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What is Hamas and what is actually Israel conflict?



What is Hamas and what is actually Israel

What is Hamas and what is actually Israel conflict?
 What is Hamas and what is actually Israel conflict?

 Surprisingly Israel had something that made them defeat all Arab countries altogether Christianity did get widely recognized, but as Jesus was killed by Jews hatred toward Jews also got hyped. At this point, Hamas came into existence. Now you can understand the importance of Jerusalem, 2 such widely present religions of the world, Jews and Christianity, this area become a very important place for Muslims of course after Mecca & Madinah.

Now Israel was not ready to give that piece of land and all this happened as it is believed by Muslims and is also mentioned in the holy book Quraan, named as Isra Miraj. Everyone was under the impression, that there are so many Arab Countries together and would win easily, but what happened was just the opposite.

In 1972 Olympics, 5 Palestinians in Germany attacked 5 Israelis athletes in their apartment. A small country known as Israel which has a small population but the place where it is located, is one of the most controversial area of the world, since thousands of years there have been fights in this area Now this triggers many questions including what prime reason for which they have been fighting for thousands of years, and every once in a while whenever news come from this part, we get to know names like

Gaza Strip, Hamas, Temple Mount, West Bank, what exactly are these? And what is the prime reason that even after people from across the world, unitedly couldn’t come to a solution for this conflict? The even larger question is, what exactly is Israel’s strength which enables them to defeat all Arab Nations altogether? We’ll discuss all these things in detail, but we must know the in-depth story behind this.


The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict If we talk about the current situation if you go west from India this is the country known as Israel Whatever area you are seeing highlighted in yellow is “Israel”, and the grey color area is “West Bank” and Gaza Strip is the country known as Palestine. Palestine is in fact inside Israel and the place that is denoted by a Star is “Jerusalem” Jerusalem is the primary cause of the conflict between Christians, Jews & Muslims I will explain further in this Video

All these things Started way back in 1047 B.C. at that time this was known as the “Kingdom of Israel” Jews lived here and was ruled by “King Solomon” The Capital of the “Kingdom of Israel” was Jerusalem and in this Jerusalem only the “King Solomon” constructed 1st temple of Jews which was named as “temple Mount” And Jews used to worship regularly in this temple.

After this, in year 586 B.C. “Babylonians” came and they demolished this 1st temple, then came Persians Who get this temple reconstructed, but after re-construction, the 1st Temple is named as 2nd temple Then came the Roman Empire who demolished the 2nd temple and only a Wall is left by this time the Jews started their migration to Europe because Jews were being killed under this empire Those Jews who still existed and in one such family Jesus Christ was born.

So Jesus Christ was Actually a Jew As Jesus Christ grew up under the Roman Empire he instead of core teaching of Jews in the Jerusalem Area started his own teaching same way like “Gautam Buddha” who was actually from the Hindu religion, but instead he gave teaching about “Buddhism” and Buddhism became a separate religion Similarly Jesus, set apart, started Christianity, now Jesus started giving teachings which was away from Jews Ideology and started getting recognized very quickly but the Jews never like this and this issue got so much

escalated that Jews in Jerusalem publicly crucified Jesus resulting in his death Now due to all this, their was hype of negative sentiments against Jews, and till today Jews are blamed for the Importance of Jerusalem By this particular point of time, everything was running fine in Roman Empire but in the year 306 King Valerius passes away and his Son “Constantine the Great” becomes Roman King Constantine started liking Christianity a lot and he becomes the 1st king to adopt Christianity By his Conversion to Christianity,

Christianity started spreading in entire Rome but as Jesus was killed by Jews, hatred toward Jews also spread widely in his kingdom, Jews were very badly tortured and killed which resulted in Jews started migration all over the world to save themselves especially they started migrating to Europe mostly And the place where Jesus for crucified, “Constantine the great” built the “church of the holy sepulcher” And this constructed church of the holy sepulcher was approx.

2 kilometers away from the area of Temple Mount Jews called it Temple Mount itself but Muslims referred to it as “Haram Al Shareef” Why? I will explain in the video ahead After this in the year 638 AD, after defeating the Roman empires, comes the “Arab Army of Umar” In recent times, Jews and Muslims have fought a lot but in older times Jews were comfortable along with Muslim Kings because Muslims used to consider them similar as their religions had many similarities When this Jews area falls in the hands of Arab Armies

the area in Jerusalem where Jews had their 2nd Temple “The Dome of the Rock” is constructed at same place also “Al Aqsa Mosque” was constructed This happened because reached Jerusalem and he offered prayers there, and the place where he prayed “Al Aqsa Mosque” is constructed and from the same place, he put his foot on a holy stone stepped into heaven “Dome of the Rock” is constructed on the same very place This on screen is the “Dome of the Rock” and this is “Al Aqsa Mosque” and this is “The Western Wall” This Entire area, as shown is

called “Temple Mount” by Jews and Muslims refer to it as “Haram Al Shareef” “Al Aqsa Mosque” doesn’t allow entry to Non-Muslims and Jews are allowed to worship on “The Western Wall” 2 km from this area is “church of the holy sepulchre” and this area of around 37 Acres is the area which is very important for Christians, Muslims, and Jews Now you can understand the importance of Jerusalem which lead to World’s two large religions Jews and Christianity and for Muslims after Mecca - Medina this area became

third-holiest site in Islam this is the reason there are so many issues regarding this area and why all three communities want it Whenever Jews were Ruled by one or another ruler they started migrating all over the world leaving behind their properties and land, they migrated especially to Europe become it was a nearby region But Jews never forgot about their land Jews even after being settled anywhere in the world always offered their prayers with their face turned toward Jerusalem Till today any Jew would pray facing this way only

In the year 1891, the kingdom area of Jews was taken by Arabs but Jews who were living all across the world, especially in Europe always wanted to go back to their original land in the same year 1891, A Jewish writer named “Leon Pinsker” wrote a book “Auto-Emancipation” where he wrote, In Europe, Jews are treated badly even with any rules created for Jews there but Europeans are not considering them an equal citizen Jews need to write their own fate and need to make an Independent state for Jews

This was the time when the Jews's demand to get back to their land had turned into Politics. Taking all this into account, Jews started a Movement which was known as “Zionism” The Purpose of the “Zionism Movement” was to get Jews their original land back. World War 1 All this kept going and around the year 1914 when 1st World War was about to start Germany and Britain were against each other and the Ottoman Empire who were ruling over the “Kingdom of Jews” took the stand to support Germany Now Britain also needed their own Allies

 What is Hamas and what is actually Israel conflict?

the government officials of Britain, always assumed that Jews from Russia and America could have influence on their governments to support a specific side And due to all these things, Britain attempted to make Jews happy by supporting Zionists which was in fact supporting the idea of giving Israelis their own country This was very strongly supported by Britain and they even gave a declaration which is known as “Balfour Declaration” which stated "His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine

of a national home for the Jewish people Now in this world war, Britain, the US, USSR were on one side, who had Jews' Support too while on the other side Germany was taking its stand along with OttoMan empire In 1918 World War 1 ended and Britain wins and 1st thing they did was to Remove the Ottoman Empire who were ruling over the Jews Kingdom were removed and Britishers start ruling instead As Jews supported Britishers very openly in the war leading Britain to win everyone knew Britain would give Jews a reward What Britain wrote in “Balfour Declaration”

was duly followed and Jews who were in Europe were assisted to settle in Palestine Area where Jews originally resided were migrated back Inside Palestine, the population of Arabs was significantly larger including the Palestinians but Jews started living in some areas there Even though jews used to live in Palestinian areas thousands of years ago, but when Jews were migrated back from all over the world, specially from Europe Into Palestine Area the Arab countries around Palestine never liked this migration and they were opposing this largely

on one side the Jews from Europe were coming back to Palestine and were supported by the Britishers On the other hand, the organization of Jews started funding them, and using that fund which was cash Jews started purchasing land in Palestine in the 1878 Ottoman census, the total population of Palestinian area was 0.

47 million out of which only 25000 were Jews all the rest were Arabs But by the year 1914, Jews population became 85 thousand later this figure was in hundreds of thousands who reached into Palestine While Britishers were telling Arabs that they want peace but on the other side, they were sending Jews into Palestine In 1922, a White Paper belonging to the Britishers came into light and it proved that they were deliberately doing so which was for their own benefit actually it was “Divide and Rule” Strategy they were using, the same they did in India too

On multiple occasions Arabs asked Britishers to Limit the Jews Immigration but it was never implemented Between 1919-1923, 30 thousand Jews came from eastern Europe Between 1924-1926 approx. 50 thousand Jews came from Poland. Between 1933-1936 a total of 0.17 million Jews came to Palestine Actually the Jews community had to return to Palestine as Hitler rise was fast growing and whatever countries were under his influence were killing Jews in masses People already blamed jews for the killing of Jesus Christ

and considered Jews as Anti-Christianity and on the other hand as Jews were money lenders for profit which is not considered good in Christianity even church didn’t allowed this and when Christians never did this business but Jews did This made the common population of Europe have hatred towards Jews and led to Robbery, discrimination, exclusion, violence against Jews With Jews who lived in Europe Europeans started taking away their properties forcefully even Jews they were not allowed in public spaces And “Nuremberg Law” came in year 1935

which prohibited Jews to marry a Non-Jew Jews even lost their Citizenship and were moved to “Concentration Camps” they were treated like a 2nd class citizens Infact at the time of world war 2, a Holocaust happened where around 6 Million Jews were killed All this led to only way left for the Jews to return to Palestine and they did reached Palestine in a rush which made Jews Population even more than the Arabs in the Palestine World War II In Year 1939, second World War gets started and Arabs supported Hitler in Germany

while Jews put all their efforts together and supported Britain, US, USSR, who all were on one side Jews had to do this as it was their chance to fight back against Hitler and they also got training which they were to use in future World War II Ends and Germany looses millions of Jews got killed in this war One thing was prominent about the Jews that they never lost any battle cause they always fought for retaining their existence Even when most Arab countries attacked them unitedly Jews Surprised the entire world, I’ll explain that in video ahead

Intelligence agency named “MOSSAD” You must have already heard a lot about them and I listened a Audio Book on KUKU FM “Mossad - The Greatest Mission of the Israeli Secret Service” You must listen to this Audiobook and you’ll be surprised to know about their coordinated planning you’ll also learn many things related to Mossad in organized chapters which are not easily available online anywhere else KUKUFM is India’s No:1 Audio Book Platform where a variety of Audio Books are available even if you like another Genre, you can look into their

categories like Educational, Biographies, entertainment, etc You can listen to your favorite Audio Book, one of my favorite Audio Books on this platform is “India Vs Pak 1971” whatever details were available in that were unique and lot interesting As this channel has just crossed 2 Million Subscribers KUKU FM has given a never before offer 1st 2000 users this month can get KUKU FM Subscription at just Rs.

1 Please use my promo code as NR2M by downloading the KUKU FM App. Link is also available in the description of this video Let's come back to the original topic After WW II all countries come together and formed the “United Nations” So the wars can be stopped suppress possibility of future wars In the world and solve problems with countries but inside the UN those people had more say who had won the world war like Britain, US, USSR and with the zeal Jews has supported Britain, US, USSR and had put their lives at risk, the time had

come for the Jews to Get Rewarded for By the end of World War it was expected that Jews would get back their country and Britain to make this happen given the “Balfour declaration” to the UN in Feb 1947, Foreign Secretary of Britain Ernest Said now Palestine is outside the control of Britain Matter of shifting Jews back to Palestine should be handled by “United Nations” themselves United Nations formed a special committee and they visited Palestine, this committee had members from 11 countries and this committee reported that Jews are only 1/3rd

of the total population of Palestine, and 2/3rd population is Arabs while only 6% of the total land is with Jews and after this UN Committee gave an historic verdict which stated whatever area that lies in Palestine where Palestinians Jews and Christians live and also has Jerusalem which has very significant importance for all three religions the only solution possible is to create a country “Israel” and should be given to Jews and at the same place a country named “Palestine” should be formed and given to Palestinians

And the Jerusalem should not be given to anyone but should remain under the control of the “United Nations” Whenever such a decision is proposed in “United Nations” All participating countries Vote for it and this voting helps in deciding whether this proposal would get approval or not When Voting for this happened, All countries voted in favor of the proposal India was the only Non-Muslim country who had voted in the support of Palestine so it doesn’t get Proposed Partition.

All the Arab countries also voted against the proposed partition of Palestine. But even after this the Partition did happened because all the other countries had voted to support this proposed partition And this proposal gets approved and in year 1947 UN releases a Map showing how the partition of Palestine would look like and what area would be designated to whom.

Just Before when UN had made this decision in year 1946 the white part you see on this map was Jews Population But the Partition which UN had approved was quite shocking cause Israel even got that area where there was no Jews Population this is the Official Map which UN had released as per partition decision Yellow part here denotes Jerusalem, which was kept under the UN The partition which United Nation had done Arabs were not at all happy with it but Jews were happy for getting Israel as their country

After this decision, Britishers who were ruling this area left and the very next day after Britishers left the Arab Countries which were Egypt, Syria, Jordan Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, All of them started War against Israel and everyone was under impression that with so many Arab countries attacking together and would easily win the war but what actually the unexpected happened and Arab countries had to back off but Israel took more land than allocated to them by UN This backfired on Arab Countries altogether

this was the Land that UN allocated but Jews after this war captured this entire area into Israel In year 1950 Israel passed a Law which was called the “Law Of Return” This law stated any Jew, residing anywhere around the world would get Israel citizenship and they are free to come Israel whenever they feel like This is the original stamp which was stamped whenever a Jews came to Israel Suez Canal Crisis As you can see on map, this is Israel and that is entire Egypt and in between this part governments of France and Egypt

collectively made a Canal which was named as “Suez Canal” by making one company it was fully funded by the French and Egypt governments But due to the financial crisis, Egypt had to sell their shares to a UK-based company which led to the ownership of Suez Canal came to France and United Kingdom At that time, this Suez Canal area became strategically very important for the entire world cause this connects Asia with the Europe and everyone including Israel had to pass thru this canal but Egypt had no hold left on this Canal but this doesn’t ends here

in the year 1956 Nasser, Nasser made a major decision he was the ruler of Egypt at that time he stated “As the Suez Canal has been built on Egypt land Egypt will control this area entirely” France and the U.K. tried a lot to convince “Nasser" that we have invested heavily on this canal but Nasser never listened to them also Nasser had great inclination toward other Arab nations and also hated Israel Nasser also said, Israel would not allowed to pass thru the Suez Canal this created a lot of issue for Israel

as they couldn’t send any of their shipments without this access After this, Israel along with the United Kingdom and France started the war against Egypt and captured this entire area After this in the year 1957, United Nations tried a lot to resolve this conflict and made Israel step back Although Israel returns entire Egypt’s area only after doing a written agreement which stated beyond this day, Israel would never be stopped from passing thru Suez canal the same way it is available for use for all other countries

This resolved the conflict along with the passage issues Israel had but even after such heavy investment, the United Kingdom and France had to leave this area empty Just a few years later in 1964 Arab countries held a meeting in Egypt and formed an organization named “Palestine Liberation Organization” which is also known as PLO PLO basically acted as a representation of all Palestinians on Army and Political level Main motive of PLO was to take back Palestine from Israel and give the land back to Palestinians

The attack Israel had on Egypt, Egyptian leader Nasser was very angry with this act and in 1967 after discussing with other Arab Nations strait of Tiran, was used by Israel to export their goods to other countries is blocked Nasser knew after this block, Israel would attack and Nasser had planned an attack with the help of other Arab Countries but Surprisingly Israel has something which made them defeat all Arab countries altogether and within just 6 days the Area of Egypt’s land which Israel had

captured earlier is captured again Along with that, area of Gaza Strip and West Bank was also captured Later United Nations again interferes and gets Egypt’s area returned to them but other part still remained under the control of Israel. “Palestine Liberation Organization” 2 Years Later, in 1969 A leader named Yasser Arafat became the chairman of PLO After Yasir became PLO Chairman few Arab countries took a back foot and the war started face to face between PLO and Israel After this the leadership Yasser Arafat

PLO conducted many attacks in 1973 attacks were done on the Israel Defense Forces Another prominent activity in Arab countries was Oil Mining and Arabs announced that every country would keep relations with Israel and would not get Oil from Arabs, all this kept running PLO and other countries have understood by then that winning against Israel is very difficult so they started finding multiple other ways like Hijacking Planes Only between the period 1968-1977 Palestinians hijacked 29 planes and attacked on Israel too.

In the 1972 Olympics, 5 Palestinians in Germany attacked Israeli athletes in their apartment all such acts drew a lot of attention on the PLO and Israel got disturbed remarkably After this Yasser the PLO Head started getting invited to United Nations meetings, and with all this Israel knew that PLO would become a major problem for them Most of the PLO fighters used to live in Lebanon cause Israel won’t allow them to stay around Israel And Israel without thinking much attacked on Lebanon too more than 18 thousand people lost their lives in this

made PLO lose a lot and had weakened its powers and by the year 1988 they realized and PLO also represented 2 state Model Earlier Palestinians wanted Jews to leave completely and convert Israel into Palestine. But later they realized this is not easy to achieve then asked for only the land the UN had decided should be given to them But now Israel was not even ready to give that much land cause Israel believed 50-60 years down the line when Arabs would become more stronger the Arabs would definitely attack on Israel

And Israel would again slip from the hands of Jews. And people of Israel would lose their entity even though they are offering peace as of now but would certainly create problems in later years that’s the reason they said they won’t return to their strategic location at all However in 1993 Israel agreed to the Oslo Accord which stated Palestine would get back areas under Gaza Strip and west bank and Yasir the leader of PLO would be made President which would give peace to both the countries both countries agree upon this and on 13th December 1993

What is Hamas and what is actually Israel conflict?
 What is Hamas and what is actually Israel conflict?

both countries signed the agreement at the lawn of the White House Now everyone was under the impression that there would be peace after this, but even after signing this agreement Israel never followed anything they kept sending Israel citizens to Gaza and Israel even skipped honoring the deadline for returning the land to Palestinians This lead to loss of trust upon Israel among citizen of Palestine and they believed PLO would make situation worse due to involvement of Israel This is the point where Hamas comes into existence

radical people from Palestine formed an organization named “HAMAS” and they started attacking Israel like guerilla warfare which is not a coordinated form of weapons and funding was done by Arab countries that supported Hamas with monetary All this had one more issue, whether it was PLO or Israel if any politician spoke about peace from either of side, they never got support from people Once when Israel had soft attitude, their PM was assassinated And when PLO started adopting soft attitude and started speaking about peace then also

PLO started getting weaker and Hamas got stronger and people supported Hamas All these things were the reason a solution couldn’t be worked out The current scenario is, that Hamas often attacks Israel from gaza strip Israel has also attacked 3-4 times and this fight happens often Question still remains the same “Who would have Jerusalem and who would get their Land back ? If any politician speaks about Peace then public either disagree with them or even kill them India’s Stand on Israel – Palestine Conflict India’s Stand on this has been quite mixed

In the beginning, India openly supported Palestine In 1947 India even voted in favor of Palestine in the UN but later they also recognized Israel as well India had Mix Stand on this later in 1980 India Gave full diplomatic recognition to PLO India had a Palestinian embassy made in New Delhi but apart from this in 1994 they parallelly started diplomatic relation with Israel started If I quote Mahatma Gandhi in exact words “Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French.”

Before this whenever there were voting in United Nations India used to support Palestine By Voting to support them but after 2014, India on many such agendas has abstained from Voting Along with this, PM Narendra Modi in 2017 1st prime minister of India to visit Israel however Ms. Sushma Swaraj (former Minister of ext.

affairs in India)said that India would never change its stand on Palestine and in 2018, PM Narendra Modi also visited “Ramallah” a city in west bank and Yasir Arafat who had fought a lot against Israel he also offered homage at Yasir Arafat tomb It may be possible that India might further clear their stand but for India both Arab and Israel are important Lastly let me remind you please do listen to an Audio Book on KUKU FM, “Mossad - The Greatest Mission of the Israeli Secret Service” you’ll come to know lot more information, Thank You.


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