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Interesting facts about the US election


Interesting facts about the US election

It is important for the new generation to be aware of the interesting facts about the US election. Very few people may be aware of this fact. So for their information, here are some interestingfacts about the US election. Hopefully, this will add to your knowledge.

Why US elections are held on Tuesdays only

Why are elections always held on Tuesdays? Voting rates in the United States are lower than in democracies, and more than 25 percent of those who do not vote do not have time to vote. Despite this, all efforts to hold the presidential election over the weekend have so far failed. Presidential elections in the United States are always held on the first Tuesday in November.

Interesting facts about the US election
Interesting facts about the US election


This ritual started in the year 1845 and has been going on ever since. In fact, the United States was an agricultural country in the 19th century, and it took farmers a long time to get to the nearest polling booth on their horse-drawn carriages. They were working on Saturday and it was not possible to walk on Sunday to reach the polls on Monday. Wednesday was the day to sell grain in the market and then the farmers had to return. There was only one day left. Which was Tuesday that is why the tradition of polling on this day has been established.


The game of sunglasses In America, it is almost impossible to take a picture of a teacher wearing sunglasses. People there want to talk to their leaders face to face. Have you ever seen Obama or Bush in black glasses? Perhaps Americans think that if someone's eyes are covered, it can't be trusted much.


Interesting facts about the US election
Interesting facts about the US election

Voters in the US state of Nevada have the right to vote for 'neither' of the two candidates. If voters do not like any of the names on the ballot paper, they can select the 'None of the Candidates' option.


This option has been available on the ballot paper since 1906. The address is a strange ritual for a lifetime in the The United States. He calls out as if it were a speech.


There is only one president at a time in the United States, but you can hear people in the United States saying President Obama, President Bush, and President Clinton in the same sentence. Shows the dignity of It shows that we are democratic. These are all very important positions so it becomes like a professional speech.

"It's like a judge or a doctor retiring," he said. Even after leaving the job, these people are still called judges or doctors.

Four presidents in US history have won the presidency despite receiving fewer votes than their rivals. The reason for this is to get a majority of "electoral votes" in order to become president. In the presidential election, any candidate who gets 270 electoral votes becomes president.


Each US state has an "electoral vote" based on its population, and all of these are given to the candidate who wins the state general election. In the recent 2000 presidential election, Al Gore George W. Bush received more than half a million votes, but he fell behind in the electoral tally, and according to some experts, this could happen again. Get equal electoral votes what happens if that happens?


In that case, the president is elected by the US House of Representatives. If this situation is applied to the current election, an interesting situation emerges. If Trump and Joe Biden get equal electoral votes, the president will decide where he whichever party has the majority at the time, its candidate will win.


Interestingly, in such a case, the Senate has the right to elect the Vice President.


Only one-third of the United States will decide the outcome of the crucial November 3 election. In fact, the four most populous states in the United States are either fully aligned with the Republican Party or with the Democratic Party. Even presidential candidates are not campaigning in these states.


Interesting facts about the US election
Interesting facts about the US election

Seventy percent of voters in Texas, Georgia, New York, Illinois, and thirty-five other protected states have a clear trend because they already know which state is with whom. The result will depend on the 30 percent of American voters who live in states called "swing states" or "downtrodden states." Unregistered voters in North Dakota and North Dakota is the only American


There is a state where you do not have to register to vote. Registration in the state was canceled in 1951. In order to vote here, you must be a U.S. citizen 18 years of age or older who has resided in the state for 30 days. Smaller units are set up where election staff usually know each person personally who will come to vote. According to the state home secretary, if a person cannot be identified by the staff, he or she has to show his or her identity document.

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