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Recant in skin protection


Recent in skin protection

It is important to make donations for skin protection. The slightest of it gives birth to the problems of the same. A variety of creams are available in the market to keep the skin soft and smooth. So try to keep your skin not only clean and clean, but you should also know what can damage your skin. In addition, a few more are the following things that can be followed and prevent damage to your skin.

Recant in skin protection
Recant in skin protection

If the scalp swells on the face, try not to hand them over and over again or try to tear the grain. If you do not avoid it, dark stains are made in the grained place, which later de-supplies the beauty of the face.

In addition, over-makeup or the unjustified use of various creams can also be harmful to your beauty. So try to use these things as needed.

Use water and drinks for good health and skin. If possible, even fresh fruit juice should be once a day. Try drinking more water especially during the summer season. Your body may not be lacking in the body, because as you increase your age, your skin starts to lack the weeds that later lead to the jinnage. So use more water to protect the facial skin from the jinns.

Remember, try not to apply the lotion or cream of the common company on your face because the chemicals in them can also damage your skin. Always choose a good and quality company lotion. The best solution is to first try to know the nature of your skin, and accordingly choose lotions, creams, and other beauty cosmetics for skin. For example, if you have greasy skin, use a cleanser that does not contain oil. Similarly, the country cleanser's wonder is best for women with sensitive skin, and if the skin is dry, using a cream cleaner will remove the dry skin from your skin to a large extent. Often the choice and use of incorrect products quickly deteriorates and later faces a lot of problems.

Recant in skin protection
Recant in skin protection

When it is possible to take care of the skin, it is important to take care of the neck and the skin of the right head. If you are using a sunscreen, apply it to the neck and the right with the face. The facial skin is more sensitive so women ignore the neck in its care, but they may not know that the neck and the skin of the right eye, like the face, are very sensitive and seek full attention.

Also sleeping late at night increases mental tension. This leaves the face with a call e.m.a. So set a time for sleeping and rising and try to maintain your routine. This will have a positive effect on the skin of the face. Sleep before nightfall asleep with all kinds of makeup. Use more water and hesitating to eat unbalanced foods.

Monsoon and hair problems.

Tangled dry and lifelike hair suo-oth suo man's personality is badly affected. Most women in monsoon sit with hair related problems. Which includes hair fall, confusion, hair lightening, and suo-tingle. There are many reasons for these problems, which affect the natural health and skin of the hair. Not maintaining hair properly and using a poor diet, besides using sharp chemical products to give new hairstyle badly damages the hair structure. Which prevents hair, dry, two branches, and weakens and falls. In this way, hair needs special attention and care to restore the lost hair grease and the resin. No matter how busy you are with your daily tasks, pay full attention to your hair at least once a week. Usually, hair roughness and dissonance are the main reasons for the lack of natural weeds in the hair. It is important to moistume hair from inside and outside in a full manner so that the hair is healthy. The use of homemade natural hair is healthy hair with scattered dry hair is a completely safe procedure that does not have any negative effects on the hair.

Recant in skin protection
Recant in skin protection

A number of black sains is cooked and made into a paste, then mix a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey onto the tangled dry hair, wash your head with warm water after about twenty minutes. Using this copy will not only smooth hair but also add natural sparkle to it.

After applying the paste on the hair, mix two tablespoons of honey in three tablespoons of olive oil, and then wrapped it with a bowl or shower-keep and wash the head with warm water after about half an hour. This will make the hair soft and smooth and easy to make them easy to make.

Coconut oil is very useful for dry, blocked, tangled, and lifeless hair. After applying a tablespoon of coconut oil in curd for use, put it on the hair well, then put a sphere on the head, and then wash the head after half an hour.

After you mix two tablespoons of olive oil in a number egg, apply it on the hair, and wash it with warm water twenty minutes later.

Add 1/5 tbsp wheat oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice to two tablespoons of yogurt and apply it on the hair and then wash the hair after 15 minutes.

Recant in skin protection
Recant in skin protection

The natural mask made from pear anatomy is an influence on the tangled dry and rough hair to create brightness and freshness. For this, add a pear pulp, an egg, and a teaspoon of olive oil into a bowl and mix well, now apply the paste on the hair and then a shampoo after it lasts for 30 to 40 minutes. Using this version will not only make the hair soft and smooth but also not to be re-insinuated.

Benefits of Aloe Vera
Increase Hemoglobin Level in 7 Days


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