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Joe Biden's political policy


Joe Biden's political policy

Joe Biden's political policy

Given Joe Biden's political policy, US policies have always been based on trade ideology. However, if over time the international community begins to understand the president's chess move, it will be too late for anyone to understand. This delay not only changed the geographical picture of many countries but also changed the destiny of the people of this country. In that case, it would be hasty and foolish to make a final decision on Biden's policy.

A cursory look at half a century of world politics reveals the fact that American politics has in some way influenced world politics, and as far as foreign policy is concerned, American intervention has played a role. This has affected the foreign policy of most countries in the world. That is why the United States, as a superpower, has put itself on the world map, and even today it wants to puppet other countries with its power. Policies have also changed slightly during the United States and the United States has once again tarnished the image of the United States on the world stage, and many countries have tried to challenge the United States.

However, as soon as the new US President Joe Biden takes office, he has tried to send a message not only to the American people but to the whole world that he wants to completely remove the United States from Trump's path. That is why it has paved the way for the appointment of black Loud Austin as Secretary of Defense and, on the other hand, opened the door to the United States for many countries. In particular, the Muslim countries that Trump banned through Biden have been withdrawn.

 It is clear from Joe Biden's political policy that the kind of black politics that developed in the United States during the Trump, era created instability in the United States, and block parties spread the world through constant demonstrations. He tried to convince them that Trump was promoting racist politics.

 Are promoting the politics of Perhaps that is why Biden has tried to tell the world that he wants to create a new environment in the United States by appointing Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense. Preferring Vice President Kamala Harris and his team members from Asian countries are also part of Biden's policy. It should also be noted that Austin became the Minister of Defense with 5 votes in the Senate while only 2 votes were cast against him.

Joe Biden's political policy

Joe Biden's political policy

He is now to be sworn in as Secretary of Defense through Vice President Kamala Harris. Austin served in the U.S. Army for eight years and eventually as a four-star general. It is true that many of Biden's decisions have been sued in various US courts, but the truth is that Biden is going to take many major steps not only for American politics but also to prove himself different from Trump. This is A shocking step for world politics.

 In his last presidential address, Trump emphasized that during his presidency there had been no major war in any part of the world and that the United States had not joined it, but that The United States had pursued a policy of mediation. Promoted the United States through There is no doubt that there has been no major war under Trump's presidency and that the United States has succeeded in pursuing its trade interests around the world. On the last day, his supporters demonstrated weakly, especially in front of the Senate, and the deaths of half a dozen people called into question Trump's true popularity.

However, under Biden's leadership, the United States has become increasingly curious about Biden's policy. For the Arab region, in particular, Biden's policy is of paramount importance because of the damage done to the Arab region under George W. Bush and Obama are irreparable. Significantly, Obama did not fight in the Arab region, but he used his "political insight" to shake up Arab region politics, and the rift between the UAE and other Arab countries remains.

The politics of the Arab region have always been of great importance to the United States because it is because of these countries that the American economy is moving in a new direction. From crude oil prices to other sectors, US intervention is clear.

  The international community is well aware of what the US military presence in the Arab region has done, but it is unfortunate that the leaders of the Arab region have become puppets of The United States in spite of all this. Is on the region. The policy is about how different Biden will be from America's secret agenda. For the international community, both US political and foreign policy are important because US politics influence global political policy, and because of their foreign policy, the foreign policies of most countries in the world change. The foreign policy of the Arab region in particular has always been influenced by US policy.

Joe Biden's political policy

Joe Biden's political policy


At the behest of the United States, the policies of the petty kings of the Arab region also change. As a result, a tug-of-war is raging between them, and the effects of this tug-of-war are hurting their economy.

Given Biden's political policy, the situation is similar in Asian countries where Pak-India foreign policy is also influenced by US policy. In recent days, since the rise of US relations with China, the United States has sought to consolidate its past relations not only with India but also with Pakistan. As a result, there has always been an atmosphere of tension between the two and now China has also opened a new front for India.

  It is not that India does not understand these things, but India today has the power to turn a blind eye not only to China but to any country in the world but it does not want to abandon its integrity policy, so Biden should understand this. The region that should. In Asian countries such as the Arab world, the US agenda cannot be left to the whims of its foreign policy, but there is no denying the fact that Biden can never go beyond US interests to promote his politics or his politics. Can formulate foreign policy.

Now the Arab and Asian countries have to consider Biden's policy and conclude how useful and beneficial Biden's policies are to them and how harmful they are. It has always been a business theory. However, if the international community understands a president's chess move over time, then it will take a while to understand someone's move and this delay has changed not only many countries but also the geographical picture of the people of that country. Destiny also changed.

Therefore, it is not only a matter of urgency to form a final opinion on the views of the new President Biden at this time, but Bowden has changed his tactics in the past, and now he is facing the challenge of defeating Trump altogether. Is falling Cost is why they will do everything possible to establish a new identity in The United States and to give the United States a new identity to the world.

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