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Technology: Mercy or A dissonant

 Technology: Mercy or A dissonant

  Technology, mercy, or a dissonant in the world of life, innovation, and science are not wrong or negative. The development of resource production and technology has played a decisive role in the social evolution of the generation of human beings.

The problem is that the development of new discoveries, inventions, and technology in this class society is aimed at exploiting human labor and increasing the rate of the profitability of capitalists rather than smithing human life. Capitalism founded by the industrial revolution in the 18th century gave birth to modern states and developed industrial societies in Europe and later in some other areas in its initial pledge.

Technology: Mercy or A dissonant
Technology: Mercy or A dissonant

 But today, the system is also declining in developed countries. This once high standard of the living system has reached the limit that every development in technology increases the disinvestment and demand rather than meeting human needs. Therefore, the mind is compelled to think that technology mercy or dissonant.

The ruling classes resort to wars as well as new inventions to help their systems belong and out of the crisis. From the steam engine to the electricity and assembly the line to the Internet, the purpose of inventions in this system has always been to accelerate production and increase the profit rate; new technology is introduced and then made human need by marketing.

 Social psychology is constantly attracted to areas that are more profitable. This unfinished source of capital is a real and basic human being.

Proper accommodation, a healthy diet, a clean water supply, and a drain system are far more important human needs than mobile phones. But the system has placed "smartphones" in the hands of the vast majority of the population, who live in narrow and dark streets, are forced to drink malnutrition and dirty water. Life preferences have been demystonous.

The development of science and technology nonetheless pushes human consciousness, which is a progressive aspect. Conservatives have always tried to keep historical evolution static by opposing new inventions and scientific theories. Socket preferred to do a cup of poison when he accepted his head before regression.

Dozens of great scientists and philosophers like Giordano Bruno were burnt alive in the effort to challenge the church's earlier beliefs. Galileo was kept under life-long detention in the mere "crime" that he had proved the church's belief around the earth of the sun to be scientific.

But killing individuals do not kill theories. Conservatives also go the path of hypocrisy when they fail to turn the wheel back into history. Mullah, who has issued a fatwa against television in the past, today suspects that air time is less.

The use of the loudspeaker was once disbelief, with dozens of loudspeakers installed at each mosque today. In order to make human society more remote in its far-fetched beliefs, beliefs. 

In general, after World War II and over the last few decades, capitalism has shifted the production process from large manpower to modern machines and robots to get out of the rate of profit reduction crisis.

This type of Capital Intensive investment increases the yield and rate of profit (from time to time) but does not create new employment. Thus, modern technology in this system is creating large scale unemployment and poverty rather than making human life slight.

 The contradiction of capitalism is that the wages of the working class are the only market power. So the result of changing man with robots is emerging in the form of market contraction and overproduction crisis. As productivity increases with technology development, the economic crisis is deepening as the people have no money in their pocket stake to buy and eat this production.

The main journal of global capitalism, the Economist writes in its recent account on the situation: "The massive change and distribution of work (nature) of the innovation revolution in technology is not an example in the last hundred years. A few labor workers are creating wealth in a big way but income (wages) are not increasing.

Countries like Germany and the UK, where employment is growing, are getting the most reduction in wages. The uplift of intelligent machines means more and more workers will be put at risk.

In modern age, more wealth production has reduced employment. As technology develops, more jobs will be lost and more workers will have to work at lower wages. These things, in the Communist see, are nothing less than a confession to capitalism that has become a life of life rather than technological mercy.

John Menard Keynes, the most famous capitalist economist of the last century, was written in 1930 by a book titled "Economic Possible sins of our future generations." Keeping in view the development of technology in this book, Keynes predicted that in the next hundred years (i.e. by 2030) despite the man's man-to-life increase, weekly working hours would come up to 15 hours and in Keynes's words, "for the first time since his creation, man will face a real and permanent problem."

 How to use your free time with wisdom in a pleasant way after being free from economic difficulties. Keynes's prediction of technology development has been more or less accurate but he was overly over-supprising about capitalism.

In the last nearly a century, even in the most advanced industrial countries, the working hours are not only frozen, but the economic attacks of the new liberalism have forced workers to do more than "legal hours."

This economy of market, profit, and lust will continue to enslave man rather than benefit him from technology. Today, technology and productivity are capable of ending unemployment, shortage, and poverty globally in a few years by taking up to two hours of daily work hours.

Revolutionary socialism means the end of human exploitation at the hands of man and production for human needs rather than profit. In a socialist society, one can travel through the universe of the world with technology as its own.

Unnecessary use of mobile phones

In today's pledge, the role of mobile phones in most people's lives is taking on more importance than anyone's body. Inside the house, wake up in sleep, every human holding a mobile, and this mobile has a man in a grip.

In particular, the majority of the new generation that is paralyzed directly between social relationships and has restricted humans is dying in a way laptops and mobile phone screens.

 It is not a far-designated thing that even without these toys of technology, people are used to leading a good life. There were contacts and relationships and were much more revision and pure than today. Love was also used to go on, love was also there, and even far away, the intimacy of humans was much more than today.

Even if it is a matter of physical and psychological illnesses that are associated with these "bacteria," these lives that revolve around mobile, internet, and social media demonstrate spiritual poverty.

 They are signs of alienation, which is based on the historical monotheism of the social and economic system which exists in human beings. Self-feeling is growing, emotions have been eliminated, and thought is necessary.

 Even in a crowd, the feeling of isolation is so strong in every heart that sometimes social networking websites try to end up with video games. Most dialogues revolve around transactions and calculations of money when reviewed for mobile phone dialogues. Most effort is made to suppress or remove the inner feeling of a specific, maximum fault flower. Therefore, it is the question that technology is a mercy or a disservice. Please write about it.

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