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George Washington Facets


George Washington Facets
George Washington Facets

George Washington is the first American president to win the American War of Independence and live in the hearts of the people. In his farewell address at At the end of his presidency, he warned the nation a long time ago of the dangers of partisanship, but the American people still remember him fondly.

George Washington was born on February 11, 1731, to a wealthy Virginia family. His mother's name was Mary Ball Washington. George Washington received his early education in the church. George Washington was very young when his father died in April 1743. After the death of his father, George Washington's brother Lawrence took charge of the house. George Washington was deeply moved by his brother Lawrence.


Lawrence was highly educated. Also, his personality was impressive. George Washington called his brother Lawrence a decent prince. George Washington has always wanted to be as impressive as his brother Lawrence. From childhood to adolescence, George Washington ran away from parties, did not like to sit in social gatherings, talk and meet anyone. He was weird.


He was six feet three inches tall but did not like his height and personality so he always fought with himself. His wife's name was Martha Washington, a five-foot-tall woman from a wealthy family. George Washington's wife was no more respected than George Washington. She always pulled George Washington's hair and talked to him. Frightening children at a young age was George Washington's favorite pastime.

 Except for the church, George Washington never went to school. He was very fond of reading books so he got all the education himself. At age 20, George Washington's brother Lawrence contracted TB. George Washington took his brother to another country, Barbados, to give him a pleasant atmosphere. This was George Washington's first foreign trip. During the same trip, George Washington contracted smallpox. George Washington has had smallpox all his life.

 George Washington's face looked strange because of these smallpox spots. Lawrence died of tuberculosis on July 26, 1752. A few months later, Lawrence's children and his wife died. It was a difficult time for George Washington. The grief over the death of George Washington, his brother, and his wife and children was terrible. Lawrence, who loved George Washington, has died. The death shattered George Washington.

 After this stage, a responsible George Washington emerged before the world. At the age of 21, George Washington began farming as a farmer. George Washington was in charge of this house as well as hundreds of acres. Lawrence was a military officer and George always wanted to be part of the British Army. At the time, the United States was under British rule, so George became a major in the British Army.

 At that time there were wars between France and Britain. George Washington was sent to fight against France. The war between France and Britain was won by Britain, and George Washington resigned from the British army and went home. The war forced the people of his hometown to consider George Washington as their hero. After retiring from the Army, George Washington resumed farming. On July 6, 1759, George Washington married Martha to a woman.


Martha owned a lot of lands, which is why George Washington became the richest man in his area. This was the time when George Washington began to live a life of luxury. He started commercial farming and his business grew rapidly. At that time, the British imposed heavy taxes on the United States, which led George Washington to oppose British imperialism.

 It was at this a point that George Washington realized that his business would be ruined if these taxes were imposed. George was now obsessed with independence from Britain. In the rest of the video, we will now learn how George Washington became part of politics and became the first President of the United States. George Washington has a huge role to play in making America. That was when the American Revolution began.

 Lawrence was highly educated. Also, his personality was impressive. George Washington called his brother Lawrence a decent prince. George Washington has always wanted to be as impressive as his brother Lawrence. From childhood to adolescence, George Washington ran away from parties, did not like to sit in social gatherings, talk and meet anyone. He was weird.

He was six feet three inches tall but did not like his height and personality so he always fought with himself. His wife's name was Martha Washington, a five-foot-tall woman from a wealthy family. George Washington's wife was no more respected than George Washington. She always pulled George Washington's hair and talked to him. Frightening children at a young age was George Washington's favorite pastime.

 Except for the church, George Washington never went to school. He was very fond of reading books so he got all the education himself. At age 20, George Washington's brother Lawrence contracted TB. George Washington took his brother to another country, Barbados, to give him a pleasant atmosphere. This was George Washington's first foreign trip. During the same trip, George Washington contracted smallpox. George Washington has had smallpox all his life.

 George Washington's face looked strange because of these smallpox spots. Lawrence died of tuberculosis on July 26, 1752. A few months later, Lawrence's children and his wife died. It was a difficult time for George Washington. The grief over the death of George Washington, his brother, and his wife and children was terrible. Lawrence, who loved George Washington, has died. The death shattered George Washington.

 After this stage, a responsible George Washington emerged before the world. At the age of 21, George Washington began farming as a farmer. George Washington was in charge of this house as well as hundreds of acres. Lawrence was a military officer and George always wanted to be part of the British Army. At the time, the United States was under British rule, so George became a major in the British Army.

 At that time there were wars between France and Britain. George Washington was sent to fight against France. The war between France and Britain was won by Britain, and George Washington resigned from the British army and went home. The war forced the people of his hometown to consider George Washington as their hero. After retiring from the Army, George Washington resumed farming. On July 6, 1759, George Washington married Martha to a woman.

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 Martha owned a lot of lands, which is why George Washington became the richest man in his area. This was the time when George Washington began to live a life of luxury. He started commercial farming and his business grew rapidly. At that time, the British imposed heavy taxes on the United States, which led George Washington to oppose British imperialism.

 It was at this a point that George Washington realized that his business would be ruined if these taxes were imposed. George was now obsessed with independence from Britain. In the rest of the video, we will now learn how George Washington became part of politics and became the first President of the United States. George Washington has a huge role to play in making America. That was when the American Revolution began.

George Washington Facets

The Americans entered the field for liberation from the slavery of British imperialism. George Washington was made a commander in the American Revolutionary Forces because he had been a senior military officer in British imperialism. The American guerrillas had nothing to fight against British imperialism. But George Washington had leadership skills. George used the same leadership skills to fight British imperialism. A fierce battle ensued between US forces and Britain.

 In 1775, there were two wars between the American forces and the British army in which the American Revolutionary Forces were victorious and all the credit for this victory went to George Washington. There were many wars between the United States and Britain in which sometimes the United States was victorious and sometimes Britain. As soon as the war broke out, France announced its support for US forces. After France, some other countries also came to the aid of the American revolutionaries. In this way, the American revolutionaries occupied different states.

 Then came a time when British forces surrendered to American revolutionaries. Thus, under George Washington, the United States gained permanent independence from Britain. George Washington, the commander of the War of Independence, delivered a powerful speech to the American revolutionary forces after winning the War of Independence. George Washington then resigned as Commander-in-Chief on December 23, 1783, and moved to his hometown of Mount Vernon.

 Now the debate has begun over what the US Constitution will look like. The country will have a dictatorship or democracy. George Washington has been asked to become King of the United States. To which George Washington replied that he did not want a monarchical America but a democratic America. Washington was then unanimously elected President of the United States. George Washington was President of The United States from 1789 to 1797. George Washington is also known as the Father of the Nation for his central role in the War of Independence, for drafting the United States Constitution, and for confining it to the United States. Feet as president

 This was the story of the first president of the United States. Here are some interesting facts about George Washington. He owned more than 50,000 acres in West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, and Ohio. As president in 1789, his salary was 2% of the total US budget. The US Constitution was first signed by George Washington. George Washington was the sickest president in American history.

 He suffered from TB, malaria, diphtheria, colitis, pneumonia, epiglottis, and many other diseases. He inherited slavery at the age of 11, and over time, his attitude towards slavery changed. He later released his slaves. George Washington wrote many letters in his life. He wrote 18,000 to 20,000 letters in his lifetime. In the last days of his presidency, his style of governing was widely criticized in the press. George Washington died on December 14, 1799.




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