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PM Imran Khan Speech

 PM Imran Khan Speech 

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has warned of a major humanitarian crisis around the world. In Afghanistan, saying unstable. Chaotic Afghanistan could once again become a safe haven for international terrorists.

PM Imran Khan Speech
                                                             PM Imran Khan Speech

So the only way to move forward is to move forward. The way is to strengthen the current Afghan government for the sake of the people of Afghanistan.

In a virtual address to the UN General Assembly. Imran Khan said that the gap between rich and poor countries was widening due to the looting of corrupt ruling elites in developing countries. Even some of the world's richest islands could take the form of global catastrophes such as climate change.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan said that the dangerous trend of Islamophobia needs to be stopped together. India's heinous acts in occupied Jammu and Kashmir are tantamount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In a video address to the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on Friday night. Imran Khan spoke on the situation in Afghanistan. Kashmir issue, Islamophobia.

Extensive human rights violations by India. He spoke in detail on the challenges of climate change and the effects of corruption, including the effects of the epidemic.

He said that lasting peace in South Asia depended on the resolution of Jammu and Kashmir in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. A comprehensive strategy is needed to deal with this.

Position on the situation in Afghanistan:

 The Prime Minister said that for some reason American politicians and some European politicians have blamed Pakistan for the current situation in Afghanistan.

"From this platform, I want to tell them all that when we joined the US war on terror after 9/11, Pakistan suffered the most, except Afghanistan," he said.

Referring to Pakistan's loss of life and property in the war on terror۔ Imran Khan said 80,000 Pakistanis had died۔ adding that "our economy has lost 150 150 billion. 3.5 million Pakistanis should be temporarily displaced."

Have done. " And why did it happen? Pakistan was a frontline state in the war against the occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.

"Pakistan and the United States have trained mujahideen groups to fight for Afghanistan's independence. These mujahideen groups included al-Qaeda and various groups around the world. They were mujahideen, Afghan mujahideen, they were considered heroes.

The Prime Minister recalled that US President Ronald Reagan invited these Mujahideen to the White House in 1983 and, according to a report, compared them to the founders of the United States, they were heroes.

Imran Khan said that the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989 and after that۔ the United States also left Afghanistan. Pakistan had to bear the burden of 5 million Afghan refugees. We were left with sectarian armed groups that never existed before.

"But the worst time was when the United States imposed sanctions on Pakistan a year later. It felt like we were used to it."

The Prime Minister said that immediately after 9/11, the United States needed Pakistan again because the US-led coalition was now invading Afghanistan and this would not have been possible without Pakistan's logistical support.

"What happened next?" The same Mujahideen whom we had trained to fight against foreign occupation is a sacred duty۔ a holy war or jihad, against us, we were called partners, they declared jihad against us.

Criticism of Islamophobia and criticism of India

Prime Minister Imran Khan said۔ that terrorism has been linked to Islam by some quarters due to which extremist and terrorist groups are targeting Muslims.

Imran Khan slammed India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, saying India had the "worst form of Islamophobia" in the world.

The Prime Minister said that Pakistan wants peace with India as well as all neighboring countries but lasting peace in South Asia depends on the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people. ۔

"In February last year, we reaffirmed our commitment to the 2003 ceasefire on the LoC," he said. It was hoped that this would lead to a review of the strategy in New Delhi. Unfortunately, the BJP government has intensified its brutal tactics in Kashmir and is spoiling the atmosphere with these barbaric acts.

Position on Corruption and Money Laundering:

Referring to corruption, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the gap between rich and poor countries in the developing world was widening to a dangerous extent due to the looting of their corrupt ruling elites.

Referring to the world's attention being drawn to the scourge of illicit capital from developing countries, he said a high-level panel of the Secretary-General of Financial Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity (FACTI) had estimated that 7 7 trillion had been stolen. Assets are stored in financial 'safe havens'.

PM Imran Khan Speech
                                                            PM Imran Khan Speech 

Imran Khan said that organized theft and illegal transfer of assets has a profound negative impact on developing countries, reducing their already limited resources, increasing poverty levels, especially money laundering. This puts pressure on the currency and depreciates it at current rates when the FACTI panel estimates that  1 trillion is pumped out of the developing world annually. But there will be an exodus of economic immigrants.

Imran Khan said it was impossible for poor countries to recover stolen assets from developing countries. Wealthy countries are not obliged to return this illicit wealth and this illicit wealth belongs to the people of developing countries.

"I don't think there will be a time when rich countries will be forced to build walls to stop economic migration from these poor countries."

 Pakistan News Today

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