives of Africans before the arrival of European and American colonies. According to some historians, Africans were nothing but savages whose only share in the world was agriculture and slavery.

This is not true. The history of ancient Africa is as interesting, complex, and sophisticated as any other ancient civilization, but without exception. This is the only Egypt that has any consideration when writing history.

Great African civilizations
The Great African civilizations

 Because of this mentality, European and American historians have long understood that Africa and its inhabitants had no culture or history of their own, except that it was given to them by external factors.

However, long before European colonization, Africans built kingdoms and monuments that competed with any European kingdom.

 However, because of racial prejudice, much of Black African history has been distorted and ignored in order to justify the enslavement of millions of people for financial gain. This article will discuss the ancient African empires of Miro, Ghana and Swahili and their full contribution to the pages of history.

Kingdom of Meru

Miro's reign began in 1000 BC when Nubian rulers formed a politically independent state that the Egyptians called Kush. Eventually, the Cushite rulers moved to Nubia and established the kingdom of Miro.

These rulers established their capital, Mero, around 300 BC, and the empire lasted for more than nine centuries. Couldn't get its culture to the pages of history.

 This fact is not true. According to archeological finds in northern Sudan, which is 2500 years old, there was an ancient civilization on the banks of the Nile River in the Nile and Upper Nubia. (modern Sudan) which was older than the civilizations of the north (Egypt). Also, there is evidence that the famous Egyptian civilization was a high level of ancient civilization in Sudan.

This evidence proves that Miro had a culture and history that was even older than the Egyptians. If anything, Egypt was a carbon copy of Marrow.

This country also had its own language. However, most historians attribute their language and alphabet system to the Egyptians. It was a common belief that the ancient Black Africans could not develop and develop a written language.

However, things written in a separate local alphabet appear in the marrow as early as the second century BC, proving that these assumptions are incorrect.

This written Meroitic language dates back to the 5th century when it was finally replaced by Old Nubian. The monuments mention Meroitic extensively, which is especially readable by a certain percentage.

However, the significance of these writings is not known, as the hieroglyphic script is still unacceptable. Another little-known fact about meerkats is that their numbers are extraordinary.

Whatever the queens intervened to rule. A queen, Queen Emeritus, fought the Roman warriors in 24 BC. He won the first battle and lost the second, Rome's shops were quite a battle, no agreement was reached, and he returned to Rome.

Rome never conquers Marrow, and this sultan continues to prosper for another 200 years. In fact, "contraction" is more accurate, because the leader of the marrow was usually a warrior queen.

Great African civilizations
The Great African civilizations

Socially, Merro was widely known for its large-scale iron ore production, the first large-scale industry of its kind in the Nile Valley, as well as extensive trade with Greece and Rome. Because of Logan's production, the army is being used for better weapons during the war and has better axes and hoes to work on farmers' land.

Merrow merchants exported ivory, challan skins, shooter wings, ebony and gold, and soon gained direct access to the Red Sea fruit trade.

Miro's kingdom eventually fell into disrepair. The reasons for the decline of the Meroitic Empire are still largely unknown. A powerful Abyssinian state in the eastern state of Ethiopia, due to the expansion of one direction, the Meroitic Empire had to study quest competition. About A.D. 350, an expeditionary army captured the city of Marvi, ending the kingdom's independent existence.

The West African Empire of Ghana is another kingdom whose history was backward and it canceled out external factors. Although the Berbers actually founded Ghana in the fifth century, they worked on the southern shores of the Berbers.

 Over time, the land was dominated by Soninke, a market people who live along the Sahara border. It occupied the right side of the Sahara, the capital, Kambi Saleh construction and the rapid transfer of the city became the center of the Saharan trade routes.

Most of the wealth in Ghana on Friday due to transfer routes. This wealth made it possible for Ghana's local chiefs to pay tribute to the conquered and subjugated states. However, this tribute is to be gained from the merchandise business which stretches from West Africa to the East to Egypt and the Middle East. The trade consisted mainly of gold, salt, and copper.

A hereditary king named Ghana ruled over Ghana. The kingdom was a married life (as were all friendly states). The ruler's sister gave the beneficiary to the seat.  It seems that in addition to military power, the king was the supreme judge of the kingdom.

The advent of Islam in Africa

Although Islam has been the largest religion in North Africa since the eighth century, the state of Ghana has never changed. However, the Ghanaian court allowed Muslims to settle in the cities and even encouraged Muslim experts to assist the royal court in governing the country and advising on legal matters.

Great African civilizations
The Great African civilizations

The original founders of Ghana eventually died. Unlike Ghana, the Berbers, who now call themselves Al-Murad, strongly converted to Islam and, in 1075, declared a holy war or jihad against the state of Ghana.

Little is known about what actually happened, but Ghana ceased to be a commercial or military power after 1100. The Moravian Revolution finally overthrew Ghana.

The African people and their rulers have played a passive role in this process, Europeans and Arabs have presented the history of the Soviet state, one of which was Muslim-Arab domination.

 Recent archeology, however, suggests that the Swahili people are a descendant of the Bento-speaking people who have lived along the East African coast for thousands of years.

 Although both Arabic and Persian married Swahili, neither of these two cultures had anything to do with the formation of Swahili civilization. These cultures have emerged in the African civilization that was founded by the ancient Bento Africans.

The east coast of Africa changed profoundly around the first century AD. Meanwhile, Bento-speaking Africans from within the country migrated from Kenya to the coast of South Africa.

 Thereafter, traders and merchants of the Muslim world realized the strategic importance of the east the coast of Africa for commercial traffic and settled there.

Between Bento women and Middle Eastern men, marriage, religion, agricultural architecture, textiles, food, and purchasing power, as well as a rich Swahili culture, were formed.

Great African civilizations
The Great African civilizations

 After 900 AD, the arrival of the Shirazi Arabs on the east coast of Africa came from the Persian Gulf and even from small Indian settlements. The Arabs called the region "Black" and the coastal areas gradually came under the control of Muslim traders from Arabia and Persia.

 By the 1300s, East Africa's major ports, from Mambaza in the north to Sofala in the south, had become fully Islamic cities and cultural centers.

Great African civilizations
The Great African civilizations

The language derived from this civilization is a very common and broad Franca language: a lingua franca is a secondary language that is a combination of two or more languages.

Swahili or Kiswahili comes from the Arabic word Swahili, which means "beach". Swahili belongs to the subcontinent of the Bento languages ​​on the northeast coast. It is closely related to the former Canadian languages, Pokemon, and Nagisa.

At least a thousand years of intense and varied dialogue with the Middle East has given Swahili a complete overhaul of loans in various languages. Even in Swahili, despite a large number of Arabic loans, the language is, in fact, Bento.

Great African civilizations
The Great African civilizations

By the time Zanzibar (from the Arabic word al-Zan) arrived, Swahili civilization had spread to the south. Later, its inhabitants developed a small area further south around Safari in Zimbabwe.

Although the northern city remained indigenous and had little effect on African culture from the coast, the Teflon actively moved inland and popularized deep Islam and Islamic culture in the African region.

The largest Selvic states were Mogadishu, Barua, Mombasa (Kenya), Gaddy, Pete, Malindi, Zanzibar, Klui, and Safari, in the far south. Kluwer was the most famous of these cities and was particularly wealthy because it controlled the southern port of Sofala.

 The interior (near "Great Zimbabwe") had access to manufactured gold and was located to the south. On which ships coming from India can expect to sail and return in the same monsoon season.


These city-states were very cosmopolitan for their time and all were politically independent of each other. In fact, they were more like competitive companies or corporations, each ready to win a lion in African trade.

The main exports were ivory, sandalwood, ebony, and gold. Arab traders also brought textiles from India and porcelain from China.

Although Arabs and Persians played a role in the development of Swahili civilization, the nobility was of African descent and ruled the cities. However, the elders were Muslims and the Muslims controlled the wealth. Below the nobility were ordinary people and resident foreigners who made up a large part of citizenship.

However, among the hunters, animals, and peasants themselves, Islam rarely entered. Even coastal areas near commercial cities were relatively unaffected. In the towns, mud and knife houses of non-Muslim commoners surrounded the stone and coral buildings of the Muslim elite and it seems that most followers of Islam were rich, not poor.

Nevertheless, Swahili developed a culture that blended African and Islamic elements. For example, both lineages were traced through the maternity line.

 Who controlled the property, through an African practice and the Perrin line, which was a Muslim tradition. Swahili culture had a strong Islamic influence. But it retained most of its African descent.

These cities began to decline in the sixteenth century. The arrival of Portuguese trade blocked old trade routes and abandoned Swahili shopping malls.

 The Portuguese wanted Africans not to participate in African trade and to be fully engaged in conquering the states of the Islamic cities along the East Coast.

At the end of the seventeenth century, the Imam (religious leader) of Oman drove the Portuguese off the coast and gradually established his rule on the coast.

The existence of these ancient Black African civilizations proves once and for all that Africa had a culture and a history of its own that existed for centuries before the advent of external factors other than the Egyptians.

Great African civilizations
The Great African civilizations

 Miro's kingdom ruled for centuries before the Egyptians and deserved its rightful place as one of the world's oldest civilizations. The state of Ghana has proved that Africans are capable of handling their own affairs without European interference. Swahili and their language existed for centuries before they were "discovered" by the Arabs and others.

Before the arrival of Europeans and Muslims in Africa, these civilizations had their own culture, language, and trade and most of the world knows nothing about them. This is a great crime against the study of history and it is hoped that through the study and writings of further archeology the rich and interesting history of these magnificent civilizations will be told to future generations and will be their treasure.

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