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Musa Mansa, the richest man in the world


Musa Mansa, the richest man in the world

Moses was the ruler of Musa Mansa Timbuktu. He is known as the richest man in the world. He ruled the kingdom of Mali at a time when it was rich in minerals and especially gold.

Musa Mansa, the richest man in the world
Musa Mansa, the richest man in the world

This was the time when the demand for gold was at its peak all over the world. His real name was Musa Keita I, but after his accession, he was called Mansa, which means king.

Today's Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Nigeria were part of the Mosaic Empire at that time. Mansa Musa built many mosques, some of which still exist.

It is difficult to estimate Mansa's wealth in this day and age. Still, his fortune was estimated at 400 billion.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has recently been named the world's richest man with an estimated net worth of 10 106 billion, while Mansa Musa had far more wealth than Jeff Bezos.

If inflation is not taken into account, then Jeff Bezos has the most wealth at the moment. But even if inflation is kept in mind, the wealth of Mansa Musa is greater than any living or dead rich man in history. When we compare the rich, we find that the Ruth Child family had a fortune of three hundred and fifty billion US dollars, while John D. Rockefeller had a fortune of 340 billion dollars.

The most famous story of Musa Mansa's reign is his pilgrimage. This is the event of the year 1324. In this journey, Mansa Musa covered a distance of about six and a half thousand kilometers. Incidentally, when those who wished to see Mansa Musa went to meet him, they were stunned to see his caravan.


People saw that Mansa Musa's caravan included 60,000 people, 12,000 of whom were his personal followers. In front of the horse that Mansa Musa rode was a group of 500 men with goldenrod in their hands. The forerunners of Mansa's caravan wore fine silk.

Apart from them, the caravan also had a caravan of 80 camels loaded with 136 kg of gold.

Mansa Musa was so generous that when he passed through Egypt he is said to have given so many donations to the poor that there was inflation in the region.

Musa Mansa, the richest man in the world
Musa Mansa, the richest man in the world

Because of this journey of Mansa Musa, stories of his wealth spread to Europe and people from Europe started coming to him just to see how much wealth he had and to what extent what is being said is true.

Rudolph Weir, a professor of history at the University of Michigan in Money Magazine, says: ۔

When the wealth of Mansa Moses was confirmed, the name of the kingdom of Mali and its king were added to the Catalan Atlas, which included all the known places at that time.

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