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Electoral Process in the United States


The electoral process in the United States will begin on November 3, 2020; this the election is for the 84th President of the United States, whose voters are members of 538 electoral colleges in fifty states of the United States. Preparations of both the parties for this are in full swing and what is the decision.

Electoral Process in the United States
Electoral Process in the United States

The two largest political parties in the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans, who have their own candidates for the 538 seats, and the American people elect the electorate by casting their ballots. ۔ In the past, the electors used to cast their votes freely, but now they cast their votes in the name of the president they get votes from, because if they get the votes of one party in the name of another party. If you cast a candidate, you will be called a looter in American society, which the American the nation never forgives.

The same electorate is also a member of the US House of Representatives and Senate. To become president of the United States, a presidential candidate needs the votes of 271 electors. Twenty years ago, Al Gore, the presidential candidate in the US election, received more than half a million votes from George W. Bush, but George W. Bush became president with 271 voters.

 Similarly, in the previous US election of 2016, Hillary Clinton got 3 million more votes than President Donald Trump, but the Republican Party's election was more successful, so Donald Trump was declared the winner. The number of electoral votes in the United States is proportional to the population. The US state of California has the highest number of 55 electoral votes, while other smaller states have two to three electoral votes.

The United States has a presidential system under its constitution. The American constitution was drafted 333 years ago in 1787 AD, from which no one has deviated to this day, nor has the US military ever interfered in any the election in the US constitution of 1787. The Electoral College was formed, which has to be elected by popular vote on November 3 every four years, which has continued for nearly three and a half centuries.

American Conservatives founded the Republican Party in 1854, with another candidate, Abraham Lincoln, elected President of the United States in 1860, and then-Republican Party dominated American politics for the next seventy years. The party blamed the Republicans for this, and for the next fifty years, it dominated the country's politics, meaning that the American people would not forgive a human wrong decision even for fifty years.

In the 1980s, US President Ronald Reagan won a majority of the people through his public policies. For the past few decades, the American tradition has been that the majority of those running for a second term has been successful. In the current US election, President Donald Trump has been nominated for the second time by the Republican Party, while his opponent, the Democrat, has nominated former US Vice President Joe Biden of Barack Obama. Is.

 More than 400,000 Americans are feared dead for failing to properly handle Corona, one of the most important allegations leveled against Donald Trump by Joe Biden, rising unemployment rates, and the killing of black American George Floyd by police And declaring American soldiers killed in Paris during World War II as losers.

Joe Biden also says that President Donald Trump is afraid of Russia, although there are still many speculations about Russia's influence on Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 US election. President Trump has called his statement that US troops killed in World War II a coup d'tat a lie and objected to the postal ballot paper of the current US election, saying more than 51 million Timely countings of ballot papers do not appear to be completed. President Donald Trump also fears hacking and cyber-attacks by outside elements during the election.


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