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America vs. Iran | an analysis or explanation.


America vs. Iran | An analysis or explanation.

America vs. Iran | an analysis or explanation.


Let's talk about what happened to the ongoing conflict between the United States and Iran. Why did this happen? How does this affect India? And is this the beginning of World War III? This last question was just a joke. Don't worry, things haven't escalated to that level. This is just done by a few media houses to scare you, let's understand the whole situation.

   Middle East Geopolitics First,:

   I'll give you some background information. Basically, there are two major regional powers in the Middle East, one in Saudi Arabia and the other is Iran.

   These two countries rival countries of each other and enmity arise between them even though these two countries have not fought directly. But in all the conflicts between the rest of the Middle East countries, these two countries use them as proxies.


   A proxy war means that two countries are not fighting each other directly. Rather, they are fighting indirectly in a third country—for example, there are proxy wars going on in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq—between Saudi Arabia and Iran. On the one hand, they oppose it, Saudi Arabia will support Iran by providing arms to the government, on the other hand, it will support the rebels and provide them arms and the fighting between them will continue, Iran is the majority. Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims are the majority in Saudi Arabia. So you can call it a religious divide between the two countries (which) further inflames the conflict between these two countries. Here is the fact that America is a good ally of Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia is a rival country of Iran.


   So basically, there is enmity between America and Iran. Iraq has seen a large number of anti-government protests in the past few years as people there are worried about rising corruption and unemployment, among other problems. The establishment. If there is support from Iran, then mainly the governments of Iran and Iraq are against the protesters and the countries of Saudi Arabia and the United States are indirectly supporting the protesters. More than 20 protesters have been killed by the government and the government of Iraq shooting at the protesters.


   US-Iran Relations:


Relations between the United States and Iran have been sour for the past 40 years. But the current controversy can be traced back to when Donald Trump was elected in 2015. When Obama was president, the US signed a nuclear deal with Iran. Negotiations, America. Together with our international partners, we have achieved what is not a comprehensive, long-term agreement with Iran that will prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons in the midst of decades of hostility.


This deal shows that US diplomacy can make real and meaningful change." On May 8, 2018, Donald Trump abruptly withdrew from the nuclear deal, saying the United States would no longer participate in the nuclear deal. "I am announcing today. Today's action sends an important message that the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and that we will impose the highest level of economic sanctions.


   "Donald Trump has accused the Iranian regime of supporting terrorism, exporting violence, and is responsible for the chaos and bloodshed in the Middle East, many of whom criticize Donald Trump and say That Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal. One reason - is that Obama signed the nuclear deal.

America vs. Iran | an analysis or explanation.


   Trump was jealous of this fact and had to reverse everything Obama did. So, Trump started hostilities with Iran again. and announced economic sanctions that have continued to escalate tensions between the two countries, for example in one incident involving a drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil tankers that was allegedly planned by Iran. For example, on June 20, 2019, an American drone was shot down by Iran for allegedly flying over Iranian territory and claiming it was flying over international territory. On April 8, 2019, Donald Trump A decision was taken that has never been taken in American history. Tariq is a branch of the Iranian military called the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (they) have designated it as a foreign terrorist organization.


It was the first time that another country's military was designated as a terrorist organization after a rocket attack on a US military base in Iraq on December 28, 2019, in which an American contractor was killed, the US arrested the Iranian military. took General Soleimani of the Iranian army - responsible for this, on December 29, 2019, the United States retaliated by carrying out an airstrike on the weapons center of the Iranian militia organization, in which more than 25 people were killed. .

A big attack

And this threat was witnessed when on January 3, 2020, the United States killed one of Iran's top generals - Suleiman in a drone attack. General Suleiman was the major general of the Quad Force in Iran. Iranian India, you can compare him with Indian Air Force General or Indian Army General.


   The Quds Force is the elite force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Iran. Donald Trump said that he killed the general to prevent future attacks and that he had received information that General Soleimani was planning an attack against Americans. . was planning dangerous and dangerous attacks on American diplomats and military personnel, but we caught him and ended him under my leadership. cause or intend to cause harm.


  In Iraq, General Suleiman was supplying weapons to the terrorists there, but Iran denies this fact. Helped to make. Here it is that one country considers a person to be a national hero and a freedom fighter and on the other hand another country considers him to be a terrorist, this often happens, well wherever there are conflicts in the world if often this happens.


  One section of the population considers someone to be a libertarian and another section of the population considers him a terrorist, I would like to say one thing here - whenever you read about such complicated geopolitical issues, try not to. There is nothing black and white about fitting someone into a good or bad category that one person is 100% good and that person is 100% bad-


  Don't Judge People by Their Actions Many accuse Donald Trump of wanting to leave. Elections are going to be held in 9 months to deliberately increase his popularity in the war with Iran, so people believe that Donald Trump is doing this for publicity and Donald Trump's own hypocrisy is also evident here.


  Because in 2013 he tweeted that "I predict President Obama will attack Iran at some point to save face." Then he tweeted again in 2013: "Remember what I said earlier? Obama will show how tough he is by attacking the Iranian order someday.


"Now people are accusing Donald Trump of attacking Iran to save his image. This is exactly the same thing that happened in America 17 years ago. Until today, when President Bush invaded Iraq. declared war on and killed Saddam Hussein, many people felt that America had no reason to go to war, but America went to war anyway. The image is still tarnished that the US deliberately wages wars for oil, and goes to war to maintain peace in the Middle East only to encourage wars around the world.


   After the air raid:


The Iranian government has said that it is going to take full retaliatory action after this air attack, but it does not consider an ordinary American to be responsible for it. The Iranian government puts all the blame on Donald Trump. The Iranian government also blamed Donald Trump. But the prize is kept.


  And he has said that the average American needn't worry because they have no animosity towards him, they are just against Donald Trump, which is why the Iranian presidential adviser has gone all out to attack Trump's real estate empire. Listed Trump's business properties in the world. In response, Donald Trump threatened to attack Iranian cultural sites, i.e. world cultural sites, and because of this, Donald Trump faced a lot of criticism for deliberately destroying cultural heritage and cultural sites. Talking about attacking.


  On the other hand, the Iraqi parliament has voted in favor of the withdrawal of all American troops from Iraqi territory and the Iranian parliament has approved a motion to declare the American army as terrorists. Wants to withdraw troops. If they leave the country, Iraq will have to pay the price of the air force base, which cost billions of dollars to build, and if Iraq does not agree to pay, heavy economic sanctions will be imposed on Iraq, and if this happens, all of its It will have a bad effect on India.

Impact on India:

This is because most of the crude oil imported by India comes from Iraq in 2019, Iraq is India's number one oil supplier. will force them to stop importing oil from Iraq.

  Then India will have to import oil from somewhere else - which is going to be many times more expensive, it will have a very bad effect on the Indian economy, and the impact is already being felt - the day General Suleiman was killed. , Indian markets crashed that day. Investors lost a total of Rs 3 lakh crore the next day. Another damaging effect was that when Donald Trump escalated his animosity with Iran, it was obvious that he would lean towards one country or the other. Padas- So they started getting closer to Pakistani 2018, Donald.

Trump said he stopped training the Pakistani army because Pakistan supports terrorism, but now he started training again because he needs more friends and allies. Hope you like this article. There is a lot to learn from if you like this article. Then you can support me on Patron. Thank you very much.

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