Israel-Hamas temporary ceasefire, permanent solution inevitable
Israel-Hamas temporary ceasefire, permanent solution inevitable
Israel has a
long history of atrocities on Palestinians, but for the past month and a
half, Israel has been oppressing innocent Palestinians. Thousands of
Palestinians have been martyred and injured.
Many buildings, houses, educational
institutions, and hospitals have been destroyed. There is no arrangement for
treating the injured. Many people have been displaced, for whom housing has
become a constant problem
After so
many atrocities, Israel announced a ceasefire but only for four days. Well,
even this caused a wave of joy in the Islamic world, while all the sins
of Israel were washed away. International organizations and leaders should tell
us whether Israel's temporary declaration of a ceasefire will compensate for
the damage done in Palestine.
thousands of Palestinians who were killed have no status? Apart from that, what
will happen to the damages? Who will fix them? Or only the declaration of
ceasefire is the salve for every wound.
It's a good
thing that the ceasefire is in place, at least for a few more days. But this
truce is also temporary because many times before Israel has treated the
Palestinians like this and then the truce ended. Then when they want their
lives again, they start bombing the people in the same way. There is no one to
ask them. Even during this four-day ceasefire, they cannot be trusted, any time
their ferocity wakes up, they will start bombarding innocent civilians again.
If an
Islamic country makes or buys weapons to defend itself, it has to face various
restrictions, but Israel makes weapons, sells them, and massacres civilians, there
is no one to stop it. However, the ceasefire is temporary, and this problem needs a
permanent solution. How long will the Palestinians continue to be held hostage
by Israel?
Now the international community should feel
sorry. Hundreds of dead bodies lying in one place could not shake the
conscience of the world leaders. The massacre of innocent children in Palestine
did not melt the heart of any Surma, because they do not belong to the United
States or the United Kingdom, so international organizations would
take pity on them and try to save them.
They are Muslim children of Palestine, who
have no status in the world. Seeing their condition, the international
community should be aware and find a permanent solution to the Palestinian
Israel's declaration of ceasefire is
temporary which is only for four days, after that, I don't know what will be
done by Israel. Similarly, Israel is not bound by any agreement, it can
start bombing again at any time.
Even in May
2021, Israel announced a ceasefire after the bloodshed of innocent
Palestinians, on which the Palestinians celebrated and Israel attacked the
celebrating citizens to prove that it does not believe in any declaration or
agreement. should do.
Before such a situation occurs again,
international institutions must act. First of all, the Islamic countries should
play their full role in this and jointly arrange a plan of action on this
issue and jointly put pressure on the United Nations to solve the Palestinian
issue on an emergency basis and give freedom to the Palestinians. Help them to
build a free and independent state. He should deploy his peacekeeping forces in
Palestine, in which the number of soldiers from Islamic countries is high, to
manage the rehabilitation of the devastated citizens there. Take care of their
housing, food, and medical care and prevent Israel from attacking again.
This time,
the amount of cruelty that Israel has inflicted on the Palestinian
Muslims is unprecedented in history, and the amount of indifference shown by
the Muslim Ummah is unprecedented in history. This is an alarm bell that needs
to be heeded by the luxury rulers of the Muslim Ummah. At least unite
now and find a solution to the Palestinian issue because the world
powers want to completely merge Palestine into Israel and wipe out the
name of this state. The clear purpose of this is to make Israel a powerful
state among the Arab countries and further weaken the Muslims.
Israel-Hamas temporary ceasefire, permanent solution inevitable
the leaders of the Muslim countries should understand the fragility of the time
and situation and get out of their indulgences and vices and worry about the
future of the Muslim Ummah for a while, which direction this nation is
going and to which pit it is being pushed. Make a strong movement for it, mobilize the OIC remind it of its purpose, and come together under
its banner to adopt a common strategy.
Put pressure
on the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as
major countries that are supporting Israel, to give Palestine
full independence and sovereignty while restraining Israel from its nefarious
ambitions. After the success of this movement, the prestige of not only
Palestine but the entire Muslim Ummah will increase and a way to protect
the Muslims of the whole world will be available.