A Great leader of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah,
African News:
A Great leader of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah African News: Today we will recall the story of a visionary leader who liberated his
country Ghana from British colonial rule in 1957. And the dream of uniting
its idea
of true independence and pan-African unity spread throughout the continent
during the colonial era. And more than that, there are people today who
survived five assassination attempts. And was deposed in a military coup in
Kwame Nkrumah died in 1972. Numerous publications of progress left an indelible
legacy. As the saying goes, chroma will never die in this decade. The Decade of
African Independence From Independence to Independence Now the son of an
African goldsmith and retailer in the United States was born in 1909 in Guam.
Early education:
at a famous Catholic school. It was called Achimota College. He wanted to be a
good student of religion. Pastor But as he got older he became interested in
the world of politics. After graduating from Achimota, he traveled with us and
graduated from Lincoln University in 1939 and earned a master's degree from
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania in 1935. This period at the University of
Pennsylvania was significant in Coma's life. He read a lot, he was inspired by
socialist literature.
The works
of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Marx. Garvey became president of the African
Students Union of the United States of Canada. And in May 1945 he left us and
went to England. While they held the 5th Pan-African Congress in Manchester,
there was also a British colony in Ghana called the Gold Coast.
The United States Gold Coast Convention was the
first of its kind. Who was working for the government in constitutional ways?
And Chroma was invited to be the General Secretary of the UGCC.
He was briefly arrested by the British colonial
government in February 1948, along with other UTCC leaders. and eventually
separated. Red in the party and Nkruma in 1949 formed a new convention.
The people were committed to the program of
immediate independence, which began in 1950. Non-violent protests and boycotts
by British colonial authorities. and a campaign of positive action with
business Necroma was called for.
He was re-arrested in February 1951 and sentenced
to one year in prison. The country's first general election was held, a deal
for the most popular CPP. He was released from prison and elected to
parliament, and in 1952 he became Ghana's first prime minister.
A large
crowd in Accra is celebrating. When Nkroma released James from prison. It was
issued by the governor in 1957 as grace on the occasion of the inauguration
of the new constitution.
Ghana's independence
declared its independence and is the first country in the South Sahara to do
so. In 1960 he was elected President of God.
Kwame's government was primarily nationalist and
socialist. While in power, Kumar called for the Africanization of civil
society. The service introduced free healthcare education.
Building a strong national education system by
challenging Eurocentrism and white supremacy embedded in British textbooks and
cultural institutions. Which he opposed and weakened the tribalism within the
country. It promoted Pan-African culture, calling for international libraries
and collaborative efforts.
Studying history and culture, he opened the Ghana
Museum to the Arts Council of Guns. And Ghana Film Corporation formed the
Ghana News Agency Ghana Times. And Ghana Broadcasting Corporation.
It set up
an external service to broadcast in English, French, Arabic, Swahili,
Portuguese, and Hausa. Economically, in its early days, it was only successful
in fishing and raising livestock in the Chroma forests.
Role in Ghana's development:
Ghana's main export product has been doubled. And even gold was exploited more
effectively. It accelerated industrialization and built a dam on the Upper
Volta River, which provides water for irrigation.
Hydroelectric government funds were also
provided for village projects. In which the locals built schools and roads,
energy projects were a big thing for Enkroma who saw it as a source of real
economic freedom.
It launched the Ghana Nuclear Reactor Project in
1961, which led to the development of nuclear energy in Ghana. The Commission
laid the foundation stone for the construction of a nuclear power plant in 1963
and 1964. Its foreign policy achievements were not small.
For today,
we must all see ourselves as part of Africa so that we can face colonialism.
For this new form of unity, colonialism on the vast front of the continent must
be the key to our actions. Many of our enemies believe that they are ready to
take advantage of our weakness and have sought to achieve Pan-African unity and
harmony through deep political, economic and military integration of the
It formed several new international organizations
and held several conferences. Including the All-African Trade Union. For a
conference on African women and security coordination on French nuclear weapons
testing in Algeria, South Africa, and West Africa, she met with colonial
organizations such as the West African Airways Corporation or the West African
Currency Board, and the West African Court of Ghana. Visited Of appeal. Talks
took place in 1960.
The Union
of African States is formed in Ghana. The political alliance between Mali To this
end, Nkrumah was the founding father of the Organization of African Union in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1963. Owen's 32 African countries aim to achieve full
military, economic and political integration.
The European Union is today. The OAU was later
replaced by the African Union in 2002. As a socialist, his travels and
alliances leaned eastward during his tours of Eastern Europe.
The Soviet
Union and China meant they were unpopular in the Washington camp. It was seen
as a threat that could spread Soviet influence across the continent and counter
Western military economic and cultural domination throughout Africa.
Under no
circumstances can we allow imperialism and colonialism. Let them join hands
with the traitors among us and take us away from the path of duty. But the
truth is that many people argue for all his good deeds.
His focus on foreign affairs meant that he made
some big mistakes at home. Ghana went into debt to build a dam on the Upper
Volta River. Even more, debt when its development programs were launched.
It sent
reinforcements to several African countries, including Congo, Guinea, and
Rhodesia, and added more debt to its administration's bill. And that is what
the assassination attempt on the country's economy meant.
In early
1964, the size and strength of the Internal Security Service increased. Ghana
has formally designated a one-party state within Kroma. For the life of its
president, Ghana's opposition saw it as an abuse of power for both the nation
and the party.
economic crisis has exacerbated the misuse of foreign funds and falling cocoa
prices. And the shortage of food and other things became permanent.
Not only
was its popularity among the elite declining, but the strikes and protests of
the common people were a clear indication of this. During an official visit to
North Vietnam and China in February 1966, Ghana's army and police returned to
took refuge in Guinea, where he spent the rest of his life. An unusual and
random fact about Kwame is that he was married to an Egyptian Coptic woman who
is said to be an imaginary threat.
Julius Nair is the hero of independent Tanzania