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Kofi Annan, the hero of world peace


Kofi Annan, a world activist, was the first black diplomat to hold the post. Kofi Annan served as head of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006.

Kofi Annan is an internationally renowned peace activist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in December 2001 for his services to the United Nations and world peace. He received the award on September 11, 2001, just weeks after the tragedy. In his peace speech, Kofi Annan said, "We have entered the new century through the gates of fire. After the tragedy of 9/11, it has become clear to all of us that people of every class, every nation, and every religion The world is insecure now. We must now build relationships that secure the future of humanity.

Kofi Annan, the hero of world peace
Kofi Annan, the hero of world peace

Kofi Annan joined the United Nations in 1962. He made progress with his hard work and became the secretary-general of this organization. Kofi Annan was the first African to hold the post. He said in his political biography: Life of war and comfort, he describes his dreams and ideas, problems, and their solutions.

He also mentioned his meetings with political leaders of different countries who had a war on nerves and also with those who were messengers of peace. He also offers his political insights in his book and tells readers how the leaders of a few rich and powerful countries make decisions about the lives of people in many poor countries.

Kofi Annan is proud to be known in political circles as the "Dave of Peace" because he believes that the enemies of the world can find a solution to their political problems through dialogue rather than war. Especially the peace dialogue that has the support of powerful leaders. Kofi Annan is in favor of peace. His position is that in order to establish world peace, we must not only create a spirit of peace among political leaders, but also solve the economic, social, and political problems of the people of the world. Who is engulfed in violence and terrorism? Are born.

In his book, Kofi Annan recounts the lessons learned from working at the United Nations for 50 years, traveling to Europe, Asia, Africa and Europe, and meeting with leaders from different countries. Kofi Annan was ready to do everything possible to establish peace, even to shake hands with the enemy.

Kofi Annan continued to work on various peace fronts. He stopped many wars with his peace talks. There were many occasions in his life when he was shocked and upset. An example of this was his meeting with the Afghan Foreign Minister Ahmad Mutawakil in Pakistan. When Kofi Annan asked Ahmed Mutawakil to hand over Osama bin Laden to the United Nations, he refused, saying he was his honored guest.

When Kofi Annan threatened Ahmed Mutawakil that if Afghan leaders did not hand over Osama bin Laden to the United Nations, his international travel would be banned. "Your sanctions will not affect us," Ahmed Mutawakil said with a smile instead of being angry at Kofi Annan's threat. We are happy in Afghanistan. We have nowhere to go. This response left Kofi Annan speechless. On that day, Kofi Annan realized how far behind the East and the West were.

Despite all his efforts, Kofi Annan could not stop the tragedy of September 11, 2001. While Kofi Annan mentions his successes, he does not hesitate to mention his failures. He has openly written that the United Nations cannot play a positive role in Rwanda.

As I read the story of Kofi Annan of Rwanda, I am reminded of the story of Canadian Army Lieutenant General Romeo Bellier, who wrote it with his book Shake Hands Devil: The Future of Humanity in Rwanda. He writes that he sought help from the United Nations to bring peace to Rwanda, but he did not receive timely help and thousands of innocent lives were lost in the civil war.

Whenever Kofi Annan mentioned a war, he took a neutral stance and blamed both sides for it. When he objected to Lebanon's Hezbollah attacking Israel, it started a war. It also said Israel's response was "extremely aggressive". When he asked Israeli leader Ehud Olmert to reduce his aggression against Lebanon, he escalated rather than reduced the attacks.

 Kofi Annan disagrees with all Israeli, British and American leaders who see war as a solution to economic, social, religious, and political problems.

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Kofi Annan analyzed the Iraq war in detail. He writes that the United Nations was holding peace talks with Saddam Hussein, but the United States showed impatience and invaded Iraq. When Kofi Annan went to see Saddam Hussein smiled and said, "We know that some powers do not want you to meet with us." Kofi Annan also mentioned his meeting with Muammar Gaddafi. He says some of his efforts were successful and some failed, but he kept trying. He believes that trying unsuccessfully is better than trying nowhere.

Kofi Annan blames Saddam Hussein for the war in Iraq but also blames Britain and the United States for the war's brutality. Kofi Annan says that whenever he asked British and American leaders before a war what happened? So they had no satisfactory answer.


Kofi Annan, the hero of world peace

Kofi Annan has also concealed the fact that British and American policy was different for Iraq and different for Israel. He kept forgiving Israel for its mistakes but kept punishing Iraq for its mistakes. In his book, Kofi Annan strongly condemns the aggression of British leader Tony Blair and US leader George W. Bush. There was a moment in Kofi Annan's life when he told the truth and was fired from the United Nations. During a BBC interview, the journalist asked, "Kofi Annan! Was the US invasion of Iraq illegal?"

Kofi Annan answered "yes"

Following this interview, Kofi Annan's American friend, Ted Sorensen, who wrote "President Kennedy's Speeches," wrote an e-mail to Kofi Annan, congratulating him on speaking the truth and then making predictions. Saying a true word "yes" will not make him the UN Secretary-General again. Sorensen's prediction came true. Kofi Annan had to pay a heavy price for speaking the truth.

 Kofi Annan writes in his book that al-Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, and Hezbollah are a threat to world peace, but he also writes that Israel, the United States, and the United Kingdom are greater threats than al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Saddam Hussein because they are more. Powerful. ۔

Kofi Annan changed the UN's policy of loyalty to the people, not to the rulers. He said that he respects the rights of innocent people instead of the government.

 Kofi Annan's Political Biography is a book written with a sensitive heart that contains both political insight and wisdom. The face of the twentieth century is clearly visible in the mirror of this book. That book is an important document for world peace and a significant contribution to world peace literature. In my opinion, this book is a must-read for every serious reader of world politics.


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