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Changes due to Corona virus


Changes due to Coronavirus


 The changes due to Corona Virus have affected every human being. Although past global epidemics such as the plague of the fourteenth century or the Spanish influenza of the twentieth century have had a profound effect on human health and life, large numbers of people have died. Yes, the current epidemic has not killed at this rate but its effects will be lasting.

Changes due to Corona virus

While it is true that the plague did not discriminate on the basis of religion, color, or race among the people who came it's way, it cannot be denied that the already weaker sections were more affected by its impact on society The internationally imposed lockdown and the resulting stalemate in civic and economic activity has made it clear that the foundations of the current developed nations are not as strong and cohesive as they appear to be, especially in international trade. In addition to the continuous supply line of manufacturing and goods, the national healthcare system in various countries is based on a competitive insurance system. We will discuss the changes that are taking place in different areas of human life.

There is no doubt that the lockdown during this epidemic affected everyone on an individual level, whether it was loneliness or anxiety, or irritability due to living with other people in the house. And as a result, we all have to make changes within ourselves, big or small. Although we could not physically meet each other, the Internet and social media gave us access to each other.

Restricted access to the outside world and thus having more time for one increased the tendency of people to use their creativity and the resulting resources. It is beginning to manifest itself in different ways; in cities where eating out has become so common that more time is being spent cooking at home. Many of us have found something that was lost in the fast-paced life before.

Human Health Status

Today we will look at the pros and cons of this epidemic in terms of human health. On the one hand, it has its downsides, but over the past year, research in the field of medicine has shown that doctors are more confident in treating people with the disease, but the real danger is that a large number of people are sick at the same time. As a result, the health system is paralyzed. In addition, people with pre-existing illnesses, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and organ transplants, may not only be particularly susceptible to it, but experience has shown that they are more likely to have the disease. The risk of death also increases.

Changes due to Corona virus

These are only temporary effects while the long-term effects are yet to be examined. Physical effects, as well as mental and psychological disorders and their severity, are being assessed and decision-makers cannot risk ignoring them. Similarly, in a lockdown, complications in human relationships, especially in family and marital relationships, such as an increase in domestic violence, are the effects that will
l have a profound effect on human life.

But in this negative context, let us not forget that during the same one-year lockdown, humans have seen the epidemic as a challenge and have made so much progress in the scientific field, especially in technology, that 2020 will be a milestone in human history. Will be remembered as, For example, the development of not one but several vaccines against the virus in a year is something that could not have been imagined before 2019. The technology used to make these vaccines will not only stop there, but experts say that the epidemic has created a potential for humanity to take a leap in scientific progress, where there is a lot of good news for people with cancer and other diseases. Waiting for them the current the epidemic of diagnosis, treatment, not only the development of vaccines but also the ability of large-scale skin preparation and the use of telecommunications in the physical field is a legacy of change that will continue to work in the future.

Changes due to Corona virus

VaccinePreparation Process: ---

Pfizer / Biotech and the technology used in the messenger RNA vaccine developed by Modern are a breakthrough in this regard. The genetic material in the vaccine is actually RNA. Is a guideline that will instruct human cells to make protein spikes that are present on the surface of the coronavirus after injecting into the human body, i.e. muscles, resulting in our body's immune system. The system, recognizing the danger to these protein spikes, will begin to produce appropriate antibodies and T-cells against them.

This process will leave a protective memory in our body against this disease which will be the first protective barrier against coronavirus in the future. The initial success of the vaccine has raised hopes that such RNA technology could be used in cancer treatment 

at least in prevention strategies.

 For example, the use of this technology on lung cancer (this column does not cover details). By controlling and modifying RNA technology, it has become possible, at least theoretically, to develop vaccines against any disease, including future diseases, and this knowledge is in itself a cornerstone.

Changes due to Corona virus

Remember that the main task is the technology of making messenger RNA, while the process of vaccination is the same, i.e. the technical/industrial process remains the same, regardless of the vaccine. Remember that the process of making a traditional vaccine was not the only uniform for each vaccine but also quite long.

It is important to note here that the scientific process is a constant struggle and that many steps have yet to be taken but the direction has been set and scientists and laboratories around the world are working to improve this process.

In addition to vaccines, a major change that has taken place and is strongly expected to continue is online physical counseling. Prior to the epidemic, these efforts were viewed with suspicion in the physical world, and attitudes were generally hostile.

In order to prevent the spread of Corona, almost all places, including developed countries, will be shut down and all physical consultations, i.e. traditional outdoor clinics, etc., will be shut down and made online. Thus, patients and doctors have no choice but to use Zoom, MS Team, and other such virtual platforms, and routine clinics for complex diseases are closed. The practice is still in its infancy and detailed reviews of its effects have begun.

Changes due to Corona virus

There is no doubt that different departments in modern medicine have their own needs and that the importance of the patient's physical presence in front of the doctor cannot be denied but if one thinks that the day before the epidemic will definitely come back If so, then he should end this understanding. The real question that will be addressed now is how to make the most of this online consultation and how to set standards that can immediately identify human error. While there is a need for appropriate legislation at the government level to ensure individual patient records and confidentiality, individuals and companies involved in the development of technology also has a responsibility to ensure that the platforms they develop At least we can talk to each other.

Thus, at the beginning of the epidemic, scientific institutes around the world quickly formed partnerships to combat the epidemic in order to facilitate the exchange of information. Traditionally, the publication of research in any scientific journal is possible after a long process. The purpose of this process is to maintain scientific standards. Due to the Corona epidemic in 2020, these journals facilitated the publication of research, especially in the bio pharmacy sector, so that information on vaccines and treatments could be disseminated as soon as possible.

In May 2020 alone, about 4,000 papers were issued. Relying on coronary information is no less of a challenge because, before the epidemic, all this information went through the most rigorous human screening process, but in exceptional circumstances, the quality was lowered. Consideration has already been given to the possible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to examine and maintain the quality of research papers in the future.

In March 2020, the White House released more than 30,000 scientific papers on the coronavirus on "open data" and challenged the artificial intelligence community on how to publish this scientific material. Can and can understand it. If this new trend of "open research" continues, it will usher in a new and golden age of biopharma and health research in which various institutions will be able to obtain information and publish their findings quickly.

Here I will suffice with a few words about artificial intelligence because it is the boundless ocean of knowledge that has given new dimensions to human thinking. This technology has already penetrated into our lives in an imperceptible way, such as our smartphones, the use of Google, etc., but its use in health is slowly taking its place. For example, monitoring the results of blood tests in hospitals, in addition to reading X-rays, and other scans expertly, and only in the presence of an important sign, the relevant doctor should report it immediately. Just a few weeks ago, Pakistan has approved an app that can identify a patient Mian Karuna just by looking at an X-ray. Similarly, the development of software has started through which the first consultation about the health of the patient will be from these programs.

Changes due to Corona virus

In addition, the use of technology to facilitate travel during and after the epidemic has begun. IATA is seeking to have international efforts to authorize an electronic certificate that would certify the vaccine in travelers recognized by all countries. The advent of vaccines will strengthen these efforts. The current situation is that travel to different countries requires very different tests because each country is making policies according to its own situation.

However, humanity still has some time to spend with corona, and in the meantime, our attitudes will change. No matter what technology comes along, the basic principles of hygiene will remain the same and social distance, use of masks and handwashing habits will become part of our daily routine to prevent coronary heart disease.

 Another way to detect coronavirus

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