Black freedom black history month
black freedom black
history month, The Anti-Slavery Committee against Slavery was established in
1710 in the United Kingdom under the auspices of Humanitarian Affairs. Which
was headed by "Granola Sharp". He was the first Englishman
to start a slave liberation movement in Britain.
In this regard, Mian
Muhammad Siddique Musafar Sheedi(Blacks) has written in his book "A
Lesson Scene of Freedom and Slavery". Mr Sharpe, who fought against
slavery, but behind it all his work. There may be clauses in the study
of new and old British leaders and laws that make it easier to speak out
against slavery.
In this regard, he started his own advocacy. He also wrote a
book entitled The Injustice of Slavery in England. In the book, he
criticized the current lawyers and distributed some copies to the editors of
various newspapers.
Following the publication of this book, the plight of slaves
in Britain began to be considered. It had become Mr. Sharp's habit to free him
by law wherever he saw helpless slaves in prisons, slums and ports.
The law was made permanent in Britain in 1722, and any slave
who set foot on the shores of London would be considered free. Thus, with Mr.
Sharp's hard work and dedication, the sun of freedom from slavery rose and its
light began to illuminate Europe as well.
His great friends and comrades fully supported him in this
mission of liberation of helpless human beings. As a result, voices against
slavery began to rise outside Britain.
Thomas Klaassen:
After Mr. Sharp's death, Thomas Claxon took over the
reins of the mission. This further widened the scope of the committee. An
article by Klaassen, which he wrote in his student days, caused a stir in
London. Seeing this, the people involved in the slave trade became very upset.
While a wave of anxiety ran through them.
They made several accusations against him and carried out
assassination attempts to stop him. But he stood his ground and intensified the
struggle against slavery. In his book The Thesis on the Abolition of Slavery,
Klaksen proved that slavery was against Christianity and British law.
He used to express
this in his speeches. He introduced an anti-slavery bill in Parliament in 1889,
which was pushed out by the proponents of business. But the number of slaves in
the ships was fixed and the slaves who were free were restricted to freedom.
William Wilber Force:
The actions of the William
Wilbur Force also have a historic place in the Parliament of England,
which took over the reins of this committee after Claxton. At the time, the
poet Cooper wrote of the Wilber Force praising his efforts: "This ruthless
and rude man is calling you crazy while the whole country is listening."
In 1829 a great
meeting was held under this committee which was chaired by the Labor Force and
in which the British government agreed to pay 230,000 pounds. This was to
compensate American officials and industrialists for their losses and to free
slaves. In exchange.
August 1, 1833, is the day and year when the Parliament of
England passed the Slavery Freedom Act, signing treaties with some other
countries. Because of this, no
Black freedom black history month
ship carrying slaves could pass through any of the ports under the rule of European countries.
All slaves are free in
Asia or wherever European countries dominate. When the British conquered Sindh,
the same law was enforced here. In the present era, the economic instability of
black marriages has become the cause of all the problems while the lack of
consensus among them is also a major reason for their inferiority.
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