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Mobile phone requirement or lifestyle


Mobile phone requirement or lifestyle

Mobil phone requirement or lifestyle, Technology has become an important necessity in the life of human beings living in the twentieth year of the 21st century. Mobile Phone has become one of our lifestyles and many daily personal and professional matters are being done thanks to it.

Mobile phone requirement or lifestyle

That is why today's man does not spend as much time with himself as he does with his mobile phone. When we acknowledge the fact that a mobile phone has become one of the most important necessities today and without it, life is difficult. The question also arises as to whether we are using it properly or not.

Every 18 months the value of technology is halved and the speed is doubled. This formula is called Morse Law. That is why today technology is advancing very fast and the man of 2020 is witnessing the miracles of modern technology with his own eyes. Technology has brought immense opportunities for human beings. Not long ago, one could not have imagined that the resources that a person sitting in New York has, can also be possessed by a person sitting in Pakistan! But thanks to the internet, it has become possible. Today, we have websites and apps in the form of social media where opportunities and facilities are just a click away.

First of all, decide what is a mobile phone for you? Is it an important means of your business, employment, and professional communication or a tool to keep busy in your free time? It has been generally observed that most people Mobile phone is used less for need and more for minutes. Facebook is used only to keep busy and unnecessary chatting on What's App. No one will do it wisely. They use mobile phone-only to the extent of need. Will use, not as an addiction. Today we will try to find out what are the basic etiquettes that every mobile phone user should know, as the use of WhatsApp for messaging and messaging is very common. And this app has become a big trend so today we will present some important points about WhatsApp.

(1) Useless messages:

There are some of us who wake up in the morning and send a good morning message to everyone. Similarly, the custom of sending built-in temples, pictures, and words have become common. Sometimes it is fine, but the daily practice is not correct. Keep it up! Everything that happens too often is devalued. Any serious and decent person gets very upset by this act and it is quite possible that the sender of the message will send something very important in the future but ignore it. Let it be said that "then something unnecessary must have been sent."

Mobile phone requirement or lifestyle

(2) Spreading without research:

Even the social media people spread any shocking thing in the cycle of their "ratings". Today, this disease has spread to the common people of the society and every word heard is forwarded without any research. So is sure to research anything before forwarding it.

(3) Sermons and advice and strict promises:

Most people will be able to advise you, regardless of whether you need it or not. The principle of advice is that it is given at the right time and to the person concerned. Even such unnecessary words are of no use.

There are some people who keep sending the strictest kind of promises in the Qur'an and Sunnah, because of which even good Muslims tremble. It is said that Islam is not as strict a religion as it seems from the messages of these people. It is also a source of fear and frustration for society.


Sufis and saints were always gentle in their teachings. They would awaken the positivity of man and give him the good news. That is why people also came close to him and got the benefit of Islam from him.

(4) Unnecessary things:

When I asked the celebrities about the messages coming to them, they said:

"Sometimes we give a person a chance to talk thinking that he will take some guidance or ask for work, but he starts asking unnecessary and personal things, which wastes a lot of our time and If they are ignored, they accuse you of arrogance and conceit, although they should realize that the person I am addressing has thousands of tasks in addition to my message, which he has to deal with. How will he do his job if he sits down to gossip? ”

(5) Introductory conversation:

Most people send a long, wide message. The reader wonders at every sentence what the end is. Neither the context nor the background of the incident is known. When the story is over. If so, then the name of the writer, the background of the incident, and the advice to solve this problem is sought. Will he be able to give sincere advice to the sender of the message. Absolutely not!

Mobile phone requirement or lifestyle

The best way is to introduce yourself by sending a message before contacting any person and asking when I can contact you. This method shows that the person sending the message is a polite person.

(6) Sweeten your mouth.

There are some people who start sending details of their deeds without asking anyone that today I gave a speech in a certain place had dinner with such and such a person in an expensive restaurant took a selfie with such and such a person. Not considered good. A wise man says that

"Even some of your closest friends are unhappy with your achievements."

It is not wise to exaggerate yourself and make your own friends jealous. Remember that a person will make his own place in his work and content if he knows.

(7) Not giving thanks:

It has been observed in some people that they ask a person for something, get information or ask for something and when their requirement is met then they go their own way. It is very rude which has a very bad effect on personal and professional life. Therefore, every person who does even the slightest thing for you must thank him and when someone else thanks you So be sure to answer that too. The words "welcome" in Urdu, "welcome" in English, and "amnesty" in Arabic are used to answer thanks.

(8) Do not respond:

You sent a message to one of your friends; the friend read the message but neither answered in "yes" nor in "no". You may also experience mental anguish and many misunderstandings that can damage your relationship.

So be sure to respond to anyone's message and leave as much space as possible in the conversation so that the relationship does not deteriorate.

(9) Answer with insufficient words:

In order to reply to a person, it is necessary to use full words. Sometimes you send a good detail to someone and Roh sends only "OK" or "Ok" in reply. Similarly. Some people say "thnx" when giving thanks. This method is not correct. If possible, does the whole thing while texting, but if there is a lack of time, then "better", "I would do better". Send complete sentences like "Okay Right", "Okay done", "Thank You" in English.

Voice Messaging:

 WhatsApp voice messaging has become a great means of communication nowadays. Remember that the voice message you send is authentic proof, which can be a good or bad witness for you. So be very careful about this. The following mistakes are usually made when sending a voice message:

1. In addition to recording voice messages, there are also conversations with other people sitting nearby.

2. Some people's phone is ringing and they are also recording messages.

3. Some are speaking thoughtfully during a voice message, which lengthens the message and makes the listener feel bored.

Send your voice message as short as possible. Do not place the mobile phone too close to the mouth so that the sound of the breath is not recorded or too far away, which the listener does not understand. When sending a message to anyone, polite, gentle, and polite words. Use, because they reflect your personality.

WhatsApp Group:

Keep an eye on the following in the WhatsApp group.

Mobile phone requirement or lifestyle

1. If any group member sends a message to the group, they must reply to it.

2. Encourage any good deed. Similarly, if there is anything about you, thank it.

3. Don't make the group a place for unnecessary discussion and debate, because every person's time is very precious. Maybe someone will be disturbed by your action.

4. If you want to address a specific person in the group, mention their name at the beginning of the message. The symbol @ is used for a mansion. The advantage of this is that the person concerned will answer you and the rest of the people will know that it is not about us.

Mobile is not just a technology but its use reflects your full personality. When communicating with your friends, if the above etiquette is taken care of along with good morals, then you will become one of your favorite personalities among your friends.

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