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The dark days of American politics.


The dark days of American politics.

The day Trump supporters attacked Capitol Hill will be called the dark day of American politics. Are Trump's success and America's defeat? President Donald Trump has finally announced the end of the "historic era of American presidency" and the continuation of the struggle to make America great. A White House statement called Trump's confession a defeat.

The dark days of American politics

However, this confession is exactly the same as the call made to those who attacked the Congress yesterday to remain "peaceful". Trump's behavior has shocked the world, upset Americans, and called into question American democracy.

Trump refuses to concede defeat in the November 3 election. He says he has won more votes than any other US president. How can they lose this choice? Referring to his 74 million votes, he forgets that President-elect Joe Biden received 81 million votes against him.

In this way, he has emerged as the highest-voting presidential candidate in US electoral history. Trump also forgets that when he was declared the winner of the 2016 election, he received 3 million fewer votes than his opponent Hillary Clinton. Despite this, Hillary Clinton dignifiedly conceded defeat on election night and declared Donald Trump the winner. Donald Trump himself could not demonstrate such a capacity.

This attitude is explained in many ways. Experts are also trying to understand and describe it in their own way. It is widely believed that Donald Trump is in such a state of mind that it is impossible for him to imagine defeat.

 He never accepted defeat easily and he is not one of the losers. If this explanation is accepted as correct, then his stubbornness and stubbornness can be forgotten by declaring Donald Trump to be suffering from some kind of mental illness. However, if the belief in victory is tested in the context of Trump's business life and reputation as a 'deal maker', it must be acknowledged that Trump does not refuse to give up because of any arrogance or self-deception. He had a formal plan for this behavior. He has been refusing to concede defeat under a well-thought-out plan and has declared war. They still stand by that statement.

One reason for this is their popular vote bank. He has gained tremendous acceptance among a large number of Americans because of his extremist stance, his generally ridiculous remarks, and his claim to white supremacy. U.S. experts believe that Trump's supporters blindly trust him and that the mood has become a "belief" in which Trump is considered an "incarnation of God."

His supporters do not shy away from taking any action at Trump's behest because they know that Donald Trump will stand behind them. Trump never denies supporting these elements, but even in the most difficult of circumstances, he says, "I understand your pain, and I love you." Due to this love and devotion relationship, his supporters stormed the Congress building yesterday in which 4 people have been reported killed so far. Trump himself provoked the mob to attack, saying "we must go to the Capitol Hill and encourage our Republican allies to turn our defeat into victory by rigging."

Yesterday, when the Congress was attacked, a joint meeting of the Senate and the House of Representatives were being held to formally confirm the counting of votes cast in the presidential election.

President Trump has said that Republicans should take advantage of their majority in the Senate to re-elect elective college president Joe Biden and order a recount in states where electoral success is rare. It was done by votes. Some members of the House and Senate have called for the move to be rigged, but a majority of Republicans have refused to accept Trump's unconstitutional, immoral and undemocratic advice.

 In that case, Trump wanted Vice President Mike Pence, who chaired the joint session, to use his personal power to overturn the Electoral College's decision. It was in this hope that he gathered his supporters in Washington yesterday and enthusiastically advised them to "take away their rights" in the morning. Trump was showing that he would persuade Mike Pence to make an unprecedented decision by providing "moral support".

Verification of votes cast in the presidential election in Congress is no more than a formality. That is why there has never been any special news or discussion about this action in any previous presidential election.

 On the basis of high democratic traditions, the losing candidate usually admits defeat from the outset and considers it necessary to play his role in continuing the democratic process in the country. Donald Trump, on the other hand, does not believe in democracy but in coercion, power, and coercion. It is because of this extremism that they have built a popular base that is ready to break any law and go to any lengths on Trump's orders. After losing the election, Trump's whole drama was to convince the group that he would not leave them alone at any cost.

In the name of the legal battle against the first election fraud, a lot of resources have been raised that will reportedly be directly in Trump's possession and he will be free to do as he pleases at his discretion after leaving the White House.

 In addition, he has made himself so powerful that no action will be taken against his illegal and unconstitutional actions even after the presidential immunity expire. There is speculation in the United States as to what crimes Trump will be able to apprehend after the end of the presidency, but apart from the legal difficulties, there is no one against a person like Trump who is popular in the political divide and excitement created in the country.

 It will not be easy to make a case. It is also speculated that Trump may grant himself a "presidential pardon" before January 20 to avoid a difficult legal situation. Or resign a day and a half ago and make Mike Pence president and issue a presidential apology to Trump. Although both measures will be unusual, experts believe that Donald Trump has the ability to take any step and do anything unconventional.

Although Donald Trump did not act "extremely cautiously" to seek a presidential pardon, his popularity and deep political divisions in society made it possible for him to be arrested and imprisoned. Not even from the point of view of harmony. That is why President-elect Joe Biden has so far refrained from taking a stand on a personal attack on Trump and an investigation into the actions taken during his presidency. Biden has repeatedly said that we must forget our differences and disputes and move forward together so that the problems facing the country can be tackled. Therefore, it is unlikely that the Biden administration will play an active role in bringing Trump to justice.

Also read:-- Under the Joe Biden's test

                          Trump supporters attack Capitol Hill

Trump's presidency will thus be remembered as a dark chapter in American history, whether it be human rights or environmental pollution, democracy, or the state of diplomatic tensions in international relations. There is a tradition of making extreme decisions based on personal rituals. Among them are the policy adopted in the Middle East in particular, the termination of the nuclear deal with Iran, and the silence on unconstitutional and inhumane Indian actions in occupied Kashmir. Trump has severely damaged the democratic tradition, justice, and equal rights situation not only in The United States but all over the world. Continuous steps were taken to divide American society on the basis of white racial superiority. Trump has succeeded in convincing his white supporters that if they do not stand together, people of other races will be deprived of their right to live and work.

The dark days of American politics.

This is the legacy of Donald Trump, the socio-political attitude that has been established in the United States. This has not only undermined the democratic tradition but also the social fabric. Due to its strong constitutional tradition, an independent judiciary, and rule of law, the United States has been able to overcome the current crisis.

 When Biden is sworn in as president on January 20, it will be a victory for American democracy. However, if concrete work is not done to change the mood of racial hatred and social division and Trump or any other leader of the same mood succeeds in becoming president again, not only democracy but also the unity of 50 American states will be in danger۔

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