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American Red Indians History:


American Red Indians History:

The American Red Indians are said to be Native Americans. The Red Indians are the original inhabitants of The United States, who crossed the Bering Strait from Northeast Asia to the continent of North America about fifteen to twenty thousand years ago. Most people are of Mongol descent. Although mixed with other races, they have many varieties, but they still bear deep resemblance due to their brown skin, straight, rough, dark hair, and brown eyes. These people were agriculturists. He grew peas, watermelons, potatoes, and tobacco made stone tools, and was familiar with fire. In time, some of these tribes moved to Central and South America.

American Red Indians History

When Columbus arrived in the United States, the Western Hemisphere was home to 8 million Indians, according to some traditions, and 70 million according to others. The majority of historians agree on 20 million. Since Columbus thought he had reached India, he named them Indians. Later they were called Red Indians to distinguish them from India. The Indians of Central America and South America later merged into later peoples, giving rise to a new generation.

Reasons for the shortage of American Read Indians

American Red Indians History:

Climate change and epidemics have been cited as the main reasons for the decline in the number of Red Indians in The United States, but historians say the real cause is their genocide at the hands of white settlers. Maulana Muhammad Isa Mansoori (London), a researcher, says that the discovery of the American continent is attributed by the Western world to a Jewish Knights (Freemason) Columbus, when in fact the continent was inhabited 5,000 years before Christ. Human caravans kept coming here at different times. The ship Columbus arrived in the United States. Its sailor was also an Arab sailor and Columbus had maps of the sea routes prepared by the Arabs but Western egoism cannot recognize the superiority of any non-European in any issue. Before Columbus, there were civilized populations that lived by disciplined rules and regulations. The population of the United States was larger than the combined population of Africa and Europe. North America is one of the seven continents of the world. Canada and the United States are important countries on this continent. The ancient inhabitants of the continent are known as the Red Indian Nation. As a result, there are now no Red Indians on either continent.

Today, in the Western world, Columbus is a great hero who provided Europe with a vast hunting ground. Therefore, not only in Europe but also in America, most of the statues of this deity will be seen. Eight million Red Indians were massacred in just 13 years after Columbus arrived in the United States, and by the end of the fifteenth century, the American Red Indian population was approximately 90 million. According to THE DARK SIDE OF DEMOCRACY, after only two centuries, instead of growing, their population was reduced to five million. The remaining 90 million Red Indians perished at the behest of white Insanity contractors.

The American Red Indians lived a civilized and peaceful life in the United States thousands of years before Christ. Their main center was Oklahoma. Today there are only a few thousand Red Indian children and only Apache remains in their fifty languages. Civilized European invaders declared that the elimination of the American Red Indian tribes was necessary for Western civilization. The slogan was that the Red Indians should be exiled. In 1748, eight men and 431 women were killed in an attack on the Apache of the Red Indian tribe, led by General Tosan, for stealing two white horses. A large number of men had already been killed. The women were gang-raped before being killed. The local newspaper DENVER NEWS congratulated the killers on the feat and lamented that the death toll could have been doubled.


The killers were faked. The lawsuit was settled out of court. The court took only nine minutes to acquit the culprits as the civilized courts did not accept any Red Indian testimony against the whites. If the Red Indians had ever killed whites, all the white races would have come together and attacked them as they do today. European races would unite and attack them and forget their differences with non-Europeans.

MODOC the Red Indian tribe captured and killed General Cabbie on the California border. General Sherman ordered that we must fight against them with all seriousness and perseverance until the complete elimination of the women, children, and men of the tribe. ۔ The war ended with the complete genocide of the tribe and the occupation of their lands. A hero like George Washington instructs his general that there is no need to listen to a song of peace until all the remnants of the Iroko tribe are wiped out. Get rid of all the red wolves. President Washington and Jefferson himself had many slaves, and President Andrew Jackson was known to be sympathetic to the Red Indians. In his day, only whites had the right to vote. He ordered the destruction of the Red Indian "Creek" settlements and the capture of his wife and children for taking only one white woman hostage.

American Red Indians History:

 Thus, in a merciful operation carried out in 1803, ten thousand of the Creek tribe, four thousand of the Chiro tribe, and four thousand of the Chakot tribe were killed. The fifth greatest democratic president of the United States, Theories Roosevelt, has stated that the greatest war of all was the one fought against the Red Indian savages (since the invasion of the American continent by the white races of Europe on the nations of the world Enabled to attack).

Millions of men and women were forcibly separated in California. Terrible diseases spread among them. The girls were forced to become prostitutes. Thus, in the period from 1860 to 1884, the population of the Red Indians in California alone decreased from 500,000 to only 13,000. Legally, the Red Indians had complete freedom to kill without any punishment. Wherever the Red Indians were seen walking, they were shot. Killers were encouraged. He was given the status of a hero. There was open freedom to kill women and children.

 Wherever the American Red Indians were seen walking, they were caught and chained and made into forced laborers. Millions of dollars would be allocated everywhere for this work. The European occupiers would make agreements with these helpless people on the day they came, then they would break the agreements and attack them. This is European nature and culture today.

It shows how the American Red Indians have been persecuted and genocide has been carried out on a regular basis. This is the most bitter truth of American history that can hardly be tolerated.

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