United States stress: a shocking increase in chronic stress. What is chronic stress? Chronic stress is basically stress that doesn't stop. We all need stress because as human beings someone needs some degree of stress.
It is a constant tension that never goes away.
Your body breaks down and eventually creates a toxic environment. The amount of
which not only affects your body. In fact, your decisions affect your behavior.
What you do is a factor that affects every aspect of your life.
So I guess that's the reason for the pressure in America. This is the center of this movie, and in some, the last two years of my life. In many ways, I would say that the united states are unique in that respect.
Well, we can see other rich people. You can
see other countries that are similar to the United States. And you look at
every population in the developed world since World War II.
Their life expectancy is increasing.
All these deaths are decreasing. Except for one place where this is not
happening. It was the United States that first saw this increase. And in the
white working-class opioid overdose, various causes of death were found to be
liver disease during suicide.
It was a bit of a mystery to me that
it still took some time to put it together. And they say wait a minute,
something is happening here. So now the question is why do you know the
specific population there about these things?
As in medicine, it is usually a
number of breeds. But a great pair that was amazing for us. If you think of W,
be what you are talking about here. These are the sons and daughters of this
great generation whose parents often returned after winning World War I and
helped build America.
In many ways, their children hoped
to one day inherit the land. At least in the United States, instead, you
see jobs that lower wages. And now you see that this population of people is
dying faster than their comparative population anywhere in the developed world.
It's just a matter of imagining how
toxic stress is in some expectations. And don't look for it versus not
receiving it. Deviating expectations are a huge pressure on society. And it's a
tension that doesn't let go.
Because it's part of your identity and part of
who you understand. So expectations of despair seem to be a big part of this
society. There are a lot of jobs out there and I don't have one.
What it says about us is that they are needed.
Raid the room to relieve your stress It has become a fast-growing business. I
think people have a lot of demands now and as such physically, it's cortisol
that keeps rising all the time or adrenaline.
Most stress causes the body to
release certain hormones, which are stress hormones. And again, this would
mean that you have to spend for these processes. No one is saying that I am in
my life.
I don't want the stress that is neither practical
nor wishful thinking. Rather, the idea is that if you have chronic stress
levels, these hormone levels are in your blood pressure. Your heart beats in
your blood vessels. In response, you are more likely to create obstacles.
Your limbs are more likely to be damaged than
we are just beginning. Learn what it does with the brain. And consequently, it
has to do with the brain. This is how people behave differently in response to
chronic stress.
So we have plenty of time to look at both
sides of it. Let me tell you what happens when you are stressed. When you can
get even shorter breaks. And this charming Maureen I mean III changed my life.
But first, if you don't do that and take a
break from it. Your brain is called the prefrontal cortex transformation. And
your ability to make good decisions is your ability to make the decisions you
make later in the day.
Smart food will teach your child the ability
to make decisions later in the day. How can you treat someone? Just walk on the
road whether you are under pressure or not because you have more pain during
the day or you may have to endure it.
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Something that puts you under pressure changes your mind. And then your brain
is more likely to make bad decisions. Or don't make good decisions. Society is
putting pressure on the fact that it is breaking down.
But I think the thing that impressed
me is that if you look at 10 to 15 minutes of your time where you have control,
you must have seen it. Reverse changes in the brain that are attractive are
really fast. 10 to 15 minutes and all of a sudden your chances of making better
decisions are fine tonight.
Just do your job for 15 minutes whatever is
right and you know I feel it. Most people usually know yes when I do things
like MHM. So I feel better but now we can see these changes in the brain
objectively. And it was a big thing, really impressive.
Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks
like BT ain't for me either. These are Capuchin monkeys that look like
Oregogrander monkeys. In the movies, they are very smart. In these cages, they
can see each other. They can see each other. They can see the examiner who
works over and over again.
One-piece, they do it 20 times. And
it doesn't matter what they do. They send the ROC to the examiner. They use the
cucumber and start giving the monkey a piece of grape on the right which is the
most desired reward.
Where you live in society. Inequality is
clearly an injustice. This does not mean that a person will be paid more than
that. That's exactly what I'm doing. No one seems right with that.
Wherever you are, you are on the spectrum. The
level of living in such a rich or poor society is just disturbing. And that's
another thing we think the United States is doing with some of these
frustrating deaths. As far as rich nations are concerned. One of the highest
forms of income inequality anywhere in the world.
Climate change is a possible solution to the world's five problems
Rising crude oil prices and the major economic powers.