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Recent Corona Vaccine Update


 Recent Corona Vaccine The update is 23 countries have made important decisions to tackle epidemics such as the coronavirus. The World Health Organization and leaders of 23 countries have backed a proposal for an international agreement to enable the world to deal with future epidemics such as corona.

 The agreement was proposed by EU Chairman Charles Mitchell at the G20 summit in November last year to ensure universal access to the corona vaccine, the provision of medicines and the timely diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Recent Corona Vaccine Update
Recent Corona Vaccine Update
The agreement was proposed by Fiji, Portugal, Romania, the United Kingdom, Rwanda, Kenya, France, Germany, Greece, Korea, Chile, Costa Rica, Albania, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, the Netherlands, Tunisia, Spain, Senegal, and Norway. Is. Serbia, Has the continued support of the leaders of Indonesia and Ukraine. The leaders said in a joint letter to major newspapers and other media outlets that there could be future epidemics and health emergencies and that no government could deal with the threat alone.

The main purpose of such an agreement is to enable the world to cope with future epidemics through better warning systems, data sharing, vaccine research and development, drug supply, and safety devices. The health of humans, animals, and the planet is intertwined. We believe that as the head of the United Nations and international organizations, it is our responsibility to teach the world a lesson.

On the other hand, it has been revealed that some rich countries of the world have also started stockpiling vaccines, which has been strongly criticized by the United Nations. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has reacted sharply in a TV interview, saying that for some rich countries, there is no logic to stockpiling the corona vaccine.

 I have strong concerns about the unfair distribution of vaccines in the world. The advantage is that everyone is vaccinated everywhere. Are reached. Wealthy countries are involved in stockpiling vaccines for "their own benefit", I say don't stockpile vaccines. Antonio Guterres called on developed countries to provide vaccines to other countries so that they can supply more vaccines than they need.

Poor countries are having difficulty delivering vaccines due to the over-storage of the VOX program. In addition, the World Health Organization has called on rich countries to donate vaccines to 36 countries so far in poor countries. Vaccination has not started in the countries.

Recent Corona Vaccine Update

 Immediately donate 10 million doses to rich countries to ensure the supply of vaccines to poor countries and countries. The appeal was made by Dr. Tedros Edenham, Director General of Health. He said in a press conference that 10 million foods should be given to the earthquake immediately. Donate food so that every country in the world runs a vaccination campaign.

 So far, there are 36 countries in the world where vaccination has not yet started, of which 16 countries have a program to provide vaccines within the next 15 days after the earthquake. The remaining 20 countries will still be deprived of the vaccine. The World Health Organization's Vaccine Sharing Scheme is working to ensure that the world's 92 poorest countries have access to the vaccine and that donors pay for it.

In addition, a mysterious mental illness in Canada has spread panic among citizens, with 5 people losing their lives to the disease. Corona has saddened people's lives around the world, according to a report by a foreign news agency. A mysterious brain disease has started to grow in New Brunswick this week.

Also Read:  Disclosure of Vaccination Statistics for Black and Asian Ethnic Minorities:

                               Coronavirus vaccine

Doctors believe that the disease has symptoms similar to the disease of a mad cow which badly affects the patient's brain. The first case of the disease occurred in 2015, after which the number of cases increased. According to media reports, the disease has killed five people so far, but scientists and doctors are still trying to determine the nature and cause of the outbreak. Due to the current situation, the residents of the area are very scared and are asking the mayor how the disease is spreading and how it will be eradicated.

Recent Corona Vaccine Update

The biggest corona fraud in the United States. Hundreds of cases registered

A major Corona fraud has been reported in the United States, the country most affected by the Corona epidemic, and hundreds of Americans have been prosecuted. In short, 474 people have been sued in the United States for taking advantage of the Corona Relief Scheme, an ongoing initiative in the United States Justice.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 474 U.S. citizens attempted to obtain 50 506.9 million through fraudulent aid schemes, and 120 individuals attempted to obtain assistance through fraudulent paycheck protection programs. ۔

The scheme was originally launched to provide relief to small businesses and the unemployed, who were exploited by citizens through fraud. Tried to get it, and he managed to get 17.3 million.

The Justice Department says the Texas resident used the money to buy several homes, jewelry, and expensive cars. They stole the resources introduced by the people's taxes.

Corona: Middle East Airlines loses 1 7.1 billion

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Middle Eastern airlines lost 7. 7.1 billion In 2020 due to the Corona epidemic. Middle Eastern governments plan to restart the aviation industry following the Corona epidemic.

Recent Corona Vaccine Update

The IATA released figures showing that last year, according to Middle Eastern airlines, every passenger was lost and air traffic was down by 20% compared to 2019. Air traffic during January 2020 was 82.3% lower than in January 2019. GDP includes 1.7 million jobs and 5 105 billion.

Middle Eastern airlines received 4.8 billion in government funding in 2020, yet many airlines are at risk of bankruptcy. Kamil al-Audi, regional vice president of the IATA, said government aid had helped Hawaii. It saved the industry from major setbacks, but governments must be prepared to spend more.

Recent Corona Vaccine Update

On the other hand, the Center for Retail Research has revealed that after the introduction of shoplifting under the first Coronal Down Rules, a large number of the workforce associated with the retail industry lost their jobs and about 190 190,000 retailers a year. Jobs lost. Done

 In exclusive statistics, the Center for Retail Research revealed that since the introduction of lockdown rules in the UK on 23 March 2020, 188685 jobs have been lost in the retail industry by 30 March 2021. Shopping malls across the country as a result of the devastating effects of the Cove 19 epidemic.

Recent Corona Vaccine Update

According to real estate advisor Altus Group, 401,690 stores are still closed nationwide. Retailers, on the other hand, have expressed concern that despite easing lockdown laws, high streets can still be extremely difficult for retailers, with many returning to business rate payments. Robert Hatton, the British president of the Altz Group's property tax, has warned that the current business rate regime could wreak more havoc.


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