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Importance of History


Regarding the importance of history, it is said that history is the knowledge that reveals the facts of the past. It is also said that history is the memory of nations. It is often said that what is the use of history when every passing day becomes history by passing away.

Everything that man uses becomes part of history and continues to be used because of innovation. The ancients used to tell stories which were listened to with great interest, in which the words of wisdom and their own experiences were prominent.

Importance of History
 Importance of History

Just as the story is about the past, so is history about the past. But the difference between them is that stories and tales were fabricated while all the effort of history is to narrate past events in the most accurate and unbiased way and that is why the door of creation remains open in history. ۔

Beginning of history: -

How the conditions and events of the nations and civilizations that appeared on the face of the earth thousands of years ago were researched are as astonishing as the inventions of modern science. From the beginning of the world to the present time, man has gone through different periods, in each age, he has reached different stages of development. He led a nomadic life from wild and savage life, then developed a tribal feeling.

Importance of History
 Importance of History

He established settlements, started farming in fertile areas, laid the foundations of cities and empires. He not only provided the necessities of life but also invented them. As he gained access to various sciences, as his powers of thinking and understanding increased, he realized along with his own abilities, that there must be someone who is the giver of these abilities and the creator of this universe. ۔

Sometimes he considered the sun as the source of power and sometimes the moon and stars, sometimes he worshiped his hand-made idols, and sometimes he kept bowing his head before the real master. The nature of the relationship between the Creator and the creatures took the form of different religions, and the various prophets, through their teachings, greatly increased man's knowledge, intellect, and cognition. Thus this caravan of civilizations and religions continued to grow and become history. That is, every event that is so important that it is not easily forgotten becomes a legacy of history.

The present and future of history: -

The importance of history is that history is not only a picture of the past but also a mirror for the present and the future. It is imperative that every situation and future be transformed into the past and become a legacy of history. Knowledge of history shows how the present and the future can be improved from the past. There is a well-known saying that history repeats itself.

Just as the results of science experiments are repeated, the results are the same as they were before, and if the events of history are repeated, the results will be the same as before.

It has been said that history and politics go hand in hand, just as history cannot be separated from politics, so it is not possible to separate it from other social sciences. The social and economic progress of man, the stories of his civilization and culture, the caravans of his sciences and religions, and the events of his own rise and fall have reached us through history. That is why history has been important in every age.

Therefore, the effect of history is a clear thing and this knowledge is also the knowledge of struggle which has been going on since prehistoric times. Man has always tried to overcome difficulties. And as he overcame difficulties, he became more civilized and developed.

According to Professor Toynbee's theory, the reason the man was civilized was not that he was superior to other creatures, but because of the bravery and courage with which he faced adversity.

Importance of History
 Importance of History

In the beginning, the minority of human beings became civilized, but the development of civilization means that this minority made the majority of human beings civilized. He not only seized the resources of nature but also established order in life. Taught respect for principles, traditions, and the law, and took responsibility for protecting life and property in society.

In this way, a small group of people sets up villages and towns under the guise of government. Established states and empires. In ancient times the government of Egypt built pyramids, and today the governments of the world are throwing splinters at the moon and the stars.

That is to say, it is important to understand the importance of history, and it is history that guides development. The common question is, what is the use of studying history? This question is important because its satisfactory answer makes the importance of history very clear.

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