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American Black community


American Black community

American Black community has played a key role in the current US presidential election. Stacey Abrams' efforts are commendable. When President-elect and Vice President Kamala Harris took office in January, a new record was set. But perhaps few people know that there is another woman who played a key role in getting Biden, Kamala Harris, to the White House.

American Black community
American Black Community

The first black Asian-American woman candidate for the vice presidency had tried her best from the beginning of the election campaign to make a certain group of women stands out in her campaign, and they were minority women.

Senator Harris noted that "women belonging to minorities, especially blacks are often overlooked, but many times it has been proven that they have played a key role in democracy."

The Hunt family had tears in their eyes at their home just outside Atlanta, Georgia when they heard Kamala Harris speak

"Democrats have succeeded in Georgia, a historic chance for the state and its citizens, especially for black citizens," said Christine Hunt, 27.

American Black community
American Black community

"It's because of Stacey Abrams and a lot of black women who are affiliated with a local grassroots organization that registered citizens' votes and informed them that each one of their votes was very important.

Biden's success has depended on the support of black Americans. Black American voters led him to the Democratic primary in South Carolina, which led to a series of victories for him and later his candidacy for the presidency.

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He also won in Pennsylvania and eventually won the presidential election. Most of the credit for these successes goes to black voters in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. According to an exit poll, nearly nine out of every ten black voters support Democrats, although Donald Trump has increased his number of black voters this time around compared to 2016 election results.

American Black community
American Black community

But if you go to these cities and find out who played a role in Biden's success, people there will attribute it to the women of the American black community.

Several women, such as Crusher Scott, an organizer in Jacksonville, Florida told me that they had been intimidated and protected in the last days of the election when they were urging people to vote in their traditional historic black constituencies. Special arrangements were also made.

In addition, Philadelphia-based Britney Small, who works for the right to vote, said she has dedicated her entire life to educating voters in her local community to exercise their right to vote. They think their votes have a status.

And the entire Democratic Party in Georgia agrees on the definition of Stacey Abrams. Linda Grant, who monitored the voting for her party this time, says Miss Abrams is often referred to as "getting the job done."

But not too long ago, Georgia's Democratic Party remembered Abrams by another title: he was governor. In 2018, she set a new record by becoming the first black American woman to run for governor.

His opponent was the Republican candidate, Georgia's Secretary of State Brian Camp. Brian Kemp, who held the post for six years, canceled the votes of half a million Georgians on inactive or technical grounds. However, what the camp called updating the voter register was the same thing that Miss Abrams and many others did to deprive citizens of the right to vote.

Crawford Scott is from Jacksonville, Florida, and Britney Small is from Philadelphia, an NGO run by Black Voters Meter.

Despite this, the camp won the election by a margin of only 50,000 votes. Following the camp's victory, Ms. Abrams announced in her speech the formation of a new organization to fight the exclusion of votes from the voting register, which led to her defeat. Miss Abrams did not concede defeat.

"We are a very strong nation because in our national experience it is enough to make something that doesn't work," Ms. Abrams said.

Two years later, Miss Abrams and a network of many women with her registered 800,000 new votes in Georgia alone. And although there will be a recount, Miss Abrams and her volunteers are widely praised for the Democrats' victory in the Georgia presidential election, with little difference. The Democrats have achieved this for the first time in two decades.

These will be the votes in January that will once again play a key role, as the decision on Georgia's Senate seat will be crucial. Whichever party wins the seat will have a majority in the Senate. If Georgia succeeds Biden, the newly elected president will be grateful to Miss Abrams and her volunteer organization.

"She (Stacey Abrams) could have simply said, 'Oh, I'm lost!'" Says Miss Hunt. But they turned it into a victory for the party and they took the step and registered the maximum number of votes in their community.

American Black community
American Black community

Both Christine Hunt and Theresa Wilson agree that Abrams' efforts will change the way the American Black community views their votes in this state forever.

"Going out (of Miss Abrams) and keeping her foot on the ground and registering all these citizens has made a huge difference not only in Georgia but in the life of the whole nation," she said.

"I think we were looked down upon at every election as if our votes had no status, but now not only the whole nation but the whole world has seen that our votes have a status."

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