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Corona virus vaccine


Coronavirus vaccine

The coronavirus vaccine is in the final stages of development. The University of Oxford has recently made an encouraging announcement about this. Two weeks later, false and misleading claims about the vaccine and its safety are emerging.

Corona virus vaccine
Coronavirus vaccine

The anti-vaccine movement has gained popularity on online platforms in recent years and anti-polio campaigners are now focusing their attention on spreading misleading claims about the coronavirus

What is a vaccine?

First of all, it should be understood that the vaccine itself does not work against the germs, but helps the body's immune system to fight off the germs. This is because when a virus attacks the body, the body usually moves against it, but the process takes so long that the virus has a chance to make the body very sick. Give or kill

Corona virus vaccine
Coronavirus vaccine
Vaccines are inserted into a healthy person's body by inactivating the germs, or by taking specific proteins from their body. The body considers it an attack on itself and activates the immune system against the vaccine. If ever in the future the disease-causing germs invade, the body is already prepared for it and eliminates it as soon as possible

Claims about the effects of vaccines on DNA

First, a video of osteopath Carrie Madig's false claims about trials of the coronavirus vaccine has become popular on social media.

Her video falsely claims that it will alter the vaccine recipient's DNA (which contains genetic information).

"The Code 19 vaccine is designed to include us in genetically modified organisms."

She also claims, without any evidence, that the vaccine will "make us all accustomed to the artificial intelligence interface."

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are currently 25 vaccines in clinical trials worldwide, but none of them will alter human DNA or have an artificial intelligence interface. ۔ There is absolutely no technology to connect.

These vaccines are designed to train our bodies to recognize and fight viruses and to develop an immune response.

Carrie Madge makes several other false claims, including that vaccine trial "do not follow scientific safety protocols to ensure that the vaccine is safe

Vaccines are the most effective treatment for large-scale epidemics in the world, and with the help of vaccines, humans have been able to control the epidemics that have killed millions in the past.

But developing a vaccine against the coronavirus and then bringing it to market is not an easy task. According to health officials, this could take at least a year and a half, even if everything goes according to plan. This period can be extended if any unexpected interruption occurs in between.

At present, about 35 companies around the world are working hard to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus as soon as possible. Modern, an American company, is set to begin experiments in early April. Research on SARS and other coronaviruses that cause measles is also being used.

Corona virus vaccine

At the moment, everyone is eagerly waiting for scientists to come up with a vaccine day and night to help them get rid of coronavirus. This is not an easy task. According to experts, no matter how fast this process is done, no matter how many resources are used, one to one and a half years have not gone by


Extreme caution is essential

There are a number of critical steps involved in the development of a vaccine, which has to be determined by the health of the people. This is because the vaccine affects healthy people, so extra precautions are needed. If a critically ill patient suffers from the side effects of an experimental drug, it can be said that he was on the verge of death anyway, every risk could be taken to treat him, but the wrong medicine to a healthy person. Making him sick is a different matter.

Second, if the coronavirus vaccine is developed, it could be given to millions, if not billions, of people. If even a small percentage of them are affected, it can have devastating consequences. That is why scientists are taking every possible precaution.

How is the vaccine made

The first step in developing a vaccine is to look for parts of the virus that, when injected into a healthy person's body, can help the body develop an effective defense against the virus.

In the past, the virus was injected into the body in such a way that it was unable to cause disease but activated the body's immune system. But now medical science has advanced so much that the whole virus is no longer needed, but only a few specific proteins can be extracted from the body of the virus and used as a vaccine.

Fortunately, Chinese scientists, working at lightning speed, released all the data on the genetic material (RNA) of the coronavirus on the Internet on January 10, allowing any laboratory in the world without the virus Can start developing vaccines.

But one thing to note here is that to date, all vaccines have evolved from the original virus and this will be the first time that a vaccine has been developed using genetic material. Obviously, you are more likely to stumble on a path you have never taken before.

Became a vaccine, then

When the vaccine is made, it is first tested on animals, but it is not easy to find an animal that can be affected by the same virus and make it sick, because every animal has different diseases.

Corona virus vaccine
Coronavirus vaccine

One way is to make changes in the genetic system of mice to make them infected with the coronavirus. Obviously, producing such rats is also a time-consuming process.

Once the mice are ready, the next step is to vaccinate them and then insert the coronavirus into their bodies to see if the immune system is activated to kill the virus.

Then we have to see what the side effects are. Isn't it true that there is more harm than good?

After going through this stage, the next step is experimentation in humans. Healthy humans are first vaccinated to see what effect they are having.

These volunteers need to be monitored and monitored regularly for several weeks after the vaccine is given because sometimes the effect of a drug is not immediate but appears after a while. This process cannot be rushed.

This phase is called phase 1. It is usually tested on a few dozen healthy people and seeks to see how effective the drug can be and how much the dose reaches risk levels.

If all goes well, then Phase 2 begins, in which the same experiment is extended to hundreds of volunteers and closely monitored to see what the positive and negative effects are and their nature and severity. What is it?

If this phase is also free from problems, then the most important phase 3 is started in which thousands of volunteers participate. This stage involves people of different ages, races, and genders. In addition, half of the people are given a placebo, to make sure the medicine is really effective



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