Black Sheedi
Festival Mangopir in Pakistan
The Black Sheedi Festival Manghopirin Pakistan is celebrated in Karachi. on the occasion of the annual Urs of Manghopir. In which a large number of people from Sindh and Balochistan participate.
Black Sheedi Festival Mangopir in PakistanThe celebrations of this Urs last for seven days. in which Sheedi Dahamal is organized in full swing. It can be seen that this festival is a collection of Sheedi rituals.
all the rituals are of Ghoriya lineage while we also call it a seasonal festival. In ancient times, when the date crop was ripe. our people used to organize this festival.
Our affiliation with Manghopir is due to Baba Ghor. about whom our elders narrate that. there used to be a passage a little further from the place where the shrine of Manghopir.
is today to go on Hajj. Was used and this was the land route for Arabia. Many caravans used to pass through this route. It so happened that in one caravan.
four saints of Allah including Hazrat Baba Farid, Hazrat Lal Shahbaz, Hazrat Bahauddin, and Hazrat Sheikh Nubi. alias Baba Ghor passed through this route to go on Hajj.
In those days a robber named Manga Ram. used to loot goods from all the caravans. on the same route, so when the caravan of these saints reached this place.
they also met Manga Ram. Manga Ram could not bear the sight of these four saints. While enduring. he repented of his sins and fulfilled the word of truth.
and became the intention of these saints. After the caravan left, he engaged in rituals and worship. When the caravan returned from Hajj, the world of Mangharam had changed. at that place. Manghopir also took advantage of these saints and asked them for some signs.
In this way, Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar miraculously released hot and cold springs. Baba Farid shook his chador. He prayed for the guardianship of the truth. and Baba Ghor dedicated some of his devotees to his service. After the demise of Manghopir. the devotees and devotees of Baba Ghor laid the foundation of his Urs celebrations which continues to this day.
Manghopir's connection with the Sheedi Chain is due to the Ghoriya Chain. The ritual of eating meat at the Sheedi festival is about devotion.
The largest but the fish is given the title of a peacock. This tradition has been going on for centuries۔ and many devotees also bring meat. Some of them bring meat as a prayer and some bring meat as a sign of devotion.
But the meat that is brought as a devotion on festive days. Only the head of the crocodile, the peacock, is marked. Which is called Tika. Tika means to mark or mark. Tick is actually a Sindhi word. Is a word that means sign. Therefore, this mark is applied by grinding the fragrant wood of sandalwood.
Many people had the impression that it was a Hindu ritual or something like that. So that's wrong. But this is done only in terms of identity.
And the impression that shady girls eat or offer this meat is also wrong. While the keeper of the pond offers this meat. Everyone else has their own opinion and it has nothing to do with reality.
At present, the festival is organized by the four major groups (tribes) of the Sheedi community. and the entire community participates in it
These are the four parties.
. Kharadar Sheedi Jamaat.
. Lasi Sheedi Jamaat.
. Hyderabadi Sheedi Jamaat.
. Belara Sheedi Jamaat.
All these parties (tribes) have been united to form a Panch Jamaat. which has been named as Combined Shadi Jamaat. and the annual Urs of Manghopir has also been included in its responsibility.
Members of all tribes are invited to decide the date of the festival. and their unanimous decision fixes the date of the festival. The days of this festival are the same as in the past. that is, the rituals of the festival have to be performed from Friday to Thursday.
The festivities of the festival begin on Friday. on which day Chador Sharif is laid on Manghopir. and the regular festival begins. In which everyone participates. Ticks are scheduled this way.
On Friday, Chadar Sharif from all tribes.
On Saturday, Amri, Kharadar Jamaat.
On Sundays, Tika, Amri, Lasi Jamaat.
On Monday, the second taka, Lasi Sheedi Jamaat.
On Monday Amri, Hyderabadi Sheedi Jamaat.
On Tuesday, the third taka, Hyderabadi Sheedi Jamaat.
On Tuesday, Amri, Belara Sheedi Jamaat.
On Wednesday, the fourth taka, Belara Shaidi Jamaat.
The last chador is performed between Asr and Maghrib on Thursdays. and this festival ends with it. Amri, which is also mentioned. is actually the name of a tree that is made of tamarind. I am called Amri. and there is a tradition from ancient times.
that in the evening after the taka. men used to gather under this tree. so they would sit here and prepare taka as well as play dhamma. so It also became a tradition that continues to this day.
Nowadays, it has become a permanent home. whereas before 1990. we used to come here and build huts. and an environment that was like mini-Africa. Where it was thought that you are not in Karachi but in a settlement in Africa.
Black Sheedi Festival Mangopir in Pakistan As the day of the festival draws near. our curiosity and preparation begin to accelerate. new clothes and shoes for children begin to be bought.
They arrange other accessories. If a person is martyred. that is, he is martyred, he is re-prepared and kept ready.
At the same time, some new drums are also bought. so that there is no problem. And so the day finally comes. that is, the day the festival is to be announced. this announcement is made two months before the festival.
so that everyone can ensure its preparation. After the announcement, God willing. if someone dies or a tragedy occurs, the festival celebrations. are not stopped because of it.
In order to inform the Sheedi community of another city about the festival. it is the duty of the Kotwal of the Jamaat. to convey this message to the Jamaat of each city. Available from.
Seven days before the festival, our people arrive on Manghopir. and five days before the festival, we leave the houses of Maghram. This scene is so captivating that it is difficult to describe in words.
The mourners of all the houses gather at Last Sheedi's house. which is brought by the people of these houses in groups. Thus, in every house, there are four or five mourners who already reach there with caravans.
But those who are proud of the house do not take it in the car but carry it on their shoulders. The journey of these four is very interesting. In which the youth of the community take full part and carry them on their shoulders and go to Manghopir from Lee Market.
The festival begins with the wearing of the Mango Pir Chadar. For which people from all communities gather. This is how Amri prepares for the next day, which begins between Syria and Syria.
The commotion in Amri continues till late at night. From morning, the elders collect a little flour and sugar from each house. Which is used to make a special kind of bread called root.
This route is made because the dhamali who are engaged in this process all day long are humbled by it. On the other hand, men slaughter a goat and prepare meat for the crocodile which consists of the neck part of the goat.
On the other hand, seven dhikrs of Dahmal begin۔ during which some people are engaged in the preparation of the bowl of Ghotara. This cup is a mixture of a few herbs which are made by mixing fennel, apricot, cloves, cardamom, sugar, and malt.
It is also called Faqiri Pyala۔ and it is necessary for Ghoriya. When the seven dhikrs are completed۔ the ecstasy performers in front of the large congregation of the congregation and some elders sit in a circle۔ to which the collector takes turns giving the cup and a piece of coconut in hand.
When this ritual is done, the procession begins again۔ and the meat of the goat is placed in a large tray۔ and at the same time, the journey is started by placing a chador flower on the other tray and placing it on the heads of the little girls. ۔
It is said that "Swords in the nickel field, swords in the nickel field"۔ and everyone stand up when they start walking, they say, "Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go." They say, “Let's tie the knot, let's go to the field, let's tie the knot, let's go to the field, the saints remember the prophets, Baba, walk with me, all the saints call Mecca, Medina is true. Ghauri Bashah Nawaze O Allah O Masala, Sheedi Sahib Nawaze O Allah O Masala.
Now within this dhikr is the meaning of dua۔ which is addressed to the participants. This means that Ghauri will bless you with the pleasure of Baba Allah, Sheedi will bless you with the pleasure of Sahibullah. And many attributes are part of it, so the journey to the shrine continues.
It is necessary to approach the crocodile sometime before the noon۔ call and it is necessary to pay the taka to the crocodile before the time of Zawal۔
otherwise, the crocodile does not take the taka۔ so it is obligatory to pay the taka on time. After a short delay in giving taka for a year۔ this year, the crocodile was fed taka with great difficulty. This taka was given to the chief of the crocodiles who is given the title of a peacock.
In the field where Dahamal used to camp for a while۔ everyone is humiliated with syrup. As soon as the Zuhr prayers are over۔ Dahamal is started. Now, this short journey begins to go inside the shrine.
When the stairs of the shrine are climbed۔ Mango mentions the attribute of Monday and after reaching the premises of the shrine۔ for about one and a half hours۔ the commotion is stopped and the field commotion is started۔ the team of which is already ready. ۔
At the shrine, the procession lasts for about two to three hours۔ after which the return journey to Dhammal begins۔ ending at the place where it begins in the morning.
In this way, the procession continues for four consecutive days۔ with a break only during the prayer hours.
The stick-like object in the hand of the one who is ecstatic is also called a stick۔ a cane, and a Mukta. The cane is actually taken under the sign of Baba Ghor۔
so the ecstasy performers take special care of it with great devotion۔ and also put a silver cover on it. Women have to have choonri۔ this chonri is necessary for us which is mandatory in every home.
Choonri is a special kind of dupatta that is worn by women۔ in the midst of ecstasy, which we often give to our girls at weddings. In this way, the rituals of the Sheedi festival۔
end after a full week. The last chador is laid between Asr and Maghrib۔ on Thursdays and preparations for the departure from the festival begin.
The scene of departure from the festival۔ is also very heartwarming. In these fortnights, the spirit of passion۔ love, and devotion, which is the spirit of longing for each other۔ presents a scene during Rongi to express.
There are no words for it. It is mentioned on the lips of the helpless۔ “Let the manager sitting on the bank of the river eat the fish۔ the big fish sit on the net۔ the pigeons live۔
if they live, they will meet again۔ if they live in peace, they will meet again. In this way, for the golden memories of the festival۔, everyone goes back to their homes۔ and establishes an inseparable bond of love and brotherhood۔ which has always been and will remain an important means of intermingling.
Dhammal of Ghoriya series is a conscious rhythm۔ and its dhikr consists of Hamd, Naat, Manqabat. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and this heritage is especially for the Sheedis.
Just as the four pillars of Sufism۔ are very important, that is, cognition, method, truth, and devotion۔ so in order to understand the symbols of the saints, one must first understand these four matters.
The method of the Ghoriya chain is known through Babaghor۔ so it is a fact and our devotion is attached to it. Just as we have inherited our culture, so we have inherited it.
We do not restrain anyone in matters of devotion. If someone receives a bounty۔ we have no excuse for it, but there is no such claim. Maybe this series is his legacy.
There is very little information in this regard in Sindh. The main reason for this is that there has been very little contact between the Sheedis.
In ancient times, these days were specially remembered and participation in them was considered very important. But with the passage of time۔ they have been confined to their own area, while the Ghoriya chain has remained the only Maghram.
The next generation did not show much interest۔ so the lack of musicians has almost diminished. In Tando Mohammad Khan, Gambo Shaidi۔ an expert in playing Maghram۔ has the status of an academy. He has provided a lot of students. This series continues to this day, with which the youth are getting acquainted.
Another great personality who made a name for himself in Sindh۔ in terms of playing Maghram was the late Dada Dino. In addition to Swahili, you were fluent in different languages.
It is the glory of the Ghoriya chain that has nurtured the Sheedi community۔ in a single link, which is why the element of mutual unity and solidarity۔
is evident in us. This Sheedi culture has a spiritual impact in itself, wherever Sheedis live۔ they organize it on a large scale in every small and big city and every small and big village. The way in which this tradition is fulfilled in this day and age
It is a huge undertaking in Sindh۔ as the interest of today's youth is waning, while the late Faiz Muhammad Sheedi in Tando Allahyar۔ and Hyderabad in reviving this ancient tradition among the youth. Azhar Dawood Sheedi has done a very good job. Much progress has been made and this process has started again in the same manner.
The color of Sheedi Dhamal in Sindh is a bit different from Sheedi۔ Dhamal in Karachi but the beginning is the same. All over the subcontinent۔
the Maghreb has a spiritual status with regard to Sheedi. Are held. This is also the time of Baba Ghor's Urs۔ which shows that the entire Sheedi nation is associated with it.
Our Sufis have given great importance to the remembrance of Dahmal۔ from which there is a place in our Sufism that everyone knows.
One thing I think it is important to summarize is that many people here in Karachi۔ especially, think that the rides of the jinn, etc., overwhelm a person and make him useless۔ or that jinn come, is correct. do not have.
On the contrary, it has been the belief of our followers since ancient times۔ that the spirits of our elders have been guiding us in every age.
This is the chain by which we seek guidance from the spirits of our elders who in the present world۔ we are greatly benefited by His grace, which belongs especially to us.
The retribution of the mourners is also liked by the saints of Allah۔ and the ringing of the mourners on the occasion of the Urs of the shrines۔ is also preferred because it has a certificate of acceptance from the Prophet. Most of the houses in Karachi have a mausoleum of one of the saints.