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Chadwick Bosman Star of Black Panther has passed away


Chadwick Boseman, the hero of the famous movie Black Panther died during the battle with cancer.

It is very sad news that famous movie star Chadwick Bosman has passed away while fighting an incurable disease like cancer. This has been confirmed by his family.

Chadwick Bosman Star of Black Panther has passed away
Chadwick Bosman Star of Black Panther has passed away

Los Angeles: The actor of the famous Hollywood movie Black Panther, Chadwick Bosman has passed away at the age of 43, which was also confirmed by his family.

A message on the social networking site Twitter said Boseman died at his home in Los Angeles, where he was accompanied by his wife and other family members.

According to media reports, Chad Wake Bosman, a 43-year-old actor starring in Marvel Studios Black Panther, has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Boseman never spoke publicly about his illness. Was

The family said in a statement on Twitter that it was with great sadness that Chadwick Bosman passed away.

She was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2016 and was in her third stage. He has been receiving treatment since then, yet he has entered the fourth stage of cancer. I also shot several films between my surgery and chemotherapy.

Hollywood actor Chadwick Bosman rose to fame in 2016 while starring in Black Panther. He also starred in Avengers Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, his most recent film being Da 5 Bloods, which was released on Netflix earlier this year.

It should be noted that Chadwick Bosman gained fame from films based on the stories of the real characters of Shariat. He played the role of Jackie Robinson, a well-known baseball player, in the 2013 film 42, and later played the role of a musician James Brown in the 2014 film Gain On Up. But the most memorable of his films was Black Panther which was released in 2018

According to BBC Urdu, it was the first superhero film to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars and six more were nominated at the same event.

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