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The struggle of Malcolm X.


The struggle of Malcolm X.

It's about Malcolm X's legacy that lives on years later. This is the living reality of Malcolm X's legacy. Which he established through his struggle. This is the real leader who comes out of the swamp of crime and works for the rights of blacks.

 The struggle of Malcolm X.No one can estimate the state of the African American community in the United States. Without informing the severity of the blockade. In this richest country in the world, the poverty rate among black Americans is higher than any other group.

Even the presence of a black president in the White House did nothing to end the blackout. Politically, black Americans are generally frustrated. If we talk about racist injustice, we are still in the early days of American independence.

Malcolm X
The struggle of Malcolm X.

The life story of Malcolm X is famous. He was born to parents who were civil rights activists.۔ but after the death of his father and his mother's admission to a psychiatric hospital. he became involved in petty crimes.

 Then, when he was imprisoned he found religious identity. and purpose in the form of national Islam. a Muslim movement working to liberate blacks and separate them from whites.

.Becoming a leader from a criminal

Transforming Malcolm X from a petty criminal to a well-known black Muslim across the country. The social fabric is a self-fulfilling prophecy in an environment of trials and tribulations.

The most significant aspect of Malcolm X's life is the power of change which he embodied. He felt that no black person would be truly free from racial inferiority unless collective oppression of racist tyranny was achieved.

Sadly, under the influence of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X advocated racial segregation and presented white people as a necessary evil. He preached separatist nationalism as a means of restoring the self-esteem of black people.

.To accept Islam

Later, he began to realize the injustice in his own ideology. I find Malcolm X's critical insight very impressive. Even in the face of fierce opposition and external trials. He realized the moral failure of his movement. In view of the greatness of the nation of Islam, he found a new path in 1964.

In the same year, he went to Mecca for Hajj. where he first saw the racial diversity within Islam. He saw a clear absence of racial prejudice in the way Muslims interacted with each other.

 and this experience taught Malcolm that people of different races could live together. After this decisive experience of universal morality. Malcolm X (who began to call himself Alhaj Malik al-Shahbaz). began to seek a balance between his belief in universal Islam. and his political views centered on the African race and culture. 

Returning to America from Mecca. Shahbaz was a changed person. Although he was still fighting for the freedom of blacks. his angry racist rhetoric and style were replaced by a universal demand for justice.

 He now believed that he could partner with non-Muslims. and whites to build the United States. and a world free of racial hatred and domination. To spread this message, he gave speeches in various colleges. Unfortunately, Shahbaz was killed before his fortieth birthday.

As well as being a special movement for African Americans. Shahbaz is a hero to millions of people in the United States. and around the world. He has taught people how to stand up for themselves with pride and dignity.

 For Muslims, it is a moment that connects America spiritually with the Muslim world. For Americans, he is one of the founders of their nation. It may have emerged two hundred years after the founding of this nation.

 but like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and President Obama. it has further strengthened the nation's supreme principle. that all human beings are created on the basis of equality.

This is the legacy of Malcolm X who is still alive years later. his struggle and the fight for rights will be a beacon for future generations.

Riots against racism

White Racism and Black Racism



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